Now Through , You Can Grab You Can Grab The Complete
Automatic Accuracy System For $150 OFF!
PLUS, Get 3 Exclusive Video Training Bonuses Valued At $491… FREE!
This discount offer expires at
If you want to hit fairway after fairway, on command…
And gain 15 to 25 yards off the tee…
Then, as shocking as this may sound…
You need to STOP aiming at your target…
And STOP trying to hit the ball straight.
Because you’re about to discover why even…
Tiger Said, “The Hardest
Shot To Hit…
Is A
Straight Shot…”
Why having a predictable, controlled ball flight is the most important aspect of golf…
And why — what I’m about to show you is the ONLY simple, reliable system… to make your accuracy off the tee automatically more consistent…
So you flush shot after shot perfectly ON-TARGET…
Without worrying about hitting the ball straight — ever again.
Because you and I both know…
If you could just hit your target more often…
All Your Struggles As A Golfer Would
Disappear — Permanently
No more nervous jitters on the first tee…
No more duck hooks or banana slices that fly out
of bounds…
And no more penalty strokes that cause blow up
holes and ruin your entire round.
Hi, I’m Martin Chuck.
And if you’re anything like the 50,000 amateurs
I’ve worked with over the last 35 years…
The Second You Begin Using
What I Call
The “Accuracy
You’ll see just how easy it is to…
- Sync up your swing path and clubface…
- Hit predictable, on-target tee shots…
- And find 12 or more fairways every round…
Even when the pressure’s on.
I spent decades working with professional players…. And even Major winners like Darren Clarke and Mike Weir…
As well as carefully analyzing Trackman data from tens of thousands of amateurs.
So now it ONLY takes minutes to get YOUR swing in the Accuracy Window.
This guarantees your uncontrollable ball flight gets turned into…
Beautifully Shaped
Shots That Fly Up To
Yards Further — Directly
On Target
Because this “Accuracy Window” accounts for the natural deviations every player has in their swing.
I’ve even tested and proven this in over 1,000 live golf academies with
high-handicappers who struggle with every swing flaw you can think of…
And EVERYONE who’s ever used it…
Eliminates at least 30 yards of dispersion off the tee… and instantly hits more fairways.
Bottom line is…
Once You See How Easy It Is
To Swing
Within The
Accuracy Window…
You’ll realize that to hit consistently accurate shots, you don’t need to be as naturally gifted as the top guys on tour…
You don’t have to swing slower or sacrifice any distance…
And you won’t get frustrated…
Thinking you’re making progress… only to step out on the course and end up right back where you started — NEVER shooting the lower scores you know you’re capable of.
So Watch Closely And I’ll
Show You
The Real Root
Cause Of Your Inaccuracy
Look at this guy… he’s got a pretty good swing path, and yet his ball flight is still a nasty slice…
Similarly, look at this guy…
He also has a consistent swing path, but he’s hitting pull hooks every time…
And then this player?
Well, he appears to have a really solid swing…
But he’s pushing it over 40 yards right of his target.
What’s The ONE THING
These Players Have
In Common?
If you don’t see it by now…
They’re ALL aiming their clubface directly at the target at setup.
And that’s why I say… if you REALLY want to become a consistently accurate player…
The first thing you need to understand is the ROOT CAUSE of your inaccuracy right now…
Which is…
That’s so important, I’ll say it again…
The reason you or ANY golfer on the planet is struggling with accuracy is because in order to hit your target…
The club can’t aim at the target at set up.
I know aiming at your target seems like the logical thing to do.
And you’re probably wondering…
“Well, if I don’t aim at my target, where on earth DO I aim?”
Let me walk you through it right now.
As you probably know…
In Your Golf Swing
There Are TWO
THINGS That Determine Your Ball Flight…
- The direction your club path is traveling in the downswing
- Where the clubface is pointed at impact
So If At Set Up, You’re
Aiming Your
Clubface At
The Target, Then Your Path
And Face Also Need To Be
Aligned With The
Target At Impact
This isn’t repeatable… even for the BEST pros.
I can’t stress this enough.
It leaves you with ZERO margin of error and…
NO “Accuracy Window” In
Your Swing
Because when you try aiming directly at the target…
Any tiny deviation from the perfect path OR the perfect face angle… will cause your ball flight to be totally unpredictable.
This Is Why Aiming
Straight At Your
Target Is
So Unreliable
Think about it like walking a tightrope
WITHOUT a balance pole…
You have NO margin for error.
Every step has to be PERFECT.
And if you slow down… or make one
tiny misstep to the left, OR the right…
you’re done.
The same thing happens when you try
aiming directly at the target.
Even the slightest deviation in your club path and face angle at impact, and…
You Will NOT Hit Your Ball
On A Rope
And while ALL players have a repeatable club path…
Yes, all players — even you — have a repeatable path…
No golfer has a consistent clubface at impact.
And that’s completely normal.
The real reason that aiming directly at your target… and hitting it consistently… is almost impossible is because…
Like Even Tiger Woods Once
Said… The Hardest Shot To
Hit Is
A Straight Shot…
And if Tiger said that… Hopefully you see why aiming straight is NOT a reliable shot off the tee.
And when some players hear this, they think:
“Okay Martin, but if I just swing slower… it’ll make it easier to get my path and face perfectly aligned with the target, right?”
That’s a mistake too…
Because, you STILL need a perfect 0.0 face to path at impact.
Any deviation and your ball will STILL fly AWAY from your target.
Trackman Analysis Found
Swinging Slower Only
Accuracy… But COSTS You
EVEN MORE Distance
Which means you take more shots to the green…
And we both know that makes it impossible to score well.
That means you have two choices. You can rely on luck to keep your ball in play.
Or you can use what I know is the ONLY way to gain consistent accuracy… without needing a perfect swing.
The “Accuracy Window”…
Here’s how it works…
Instead of aiming your clubface at the target… which as you now know, requires you to have a perfectly aligned face to path to hit it straight…
The Accuracy Window gives you margin for error…
And makes it easy to gently curve the ball towards your target and hit accurate shots on command.
Here’s What It Looks Like
Someone Who Wants To
The Ball Left To Right…
Alright, so the red is your target line…
And the yellow line is your club path.
In this example the club path is traveling from outside the target to inside 3 degrees.
The White Space BETWEEN
The Club
Path And The
Target… THAT Is
Your Accuracy Window
As long as your clubface is ANYWHERE inside that window at impact…
The ball will gently fade back to your target line….
Without exception.
Which is exactly what you want, because a gentle curve plays every hole.
So even without a perfect swing and an out-to-in club path…
The Accuracy Window
Gives You
Accuracy And A
Predictable Ball Flight…
So your ball ends up in the middle of the fairway. Every single time.
Now let me show you how the Accuracy Window also works for hitting draws too…
Take a look…
In this case the red is still your target line… the yellow is your club path…
And now the path is traveling in-to-out 3 degrees.
The White Space In
Between… Is Your
Window And You’ll Hit
Fairway After Fairway,
You’ve still got all this margin for error.
Because again, as long as your clubface is inside the Accuracy Window, you WILL draw the ball back to your target line.
The bottom line is…
As long as you’re inside the Accuracy Window…
You’ll Have More
Predictable Ball Flight…
Added Distance… And A
Dispersion Pattern
And it doesn’t matter if you hit draws or fades…
If you tend to miss right or left…
Or if you have a totally unpredictable two-way miss with a TON of dispersion right now.
Even if you’ve never thought about club path or clubface angle before today…
All you need to know is…
The Accuracy Window
Accounts For The
Club Path And Clubface
Deviations In Your
Current Swing…
And gently curves the ball back to your target line…
WITHOUT having to aim straight at setup… or get lucky hitting a straight shot at your target.
So how do you start reliably hitting tee shots inside this Accuracy Window?
Well after giving over 50,000 in-person lessons… and hosting over 1,000 golf academies…
I perfected something that I now call the…
Automatic Accuracy
That easily and naturally gets your path and clubface in the Accuracy Window.
So you can dial in a consistent, predictable ball flight that hits 12 or more fairways a round… and flies 15 to 25 yards farther.
It’s easy…
Because this system gives you a PREDICTABLE margin for error… using your natural swing.
And it works fast… so you don’t have to worry about spending weeks… months… or years banging balls aimlessly on the range.
How do I know? Because…
I Recently Tested The
Automatic Accuracy
System In
A Live
Group Lesson…
Where I lined up a dozen struggling amateur students…
Players of all ages… with all different physicalities, swings, and handicaps.
From beginners…
To experienced golfers who’d been playing for decades without getting any better…
And even some who had the driving yips so bad they refused to hit driver off the tee.
I Had LESS THAN One Hour
To Get Them
The Accuracy Window…
And no time to work with each student one-on-one…
So I showed the entire group the Automatic Accuracy System at the same time.
Check out what happened…
Let Me Give You INSTANT
Online Access
To The
Automatic Accuracy
So in less than a minute from now…
You can watch this exclusive video training…
At your convenience… from any computer, smartphone, or tablet…
Anytime… as many times as you want…
Even while you’re out on the range!
It’s like having me right there with you… helping you dial in your dispersion.
Actually scratch that…
It’s Better Than Having Me
There By Your Side…
Because I’m going to walk you through the Automatic Accuracy System,
And I’ve covered every possible question you could have.
Questions that we would NEVER have enough time to answer during an in-person lesson.
Because with the Automatic Accuracy System, I leave no stone unturned.
You’ll always have LIFETIME access to everything… and it’s just a couple clicks away.
Feedback on these video lessons has already started pouring in…
And Golfers Are Using
The Automatic
System To Become
More Accurate
And Consistent
Ever Before…
Pretty amazing, right?
Now, I could just give you the Automatic Accuracy System and send you on your way…
And in no time at all you’d be playing the most accurate golf of your life.
But that’s not enough for me…
I want you to reach your true potential as a golfer…
So I’m adding some free bonus gifts when you get started today.
I’m handing you the secret to ratchet up your swing speeds…
… so you can add 25 to 35 more yards off the tee…
I call this the…
Bonus 1: Simple Speed
Here’s the thing…
After using The Automatic Accuracy System your dispersion pattern will be so tight…
That I know you’ll be chomping at the bit to release the brakes and really let it fly…
This series shows you exactly what to do on the range….
So You Increase Your Swing
Speeds AND Get Maximum
Distance With Your Driver
WITHOUT swinging harder.
And that’s why inside this series… I’ll show you ONE simple tweak you can make to your setup…
… that will automatically have you flushing the sweet spot…
And hitting up on the ball…
… sending your drives higher and farther than you’ve ever seen before.
Hitting that first monster drive…while your buddies watch in amazement…
Is gonna feel awesome.
The Simple Speed System Bonus
Has Over A Dozen
Training Videos That Walk You
Through EVERYTHING You Need…
To increase your clubhead speed…
Explode through the impact zone…
And add even more distance to your drives.
It’s actually a full blown training series that sells for $197 on our website…
But since you’ve shown so much dedication to fixing your accuracy issues today…
And I want you to have everything you need to DOMINATE with your driver….
I’m adding in this special bonus FREE when you get started today.
But honestly… I’m only just getting started…
Because like I said…
I’m fully committed to making sure that after today…
You have everything you need to end up playing the best golf of your life… and truly master your accuracy…
That’s why I’m throwing in ANOTHER extremely valuable bonus …
Bonus 2: The Approach
Shot Accuracy Series
Where I share how to dial in your precision with the next most important clubs in your bag…
Your hybrids and fairway woods.
So you can attack flags from 200 yards and in.
Which is only going to help you lower your scores even more.
In this mini-series I’ll show you how to use the same principles from the main Automatic Accuracy System…
To dial in your dispersion on your approach shots.
This will take your newfound accuracy to a whole ‘nother level…
And give you the confidence of a player with total control of your game.
But I’m not done yet…
I want you to have everything you need to lower your scores.
That’s why I also filmed an entire video series to help you MASTER your short game.
Bonus 3: Winning Wedges
I see SO many amateurs picking up unnecessary strokes from inside 50 yards…
And I don’t want that for you.
That terrible sinking feeling after a skulled pitch… watching that ball scream across the green with no hope of stopping…
A chunked chip that doesn’t go more than a couple yards… or leaving a ball in the bunker when you’re so close you could throw it into the hole…
All that ends TODAY.
Because I’m also going to give you my Winning Wedges formula — this way you can capitalize on your long, straight drives…
And ultimately lower your handicap.
Bottom line… you’ll be throwing deadly accurate darts with your wedges.
And you won’t pay a single penny for this training either.
Because it’s yours, absolutely free when you join us today.
And I’m not stopping there…I’ve still got one more bonus for you…
Bonus 4: A Free 14-Day
Pass To Our
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club is your “All-Access Pass” to never-before-seen video training from some of the world’s top golf instructors.
It’s designed to drop strokes from your scorecard every month by accelerating your improvement in each key area of the game.
You’ll be gaining insider-access to score-dropping secrets normally reserved for the most elite players in the world…
From high-level coaches like…
James Sieckmann
9-Time PGA Section Teacher Of The Year
The #1 ranked short game coach in the world according to Golf Digest. Golf Magazine calls him “The Short Game Guru to the Pros”…
Kevin Weeks
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher
Top 3 ranked putting teacher in the world and a Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher for 9 years in a row.
Dr. Deborah Graham
Golf Digest Top 5 Golf Psychologist In The World
She’s trained more than 400 tour pros… including pros like Freddie Couples and Lee Janzen that have 400 tour wins and 31 major championships to their credit.
Nick Bradley
Elite Instructor & Author
The guy Golf Digest says is one of the “most innovative instructors in the world” and who worked with Justin Rose when he went from #125 to #5 in the world golf rankings.
Eric Cogorno
Forbes Featured Instructor
A Forbes-featured instructor with over 30,000 lessons under his belt… He’s known for his unique way of helping amateurs shave strokes from their scorecard.
All these great players and coaches are inside Scratch Club…
It’s insane… the best of the best, all in one place.
You Can Think Of It As
“The Netflix Of Golf”…
Just choose the part of your game you want to improve… and you’ll find a clear step-by-step plan from some of the world’s greatest teachers.
With this high-level training… Scratch Club members are seeing a 5-stroke reduction (on average) within the first 30 days alone.
And you’ll love this part most…
You Get A Full
14 Days To See How
Incredible Scratch Club
Really Is…
If you love it, then do nothing and we’ll keep you on as a charter member for a discounted price of just….
$29 a month….
Which will bill automatically.
You can cancel any time by emailing
And of course, no matter what you decide you’ll keep lifetime access to the Automatic Accuracy System…
Simply because I want you to be the most accurate player you know.
Here’s Everything Included
With The
Accuracy System…
The Simple Speed System… that increases your
swing speeds… and gives you another 25 to 35
yards of distance off the tee…
$197.00 value FREE
Approach Shot Accuracy… So you’re a truly
accurate player in total control of your hybrids
and fairway woods…
$197.00 value FREE
Winning Wedges… So you can stick it from
anywhere inside 50 yards…
$97.00 value FREE
And your all access pass to Scratch Club — which
gives you the perfect plan to reach your desired
handicap as fast as possible..
$197.00 value FREE
That’s $688 in REAL value that you’re getting absolutely FREE…
As Soon As You Invest In
The Automatic
System Today
Given all that… the only questions you probably have at this point are…
1 – How do I get started? And…
2 – How much is this going to cost?
Well, simply by reading this page you’ve already shown me you understand that accuracy is the key to good golf…
So I want to hand you the complete Automatic Accuracy System… that gives you pinpoint accuracy…
Plus $688 in FREE bonuses…
For just one payment of $47.
That’s over $150 OFF what The Automatic Accuracy System will sell for on our website…
And over $2,500 off what it would cost to learn this system from me in person at one of my academies…
To get started and END your accuracy issues immediately…
Simply click the button that’s directly below.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Access Automatic Accuracy Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $688
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100%
Back Guarantee and
Unconditional Refund Policy
The Automatic Accuracy System
Discover how to use Martin Chuck’s “Accuracy Window” to gain an easy 15-25 yards off the tee, predictably curve your ball back to the target line, and hit fairway after fairway on command. Once you do this, you’ll NEVER be tempted to leave your driver in the bag AGAIN. The Automatic Accuracy System gives you everything you need to have a predictable ball flight that ensures you play the best golf of your life… WITHOUT ever aiming at your target.
PRICE: $197.00 ONLY $47
The Simple Speed System
Once your accuracy is transformed, you’ll also want a simple system for increasing your clubhead speed. So you can explode through the impact zone… and add even more distance to your drives. This system gives you ONE simple tweak you can make to your setup… that will automatically have you flushing the sweet spot… hitting up on the ball… and sending your drives higher and farther than you ever have before.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
Approach Shot Accuracy Series
In this video series Martin shares how to use the same principles from the main Automatic Accuracy System to dial in your dispersion with the next most important clubs in your bag… your hybrids and fairway woods. So you can attack flags from 200 yards and in. This will lower your scores even more — and give you the confidence of a player with total control of your game.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
Winning Wedges
Martin shows you the easiest way to become AUTOMATIC from inside 100 yards. The Winning Wedges formula will have you instantly throwing darts, and sticking more shots around the pin. So you can take advantage of your new-found driving accuracy, lower your scores, and continue having fun on the course… as you play the best golf of your life.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
14-Day Pass To Exclusive “Scratch Club”
Get a 14-Day Free Pass to “The Netflix of Golf” — with the world’s leading collection of advanced tools and training from some of the greatest golf coaches in the world. All so you can drop 5 strokes from your handicap in the first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
(Save $838.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Click Here To Start Using The Automatic Accuracy System To
Tighten Your Dispersion Pattern, Double Your Fairways Hit, And
Gain 15-25 Yards Off the Tee — The Very Next Time You Play
This discount offer expires at
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
You’ll then be taken to our secure checkout page.
Trusted By Over 300,000
Happy Customers…
Where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll have instant access to the private members area, and the Automatic Accuracy System…
Plus all the bonuses.
Depending on what time of day it is for you… you could watch the training today…
Head to the range this afternoon — and immediately hit the most accurate golf shots of your life.
And it won’t just be once…
You’ll Hit Shot After Shot…
Flush… With
Automatic Accuracy…
Because the Automatic Accuracy System matches your clubface… to your natural club path…inside your Accuracy Window.
Giving you bigger margin for error…
And predictable ball flight that gently curves back to your target line…
With more distance than ever before…
All without having to pray you hit a straight ball.
And if you’re still thinking…
“What If This Doesn’t Work
For Me?”
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be a total outlier…
Between private lessons and golf academies I’ve worked with over 75,000 amateurs at this point in my teaching career…
And I’ve found this system works for ANYONE willing to take a couple minutes to try it out at the range…
But if you’re not completely blown away by the increased accuracy you’re experiencing…
If your scores haven’t dropped significantly…
And if you don’t absolutely LOVE it…
Know that…
Then You’re Fully Covered By My
365-Day, “Accuracy Guarantee”…
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
So you can try it out completely risk free… and take up to an entire year to decide how much you like it.
And if for ANY reason… or no reason at all… you’re not completely satisfied…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you a refund for 100% of the amount you paid for the program.
But I don’t expect that to happen.
Because the…
Automatic Accuracy
System Is Already
These Golfers Play The Best,
Most Consistent Golf Of
Their Lives:
So if you want to be just like these golfers… then take advantage of this huge discount pricing, the 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
And Act Now — Because I’m
Offering This Special
Discount Pricing
For A
Limited Time
If you come back to this presentation tomorrow, or next week, there’s a very real chance you’ll be asked to pay the full $197 listed on our main website.
Click the button below, and take advantage of this deal before it’s too late…
Like I said before, and I’ll say once more…
In Golf
Because without the ability to predict where your ball is going to go, and stop…
Nothing else matters… and the game will never be fun for you.
You’ll always be playing from the toughest lies… in tree trouble… in the rough… in bunkers… near the cart path…or just flat out OB…
With too many lost balls to count.
So right now you have a decision to make that will have a permanent effect on your golf game…
Given that there’s zero risk to you…
Doesn’t It Make Sense To At
Least Try
The Automatic
Accuracy System?
It’s already been proven in 1,000 plus academies — and it’s changed the golfing lives of thousands of happy students who I’ve worked with over the years…
Because when you invest in The Automatic Accuracy System…
You’ll immediately go from wherever you are now…
To a respectably good… or even great golfer… who can put the ball on the fairway…
And FINISH holes and entire rounds with scores you’re proud of.
You’ll feel confident with groups that previously would have terrified you…
And maybe even start taking money off those same ‘ringers’.
You’ll Be Completely
Addicted To That
Sound Of
Flush Driver Contact… And
Pinpoint Accuracy That
Comes With It
You’ll probably want to challenge yourself and see just how far you can pipe your drives…
Knowing you have more accuracy than you ever thought possible.
So click the button below and complete the secure checkout page to get access to the entire training series, so you can use The Automatic Accuracy System for immediate results.
Watch the videos… head over to your driving range… follow the steps…
And watch what happens next.
I know you’re going to love it.
You’re just a few shots away from the BEST most accurate golf of your life…
Imagine teeing the ball up, picking your target… and…
KNOWING The Ball Is Going
To Land
Within Feet Or
Inches Of That Mark
It’d be a shame to let $47 stand in the in the way of that.
And thanks to our one year, full money back guarantee… you’ve got NO risk.
After today, there’s no more spinning your wheels…
No more frustration…
No more thinking this game is too hard…
Instead you’ll be a golfer with complete control over your game. So…
Grab The Automatic
System Now
By Clicking Any
On This Page…
And improve your accuracy for life.
Thank you for reading…
And I can’t wait to hear your success story!
To Automatic Accuracy,
Martin Chuck
Top 25 Golf Instructor
50,000+ Happy Amateur Students
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Access Automatic Accuracy Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $688
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100%
Back Guarantee and
Unconditional Refund Policy
The Automatic Accuracy System
Discover how to use Martin Chuck’s “Accuracy Window” to gain an easy 15-25 yards off the tee, predictably curve your ball back to the target line, and hit fairway after fairway on command. Once you do this, you’ll NEVER be tempted to leave your driver in the bag AGAIN. The Automatic Accuracy System gives you everything you need to have a predictable ball flight that ensures you play the best golf of your life… WITHOUT ever aiming at your target.
PRICE: $197.00 ONLY $47
The Simple Speed System
Once your accuracy is transformed, you’ll also want a simple system for increasing your clubhead speed. So you can explode through the impact zone… and add even more distance to your drives. This system gives you ONE simple tweak you can make to your setup… that will automatically have you flushing the sweet spot… hitting up on the ball… and sending your drives higher and farther than you ever have before.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
Approach Shot Accuracy Series
In this video series Martin shares how to use the same principles from the main Automatic Accuracy System to dial in your dispersion with the next most important clubs in your bag… your hybrids and fairway woods. So you can attack flags from 200 yards and in. This will lower your scores even more — and give you the confidence of a player with total control of your game.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
Winning Wedges
Martin shows you the easiest way to become AUTOMATIC from inside 100 yards. The Winning Wedges formula will have you instantly throwing darts, and sticking more shots around the pin. So you can take advantage of your new-found driving accuracy, lower your scores, and continue having fun on the course… as you play the best golf of your life.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
14-Day Pass To Exclusive “Scratch Club”
Get a 14-Day Free Pass to “The Netflix of Golf” — with the world’s leading collection of advanced tools and training from some of the greatest golf coaches in the world. All so you can drop 5 strokes from your handicap in the first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
(Save $838.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Click Here To Start Using The Automatic Accuracy System To
Tighten Your Dispersion Pattern, Double Your Fairways Hit, And
Gain 15-25 Yards Off the Tee — The Very Next Time You Play
This discount offer expires at
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy