World Exclusive from 6-Time Major
Champion and CBS Commentator:
Sir Nick Faldo’s Easy “5
Minute Swing Fix”
Adds 27 Yards of Deadly
Distance to Any
Player’s Drives
Of Age or Handicap)
Plus, how you could be chosen to
meet Sir Nick, get a lesson,
and play 9 holes with him… just by
trying this fix out for yourself!
Here’s how Sir Nick Faldo turned his secret weakness into an easy technique for older golfers…
… to hit consistently-accurate tee shots…
… find 10 to 13 fairways a round…
… and increase their average driving distance by 15 to 25 yards…
Without rushing and swinging harder… without changing any of their swing
And without ever collapsing under pressure…
This Is Something That Anyone
Practice In Their Garage,
Or Even At The
Starting right away…
And no matter if you’re in your 30s or your 70s…
Or if you’re flexible, or stiff as a board.
This one simple tweak to your ball striking really can change everything…
So we’re going to jump right in…
After turning pro when I was 19…
Winning 3 British Opens, 3 Masters, 48 professional events…
Holding the title of world #1 for 98 weeks…
And commentating at 25 tournaments a year for the past 16 years…
I’m Still Shocked That More
People Aren’t
Talking About The
Easy Little Ball Striking Fix
Going To Be Giving You Today
It’s NOT something you’ll read about in any Golf Magazines, or see on Golf TV or in
most videos on YouTube…
But it can have a HUGE impact on your game…
So if you’ve noticed your distances off the tees have been dropping with each passing year…
If 270 or 250 yards used to be normal for you…
But now your drives are carrying more like 220 or even 200 yards…
This could immediately bring back your power…
And do it without you having to swing the club any harder…
Or even really messing with your swing at all.
Now I know that might seem hard to believe…
But I promise, this is very real and doable for you…
And It All Comes Down To
Where And
How You’re Striking
The Golf Ball

See, if you’re like most amateur golfers I talk with out on the course…
Then you’re probably thinking about how to hit the ball right on the screws…
You’ve got to make impact in this tiny little pea-sized area of your club face like this:

The reality though…
Is that for almost any amateur golfer…
Even guys who are already shooting close to scratch at their club…
There’s this extended sweet spot in your club that looks like this:
The Extended Sweet Spot

And Hitting It Anywhere In Here
Is What Gives
You Straighter
And Longer Drives
So look at these two images side-by-side.

Obviously there’s a huge difference here…
So what’s going on?
Well it’s not that your club face’s sweet spot suddenly got bigger.
Instead it’s that, as you always hear people saying, today’s drivers have been designed
to be way more forgiving.
Everyone’s heard that…
And it’s true…
But there’s a catch, and I’ll explain.
Have You Ever Seen Your Driver
Broken Down
Into Quadrants

Well, when you strike the ball on the inside half of the club face (so towards the heel),
two things happen:
First you lose club speed.
This is actually very interesting to think about, and it comes down to physics…
But basically, at the time of contact…
The inside half of your club face could be moving 6 mph slower than the outer half of
the club face.
Isn’t that wild?
Literally Just Striking The Ball
In This
Extended Sweet Spot
Can Add The Equivalent
Of 3-6
MPH Of Club Speed To Your
Off-Center Contact
Extended Sweet Spot Contact
And according to, every extra mile per hour of club speed adds about 2.5
yards to your driver distance…

So think about that:
If you’re hitting the ball on the inside of your club face right now…
And you start hitting it in this extended sweet spot much more consistently – almost automatically…
We’re Talking About Adding
Potentially 7.5 To
13 More
Yards To Your Drive Just There
Now that’s club speed, but what about ball speed?
Well, that’s the second thing that happens…
Striking the ball on the heel of the club face can have a big impact on ball speed too.
We’re talking about a drop of 8 mph, 12 mph, maybe even more…
Heel Contact
Extended Sweet Spot Contact
And just like club speed impacts the distance you hit your drives…
Ball speed does too.
In fact, the experts at trackman golf say that every extra 1 mph of ball speed adds
about 2 yards of CARRY to your drive.
So think about that:
If you stopped hitting drives on the heel, and started striking them in the extended
sweet spot I’m talking about…
You Could Get An Extra 16
Maybe Even 24 Yards
Of Carry Right
There Just From
Increased Ball Speed
Add that up:
- All that extra club speed (without swinging any harder)…
- And all that extra ball speed (without hitting the ball any harder)…
- And you’re looking at adding anywhere from 23.5 yards to 37 yards of
distance on your drives… - And all you did was hit the ball in the right place.
You’re not swinging harder and you’re not messing with your backswing or
downswing mechanics…
You’re Simply Using The
Ball Striking
Breakthrough I Want
To Share
On This Page Today…
Just like these guys before using this breakthrough.

So for each of these guys, you’ll see the first shots are all cases where they were
missing the sweet spot on the inside…
And they’re carrying 183 yards..218 yards…and 205 yards here. And you’ll see there’s
a nasty slice too…
And Look… We Even Used The
Dr. Scholl’s Test
You know, where you spray your club face to see where you’re striking the ball?
That’s a great little test that anyone can do themselves by the way…
And just look, you can see exactly how these guys all missed the extended sweet
spot of their club face.

Now Look At What Happens The
Next Time
They Strike The Ball,
After I’ve Shown Them
Easy Little Ball Striking
From 183 yards of carry to 207
yards of carry…

From 218 yards of carry to 249
yards of carry…

From 205 yards of carry to 228
yards of carry…

And look how straight all those drives are going too.
Well look at that Dr. Scholl’s test again.

See the difference? They are right in this extended sweet spot now, aren’t they?
Now these guys are all 55 years or older…
I think at least two of them were over 64…
And This Is Making A Huge
Difference In
Their Ball Striking
And Distance…
Alright, so the big takeaway so far is this:
We generally do NOT want to be hitting the golf ball on the inner half of the
driver club face…

It’s killing your distance and, by the way,
it’s what causes you to slice your drives
And we also don’t really want to hit
the golf ball is in the lower left quadrant…
So the bottom, outer half…
Because this is where gear effect comes into play the most.
When you hit the ball low, the driver head will tilt down and the ball “gears up.”
This increases your spin drastically…
And As You Probably Already
With More Spin Comes
Less Distance
A high spin rate can take 20 yards or more of distance off your shot…
So the bottom outside quadrant of your driver club face is not ideal either.

And that leaves us with the center of your club face…
But it’s not just the dead center…
It also leaves us with an area above
the center…
And an area slightly above and to the right
of the center too.
Now if you strike the ball too far to the outside, where you’re really on the toe, that
can give you an annoying hook…
But there’s a limit to this…
So now you can…
Stop Worrying About Trying To
The Ball Right On The
And instead, just start making impact in this nice, big extended sweet spot…

And you’ll be amazed at the difference in your drives.
Just like these students…
So, How Do You Do That?
Well, it couldn’t be easier.
You see…
In order to share the simple 5 minute fix with as many golfers as possible…
So they can begin hitting beautiful, long drives in that extended sweet spot consistently…
I Decided To Partner With The
World Class
Experts At
Performance Golf…
And then we took a professional film crew out on the course to capture all the details
of this ball striking breakthrough technique in high-quality HD video.

They used something like three $45,000
Capturing multiple camera angles, and
slow-motion shots…
So there’s no way you could miss a
single detail.
These videos walk you through,
step-by-step, how to start using this
ball striking breakthrough immediately…
Giving you an extra 20 to 30 yards off the tee…
Completely eliminating slices and hooks.
You’ll even see how to start adding a cheeky little draw to your shots when you
choose to.
I’ve Never Talked About This
Ball Striking
Publicly Before…
But today that changes…
And I want YOU to be one of the first to experience it for themselves.
So in just a moment…
I’ll share how you can get INSTANT online access to this Ball Striking Breakthrough video training program…
That way you can be one of the first people to say that Sir Nick Faldo helped you add
20…or 30 yards to your drive…
That he helped you get rid of your nasty slice…
That he helped bring CONSISTENCY to the tee box for you…
And your buddies will be begging to know your secret.
And here’s the best part:
The Results Will Stay With You
For Life…
Your consistency will improve at such an incredible rate… you’ll probably never need
to watch the video training again…
But if you DO want to go back into the training… getting even more from this ball
striking breakthrough…
You can…
Because you get LIFETIME access to this exclusive training when you grab it today.
So you can watch these video lessons at your convenience… and watch them as many times as you want…
Even while you’re out on the range!
It’s like having me right there by your side…
But actually it’s better than having me right there…
Because I’m Going To Walk You
Through This
Ball Striking
Breakthrough, Step-By-Step
And inside this training, I answer literally every question you could imagine…
That way it’s crystal clear exactly what you need to do.
And Here’s The Best Part…
For at least a short amount of time…
Readers Of This Page Can Get Immediate
Access For Just One Payment Of $197
That’s less than the cost of a single lesson at most country clubs…
And yet within about 5 minutes of seeing this ball striking breakthrough…
I promise you’ll be hitting your drives further and straighter than you have in years…
So go ahead and click the button you see below this page right now…
And grab your exclusive, instant access to my Ball Striking Breakthrough today.
When you do that, you’ll also instantly be entered for the chance to play 9 holes of golf and get a private lesson with me.
It’s Part Of What I’m Calling
The “One Ball, One Round”
And it works like this:
With my Ball Striking Breakthrough, not only will you be dropping stroke-after-stroke from your score…
But you’ll be losing a lot less balls too.
In fact, it’s entirely possible that you’ll start playing rounds where you don’t lose ANY balls…
And once that happens for you…
Just shoot a quick video telling me about your round, and how my Ball Striking Breakthrough helped you…
And You’ll Have The Chance
To Come Join Me For A Private

And then we’ll go play 9 holes after.
I’m picking a new winner every 6 months…
And I can’t wait to get out and play with amateur golfers from all over the world
thanks to this One Ball, One Round Challenge.
So, if you haven’t done so already…
Then go ahead and click the button you see below this page right now…
Grab your copy of my Ball Striking Breakthrough…
And you’ll be entered in the One Ball, One Round Challenge too.
I truly know you’re going to be blown away by this training…
In fact, I guarantee you will.
You see…
When you click that button you see beneath this page and say “YES” to my Ball
Striking Breakthrough today…
You’re Covered By My…
“This Works Or It’s Free”
365-Day 100% Money-Back
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy…
Here’s how it works:
Just say “yes” to test-driving the Ball Striking Breakthrough training program today…
I’ve made it extremely easy for you.
Watch the short and simple video on your computer, tablet, or smartphone…
Go to the driving range and grab a bucket of balls…
Use the Ball Striking Breakthrough… and watch how your contact, distance, and consistency transform.
If you’re not absolutely thrilled by the results you experience…
If you’re not hitting the extended sweet spot, over and over… experiencing more power (without swinging harder)… and increasing your driving distance by 20-30 yards…
Then simply send an email to our support team at…
ANY time in the next 365-days…
And you’ll receive a full refund, hassle-free, no questions asked.
Isn’t that remarkable?
There’s no risk whatsoever for you today…
It couldn’t be easier to get started…
Just click that button you see below right now and…
Here’s Everything You’re Getting
When You
Access the Ball
Striking Breakthrough Today
Including 2 FREE bonuses worth $197
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, This
Works Or It’s Free, 100% Money
Guarantee and Our Unconditional
Refund Policy

Ball Striking Breakthrough Video Training
Get step-by-step instruction from Sir Nick on how to use his breakthrough technique for transforming your ball striking, hitting the extended sweet spot every time, increasing your power (regardless of your age)… and effortlessly adding 20-30 yards of distance to your drives… all in just 5 minutes.

Faldo Fitness Secrets Bonus Training (FREE)
How does Sir Nick continue to hit the ball as long and as purely in his 60s as he did in his prime? Beyond his Ball Striking Breakthrough, his longevity comes down to simple fitness secrets he swears. These easy exercises can be done at home, the office or on the range to keep your muscles and joints stronger, more flexible and pain-free.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE

Entry Into The “One Ball, One Round” Challenge
Sir Nick doesn’t offer private lessons anymore, but if he did, they would be a small fortune (and really, priceless.) This is a truly life-changing opportunity to win and, if you do, play 9 holes of golf AND get a private lesson with him. Imagine having direct eyes on any area of your game, from one of the greatest golfers to ever pick up a club. This once-in-a-lifetime chance to play a round with Sir Nick is ONLY available to customers of Ball Striking Breakthrough.
TOTAL VALUE: $491.00
(Save $337.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Ball Striking and Add 20-30 Yards To Your Average Driving Distance
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
Claim YOUR Instant Access To
My Ball Striking Breakthrough…
And your chance to win the One Ball, One Round challenge so you can take a lesson
from me and play 9 holes after…
For less than it costs to play a single round of golf at most courses.
This page is now ending, so the choice is yours…
Either you can keep going along doing things on your own…
Where you have some good days on the course, for sure…
But where you also struggle for consistency…
And where it can feel like your best days on the course are behind you…
Because you simply can’t trust your driver anymore…
Or, even if you do drive the ball straight, it’s way too short.
You can do that…
Or you can grab your instant access to my Ball Striking Breakthrough today…
While it’s still available to the public…
Then Take About 5 Minutes To
Master The
Easy Little
Technique I Share Inside…
Hit all of THREE practice shots on the range…
And begin to find that extended sweet spot CONSISTENTLY…
Adding another 20 to 30 yards of beautiful carry as you do it…
While making golf FUN for you again.
The choice is yours, but now’s the time…
So go ahead and click that button you see below right now…
Say “YES” to my ball striking breakthrough…
And then I’ll see you inside this easy little training in just a few minutes from now.
To Better Ball Striking And Longer Drives,

Sir Nick Faldo
6-Time Major Champion
CBS Commentator
Here’s Everything You’re Getting
When You
Access the Ball
Striking Breakthrough Today
Including 2 FREE bonuses worth $197
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, This
Works Or It’s Free, 100% Money
Guarantee and Our Unconditional
Refund Policy

Ball Striking Breakthrough Video Training
Get step-by-step instruction from Sir Nick on how to use his breakthrough technique for transforming your ball striking, hitting the extended sweet spot every time, increasing your power (regardless of your age)… and effortlessly adding 20-30 yards of distance to your drives… all in just 5 minutes.

Faldo Fitness Secrets Bonus Training (FREE)
How does Sir Nick continue to hit the ball as long and as purely in his 60s as he did in his prime? Beyond his Ball Striking Breakthrough, his longevity comes down to simple fitness secrets he swears. These easy exercises can be done at home, the office or on the range to keep your muscles and joints stronger, more flexible and pain-free.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE

Entry Into The “One Ball, One Round” Challenge
Sir Nick doesn’t offer private lessons anymore, but if he did, they would be a small fortune (and really, priceless.) This is a truly life-changing opportunity to win and, if you do, play 9 holes of golf AND get a private lesson with him. Imagine having direct eyes on any area of your game, from one of the greatest golfers to ever pick up a club. This once-in-a-lifetime chance to play a round with Sir Nick is ONLY available to customers of Ball Striking Breakthrough.
TOTAL VALUE: $491.00
(Save $337.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Ball Striking and Add 20-30 Yards To Your Average Driving Distance
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy