I Tried 5 Things To Fix My Slice And Only One Worked
A lifelong golfer’s journey from almost quitting to hitting straighter, longer tee shots that made golf fun again…
– By Frank Thompson.
“Why are you wasting your time if you’re not getting any better? That doesn’t sound like any fun.”
It’s hard to explain to my wife why I struggled for years – and spent thousands of dollars trying to fix my slice.
And fact is, I learned the hard way most solutions don’t work well after 60.
But that’s why I’m excited to write this article. Because I just found a simple slice fix that works with my swing, instead of trying to change it.
This is for any golfer who wants to save time and truly enjoy the best years of their life – on the golf course!
Wish I Found This Years Ago…
For years, my slice destroyed my confidence to the point I almost quit. My body hurt from practice but I was getting worse.
I used to “only” miss right 2 or 3 times per round but over the last few years old football injuries caught up to me and made it hard to rotate.
I was so stiff my swing got short and tight so I was losing distance AND slicing the ball more often.
It got so bad I had to start counting how many balls were in my bag before I played 18 holes.
And the worst thing was hearing my grandkids say “it’s alright grandpa, tee up another one.”
I remember thinking, “am I getting too old for the game?”
Golf wasn’t fun anymore.
Searching for lost balls, taking penalty shots, having to punch out to get back in play.
And listening to unwanted ‘helpful’ advice from guys in my men’s league. No thanks.
I mean, I love playing with the fellas but it got old. Every time, I wanted to enjoy myself a bit more. I wanted to take my grandsons out. I wanted them to actually see their grandpa can golf.
The course is the place I got their attention away from work and life.
But I’d started turning down invitations to play with them because I felt too frustrated with my game. I was slowing them down.
I’m sharing my experience with you for one reason and one reason only…
Because I wish someone would have shared this with me and saved me years of trial and error.
Here’s A List Of Five Slice “Fixes” I Tried And The One That Finally Worked!
1. Swing Tips And Practice
Despite what they promise on YouTube…
Or well-meaning (but unwanted and irritating) swing tips from friends…
I found that without trained eyes and constant feedback, swing tips are at best a temporary fix. They’d work one day – just to let me down the next.
I tried everything from…
Set Up Tips – Like A Stronger Grip
Eventually, I got used to it – but it didn’t fix my slice… And created new swing flaws. Plus, on the days when my body was more stiff, I would right one right, then overcorrect and pull one dead left.
Drills – Like “Swinging Out To Rightfield”
Those drills where you lift the club above your head, rotate, then swing out to “right field.” This helped me swing more from the inside, but I still struggled to release the face and square it up — especially on the course when I’d forget to think about it.
On-Course Strategy – Like “Just play it”
“Aim left and play it.” Not so much a swing tip – just terrible advice. Because I could also still hit it straight-ish. So it meant I was penalised for hitting good shots – while I trained myself to hit bad shots.
As time went on…
I collected a toolkit of contradicting swing thoughts that killed my consistency.
And when tension or tiredness got the better of me… I’d either over compensate – or revert back to the way I’ve been swinging for the past 40 years.
2. Lessons With A Pro
Lessons sound great in theory. But in reality?
Not so much.
What I wish the pro had told me up front – was that a few lessons wouldn’t cut it. I needed a major swing change. Which is a slow and drawn-out process. It requires time and consistent practice.
See, I’d get a lesson ($175)… I’d go “practice”… (forget important details or work on the wrong thing)…. Then go for another ($175) lesson.
And during the process, my game got worse – and I never knew why…
So I’d wait a week or two for my next ($175) lesson… By which time I’d often reverted back to my original swing flaws again. Because that’s how muscle memory works. It’s a habit and the brain loves habit (even bad ones).
Somewhere around the $2,700 mark… with no end in sight, I pulled the plug. I’m retired, and have other financial priorities.
To be clear – I’m not saying there’s not good coaches out there. Or that lessons don’t work for anyone.
I know they can and do help a lot of golfers. For me, personally – I haven’t found the right coach.
Plus, I don’t want to invest so much money into lessons and time into practice – I want to be on the course, enjoying the game!
3. Swing Training Aids
I admit it – I’m a sucker for training aides.
Some are ok – most are just gimmicks. My garage is full of them…
Everything from the “old school” Medicus… “Classics” like swing-training ropes… or the latest whippy Lag Shot.
I enjoyed toying with them. And deep down I want to believe they’ll work…
And while some helped with one part of my swing… like the Lag Shot was good for tempo… they hurt another part. So I had to hop back and forth between them, in an endless swing experiment.
In the end?
Some eventually made my swing “different”… but didn’t really make my game much better.
And none of them helped to fix my slice.
4. Flexibility And Mobility Program
All my buddies, who’ve been retired as long as me, ask about this one all the…
See, I worked with a coach for several months in a specialized golf fitness program, to help improve my rotation and hopefully help my game.
I’m sure you know – As we age, we lose flexibility, muscle elasticity, and hip mobility…
Which is why I’ve gradually lost distance year after year…
And why it becomes more difficult to fix a slice. Because as I now know, limited hip mobility increases my tendency to come over-the-top and swipe across the ball.
Did it help me fix my slice?
Simply improving flexibility and mobility is not enough to fix a slice.
In hindsight – Back when I had prime fitness and mobility, I still had my slice…
In fact, 90% of golfers slice – irrespective of age.
Was mobility and fitness training worth it?
It’s made a world of difference for my health… my energy levels… and my ability to enjoy my days – both on and off the course!!
Even if you only have a few minutes – I’d still recommend simple daily mobility exercises.
And your wife will thank you ;)
(I’ll share some links below).
5. The Solution!?
I still can’t believe I’m saying this…
Because I’ve wasted thousands of dollars on drivers from the big-name golf brands…
Even paid for custom fittings… Having bought into their “extra distance”, “forgiveness”, and “draw-bias” claims…
Just to be let down and disappointed on the course — pretty much every time.
Maybe it’s me – Maybe I lack the speed… or the timing to get them to work.
Either way – I felt like an idiot in front of my friends…
Pulling another +$500 driver from my bag – but never able to control which way my ball went.
And every time I saw those foolish purchases show up on my bank statement – it hurt!!
Naturally, I vowed never to risk my hard earned dollars on a “driver dreams” again.
Which as backwards as it sounds, is probably…
The only reason I tried the SF1 Slice Fix Driver…
See, the SF1 offers something no other driver does…
What makes the SF1 unique, is it’s specifically designed for amateurs – where the big brands cater to the pros.
Every feature is designed to help everyday golfers square the face “automatically”…
Especially for guys like me with slower swing speeds and less rotation.
So in theory, it can fix “any” slice.
I remember looking at their video, thinking “probably won’t work for me”… But the more I watched it, the more interesting it got.
The tipping point was the 1-year trial period.
Because unlike the other big-name brands – With the SF1, they give a full year to use it, hit it, and test it.
With a no-fees, risk-free 100% money back guarantee – Which is unheard of!!
So even if I left it in the box for months… Or played with it for 365 days – then told them I didn’t want it…
Their guarantee was that I’d get 100% of my money back.
So even though I was still skeptical, I decided to give it a shot…
High Draw On The First Swing!
I still remember how seeing that first shot made me feel…
Before that day – I’d only hit a draw by accident.
I couldn’t believe it at first, but as I kept using the driver, I realized it wasn’t a fluke.
And no, I didn’t practice beforehand… I did nothing to change my swing… And had no particular swing thoughts.
Because the SF1 is designed to work with a swing that tends to slice – not against it.
It’s designed with strategic weighting to help square the face for you (which, in my opinion, is pretty smart).
And now that I’ve been using it for almost a year – I can tell you with certainty, it’s staying in my bag!!
I’m hitting twice as many fairways in regulation, (about 25 yards farther too simply hitting straighter)…
And I can go rounds without losing a single ball to my slice.
And yes – Golf is much less effort and more enjoyable, now that I’m no longer hunting for my ball, and I have easier approach shots into the greens.
Most importantly, though, it feels great to walk onto every tee-box. I’m confident where my ball is going to go.
I can pull driver out even if there’s water or out of bounds right and it’s a dogleg left. That’s a good feeling.
And I love that the swing-tips and advice from other golfers has stopped!
They are asking me about the driver… but I’m happy to share my secret.
I’m now able to fully enjoy my time on the course… My rounds with my friends…
And the quality time (and family competition) with my sons and grandchildren.
For me, that’s what enjoying golf is all about.
The Big Question…
Is this Slice-Fix Driver right for you?
Only you can be the judge of that.
All I can say for certain is it worked for me – And it’s working for thousands of other golfers like me.
Will it work for you too?
You have to try it yourself – That’s the ONLY way to know for sure.
Take it onto your local course, and test it.
And EVEN IF YOU LOVE it on day 1, you can keep playing with it – And still keep the option to get your money back at the end of 12 months.
I’ll drop the link for you below where I bought the driver. Click that link to see if they’ve got any in stock.
My Hope For You
My hope in sharing this is that you don’t waste time or money like I had to.
And that you don’t waste the best years of your golfing life – without at least knowing there’s a simple guaranteed alternative.
I wasted years trying to change my swing… but what worked for me was something that worked with my swing, instead of against it.
Whatever you choose – Wishing you every success on your journey with this great game.
Your friend in good golf,
Frank Thompson
P.S. –
I know this might all sound too good to be true. I’d never seen anything like this actually work before either.
But I’ve never heard of a big club company giving you a full year trial (365 days) to test the club.
Which means you don’t have to “believe” anything. You get a full year to prove it for yourself.
So if you’re curious, you might as well at least see what they have to say.
Then you have the best information to choose what’s best for you.