Golf Digest’s #1 Teacher Of The
Year — The
“Short Game Guru” To
150 Top Pros —
Reveals His..
Distance Secret
That allows you to attack
flags from 30 to
100 yards…
stick it
within 10
feet… and
erase 5-8 strokes from your
changing a single thing
about your
Hi, I’m Brixton Albert — founder of Performance Golf…
And I have a question for you:
What’s keeping you “stuck” shooting in the high 90s or low 100s?
I’ll give you a hint:
It has nothing to do with your driving distance.
It has nothing to do with your mid-irons.
It EVEN has nothing to do with your putting.
It has everything to do with knocking down flags with your “scoring clubs”…
Your distance wedges…
Those glorious clubs stuck in the bottom of your bag…
That either make or break you from 30 to 100 yards…
Let me tell you:
This is THE most overlooked area of the game, but…
It’s Exactly Why Scottie Scheffler Is #1 In The World And Lapping The Field
See, so far this year…

Scottie ranks 2nd in “proximity average” to the hole with his distance wedges.
And if you’ve been watching golf at all…
Then you know Scottie’s UNSTOPPABLE right now.
That’s how powerful it is to become dangerous with your distance wedges…
But there’s one big problem…
You can either be dangerous with your distance wedges…
… or they will continually put you IN danger…
… and add strokes to every round…
… as you chase your ball around the course…
… and never hit your second or third shot close enough to get ‘up and down’ on any hole.
If You Ever Want To Be
Able To
Score On Par 5s Or
Short Par 4s…
You Have To
Be Dialed-In With
Distance Wedges
These are your scoring clubs… and they’re the only way to get close to the hole…
Because we all know that if you’re missing the greens…
…or landing them 30… 40… or even 50 feet from the hole…
There’s almost zero chance of making par — not to mention ever having a shot at birdie.
And that’s why I want you to pay very close attention to what I’m about to tell you…
Because I’ve spent over 4 years searching for the best distance wedge instructor in the world…
And that wasn’t an easy task…
Almost every pro I met or spoke with was teaching the same old methods:
- “Keep your head still…”
- “Never let your clubface pass
your hands at impact…” - “Keep your weight leaning
towards the target…”
And while this was all considered to be
the “standard” wedge training…
None of this has ever worked for me.
But who cares about me…
…None of this was what I was seeing on
video with some of the best
players on tour…
So I had to find out who was behind
the greatest wedge players like
Pernice Jr… Ben Crane… Charley
Hoffman… and even Nick Watney…

That’s when I found out that…
Behind All These Wedge
Game Masters
Another 150 Top Tour
His name is James Sieckmann.

And he was using something he calls the “3-shot distance control drill”…
… that helps any player… of any age… or any skill level… including YOU…
Aim at flags with pinpoint accuracy…
Create maximum control from inside 100 yards…
And stop balls inside 10 feet no matter how bad the lie… no matter how strong the wind is… and even no matter how tucked the flag is.
This distance control drill is the secret to scoring without changing any other part of your game.
It’s the single fastest way to increase your confidence…
And the most effective way to dial in your consistency — virtually overnight.
What James Is About To
Teach You Has
Tour Pros To Repeatedly
Him “The Short
Game Guru…”
Which is why:
- If you’re someone looking to
become dangerous inside 100
yards… - If you’re someone ready to make
a serious breakthrough with your
coring clubs…. - And if you’re someone who’s sick
and tired of making bogies,
doubles, and triples from inside
100 yards…
Then read this page very closely, because…
This Could Be The Most
Letter You’ve
Ever Received…
And that’s a promise.
Now, before I give you access to James’ secret 3-shot distance control drill…
I have to tell you the backstory…
I already mentioned looking at the best wedge players in the world…
And discovering they were nearly all taught by James Sieckmann…
But how I found James…
And how HE became the best distance wedge teacher in the world…
… is both shocking and insightful, at the same time…
First, let me ask you:
Have You Ever Heard Of
Phil Mickelson?
You know the lefty…
… who won… like… 45 tour events, 6 majors…
… and most recently the PGA Championship at 50 YEARS OLD…
You know…
… the guy with one of the most nasty wedge games of all time…?
That’s a joke, of course — I know you’ve heard of him.
But what you may NOT know is that Phil’s short game was dialed-in by someone named Dave Pelz.
Yes — the same Dave Pelz who has coached players to 21 major championship wins…
… and been named one of the top 25 most influential instructors of the 20th century…
But probably more interesting than that…
Dave has a successor who’s almost every bit as prolific…

… and arguably even more innovative in
his teaching methods…
He’s considered to be THE most
sought-after Pelz instructor in the
You already heard his name a moment ago…
I’m talking about… James “The Short Game Guru” Sieckmann.
And I was lucky enough to get a…
“Behind-The-Scenes,” Full
Pass To James And
Breakthrough Methods
Dialing In Distance
Before I got to meet James, I started digging into his accolades…
I was blown away:
- In 2018, he was named Golf
Digest’s Teacher Of
The Year… - And the year after that, in 2019, he
arned Golf
Digest’s #1 Short
Game Teacher Of The Year…

While this was impressive, I was even more blown away by
what he helped
tour players achieve on the course…
- He took Nick Watney from 146th
in Scrambling — to 12th in just one
year… - Nick also became one of the tour’s
most prolific wedge players…
from 76th in approaches (in
the 75 to 100 yard range) all the
way to #1… - Then, he took Kevin Chappell to
the #1 ranking in approaches from
to 125 yards… - He also led Ben Crane to three
wins in three years… - And he taught Ladies tour player,
I.K. Kim, who ranked #5 in the
All In All, James Has
Coached A
150 Tour Pros…
And while all that is insane fame and notoriety…
What James is most passionate about… and probably most well-known for…
…is his success with over 30,000 amatuer players…
I’m talking about taking average weekend warriors with 25 plus handicaps… and turning them into single digit players…
I’m talking about taking players who have never broken 100…
…and getting them to break 90…
Because when I finally met up with James and started working with him…
I realized he was teaching ALL his students the same thing…
The 3-Shot Distance
Control Drill…
Because here’s the thing…
Off the tee, the biggest problems are hitting it too far left or too far right…
But with wedges, you’ll live and die by distance control…
Meaning how far past — or how short — your ball lands relative to the flag…
James has made this aspect of distance control his life’s work…
According to James — this is the only way to make scoring on par 5s and short par 4s possible…
It’s the only way to get it close enough to the flag to have an easy, makeable putt…
And it’s the only way to shave 3… 5… even 8 strokes from your scorecard, on every round…
So what is sabotaging your wedge game right now…
… and preventing you from getting into the scoring zone — from anywhere between 30 to 100 yards?
It All Comes Down To The
Distance Wedge Failure…
And that’s treating your “wedge swing” like any other full swing…
You see, the distance wedges were not designed — or ever meant — to be treated like your normal iron shots…
And yet, almost every short game instructor is teaching students to use the same full swing they use for every other club…
…which is causing players to not only miss left and right… but worse — to have little to no distance control…
That’s why what James teaches is so against the grain…
He’s breaking down an entirely new method to distance wedge control…
…giving you an easy, repeatable, effortless control drill that allows you to maximize wedge shots… to create more scoring opportunities…
And the best part is, he’s not going to fill your head with any mechanical swing thoughts…
Or difficult to remember moves that leave you shaking over the ball…
Or even ask you to have some insane touch or feel that’s only available to tour pros…
Instead, he’s going to give you a simple 3-shot distance control drill that you can practice in your backyard…
A Drill So Effective That
You’ll Be Able
To Stick
Flags In Any Conditions…

It won’t matter if there’s 30 MPH
winds blowing in your face…

Or if you have an uphill or downhill

Or even if you have water left, right
and behind the green…
…Because once you master this one simple drill — you’ll have so much more confidence in your distance wedge game…
You’ll be dying to get inside 100 yards and have a chance to attack the flag.
You see, James’ drill takes your current wedge game… including:
- the pitching wedge…
- the gap wedge…
- the sand wedge…
- and the lob wedge…
… and gives you the confidence to know exactly where you’ll land the ball within ONE YARD of your target.
Meaning no matter where you are between 30 to 100 yards into the green…
You’ll know precisely what shot to hit…
How to hit it…
And how to maximize your distance control to the flag.
To Understand How It
Think About A
On A Car…
Imagine trying to pull out of your driveway in 5th gear…
Or imagine driving down the freeway at 80 miles an hour and shifting to first…
It would be a disaster…
Yet that’s exactly what most players are doing by taking full swings with their wedges…
What James’ 3-Shot Distance Control Drill does…
… is help you learn how to shift smoothly and effortlessly, from gear to gear…
So that your distance control is always flawlessly dialed-in…
You’re never muscling it over the green by taking a full swing when you shouldn’t be…
You’re never coming up way short in a bunker after hitting a fat chunk…
And you’re never left not knowing what club to hit…
James’ 3-shot distance control drill is like going from grinding gears on a manual shifter…
… to riding in a fully automatic, self-driving Tesla…
… that gets you to your destination, without you having to think about it…
- Simply find your distance…
- Pick your club…
- Take aim…
- Put it in gear…
- And fire away.
It’s that automatic…
But that’s not all…
This Distance Control Drill
You From Making
The Biggest Mistake
Nearly All Amateurs
I’m talking about the PAIN of scrambling…
Which is nearly always caused by taking a full swing, with the wrong club…
… and then being at the mercy of uncontrollable ball flight…
… inconsistent launch angles…
… and almost zero spin control…
This is exactly the reason why you’re struggling to make par…
Settling for bogey…
And even sometimes satisfied with doubles…
Scrambling SUCKS…
And it can absolutely be prevented…
By mastering the 3-shot distance control drill.
But you’re about to go way beyond mastery of this breakthrough drill…
Because I’m giving you access to James’ entire online video training…
It’s THE single most game-changing distance wedge system EVER created…
It’s the one he calls…
Never fear standing over the ball
from 30-100
yards again…
Instead — aim at the flag and
know with complete confidence
you can get it inside 10 feet…

Yep that’s right — this new system truly makes you dangerous from 30 to 100 yards…
… and dangerous with every distance wedge in your bag…
As soon as you’re inside the training, you’ll see…
Why the #1 mistake golfers make when trying to dial in their wedge distance is NOT fixable with conventional methods…
… and how James has pioneered a breakthrough drill for pros and weekend warriors alike…
You see James uses three simple swing “checkpoints” that instantly give you far more accuracy, more control…
… and, ultimately, way more scoring opportunities.
This is important because it gives you a “feel” of where your club should be at various points in the swing.
It syncs up the body and club so that…
You Can Aim At Flags
With Complete Confidence
And not only that, this one simple drill will eliminate all mechanical swing thoughts and allows you to focus on what matters most…
Getting it close to the flag and giving yourself a chance to make birdie.
The simple adjustments you can make in your swing length will completely change the amount of distance control you have over the ball…
It will quickly erase decades of bad habits that have been causing you to…
- Miss greens…
- Shake with nerves over wedge
shots… - Fear fat, thin or shanked mishits…
- And ultimately keeping you from
getting inside 10 feet with your
distance wedges…
Just like it’s done for these students:
And that’s exactly what this system can do for you…
Plus, inside The Dangerous Distance Wedge System there’s more — Lots more, like…
The “Ultimate
Distance Test”

This one quick test is something James uses with every player he’s ever taught…
… and it quickly shows you where you’re making the biggest errors in your distance wedge game…
And gives you the information needed to maximize your control within minutes…
Once you have your unique distances nailed… you’ll never have a question again about what club to hit…
Or how to hit it.
James is also going to hand you his personal secret weapon…
The Pelvic Punch

This killer move is the same tip that all James’ tour pros use on gameday….
It automatically activates the control dial in your midsection…
After you learn this move, you’ll never have a practice session again where you’re not using this stroke-saving trick.
You’ll also learn how to master the “pause” for twice as much distance control…
This counterintuitive swing hack retrains your brain to make solid contact every single time…
In just a few short swings after learning this little-known “pause secret”…
… you’ll have a huge “aha moment” about what it takes to hit perfect wedge shots…
And you’ll probably be wondering why no one has ever taught you this before…
Last but not least, you’ll finally learn…
How To “Attack The Flag”
Like A Pro

This is where the money’s made…
Because once you know how to dominate with your distance wedges…
You will want to start conquering every possible condition of wedge shots…
I’m talking about learning how to hit it under the wind…
How to make the slope your friend…
And even how to score from a nasty lie…
In the Dangerous Distance Wedge System, James covers…
Everything You Need To
Dangerous From
30 To 100 Yards
And it all starts with his in-depth breakdown of the 3-shot distance control drill…
This drill is the bread and butter of his Dangerous Distance Wedge System…
And as you’ve just seen, it’s only the beginning of everything you’ll get inside this training…
That’s why it should come as no surprise that this training isn’t cheap…
So how much is the Dangerous Distance Wedge System?
Well, I gotta be honest with you…
James normally charges tour pros $5,000 a day to work on their game…
But he’s actually not taking on any new clients, pros included…
In other words…
He Doesn’t Want People
Him For Lessons,
At Any Price…
That’s pretty much unheard of…
But it’s not hard to see why demand for his time is so high…
After all, wouldn’t you pay a king’s ransom to learn from the “short game guru” who can shave 5 to 8 strokes from your scorecard…
… and get you inside 10 feet, from anywhere 30 to 100 yards from the green?
If you answered yes — and I hope you did…
I Want To Make This An
Absolute No-Brainer
For You…
So I’m not going to make you pay anywhere near those prices…
If you join James Sieckmann in the Dangerous Distance Wedge System here today…
… you’ll get everything I’ve just listed out — for just one payment of $97 $47
Yes, for roughly the price of a cheap box of balls…
… you can start throwing darts at flags… giving yourself looks at birdies… and making game-changing saves…
… from anywhere inside 100 yards…
No more scrambling… no more triple bogeys… no more praying to get up and down.
Instead, become dangerous with your distance wedges…
To do that, simply click the button below…
From there, you’ll meet James and be guided through his breakthrough 3-shot distance control drill…
… which helps you stop making the “gear-grinding” mistake most golfers make…
… and puts your wedge game and control in fully automatic mode…
Get Instant Access to
Dangerous Distance
Wedge System

TOTAL VALUE: $197.00
ONLY $97
ONLY $47
(Save 52% today with this limited
time special offer)
Distance Wedges Click Here to Start Sticking It Inside
10 Feet With Every Wedge In Your Bag
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional

Best of all, you can try it 100% risk free…
365-Day 100%
Money-Back Guarantee
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
You’re protected by our 100% money-back guarantee and unconditional refund policy for a whole 365 days!
That means you can use the Dangerous Distance Wedge System
for an entire year…
And if you’re not completely satisfied with how it’s dialing in your distance wedges… transforming your control… increasing your accuracy… and lowering your handicap…
Then all you have to do is send an email to our friendly customer support team any time within the next YEAR to
And you’ll receive a prompt and full refund of every penny.
It’s as simple as that.
You’ve already seen what a difference this has made for the 150 tour pros James has taught it to…
What it has done for the 30,000 amateurs whose games he has touched…
And what it will do for your game, the moment you apply it…
So click the button below to try it for yourself, risk-free:
Get Instant Access to
Dangerous Distance
Wedge System

TOTAL VALUE: $197.00
ONLY $97
ONLY $47
(Save 52% today with this limited
time special offer)
Distance Wedges Click Here to Start Sticking It Inside
10 Feet With Every Wedge In Your Bag
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional

So What’s The Catch?
The huge savings… the full one-year guarantee… everything listed here today…
All this is part of a one-time, limited special offer I’m making to you as one of our most valued clients…
This means it will NOT be available for long.
So what are you waiting for?
Take control of your distance wedge game today…
START sticking flags… END scrambling for bogeys… and shave 5 to 8 strokes off your handicap.
The way I see it… if you care about your golf game…
… if you care about scoring lower and beating your buddies…
… then not knowing how to maximize your scoring clubs seems crazy to me…
You’ll Never Again Have
Fear Standing
Over The
Ball From 30 To 100 Yards…
… never again wonder if you’ll end up near enough to the cup to finish up and down…
… and never again wonder if you’ll win the weekend round…
All because you’ve become dangerous with your distance wedges — your scoring clubs…
… and finally taken control of the most overlooked factor in high handicaps…
This is the easy road to the golf game you’ve always dreamed of…
Because with this road, you get the ultimate shortcut to dialing in your distance wedge game…
… to end chaotic, embarrassing rounds chasing the ball all over the course…
… and fast-track you to the handicap you’ve always known was possible…
… but fell short of, because your wedge game is killing you…
And you can make this decision knowing that you’re backed by our reputable company’s 100%, 365-day money back guarantee…
This is your opportunity to…
Separate Yourself From
The 99%
Of Golfers Who
Won’t Ever
How To Effectively
Their Distance Wedges
In fact, most players will go a lifetime playing handcuffed… with an extra 5 to 8 unnecessary strokes on their handicap…
… simply because no one ever taught them the secret to becoming dangerous with their distance wedges…
… the same secret you’ll easily begin leveraging — on your very next round — just moments from now.
To do this doesn’t take 2 to 4 months…
It doesn’t even take 2 to 4 days…
Because James 3-shot distance control drill works in minutes…
Which means: you’re only minutes away from being able to stick greens… attack flags…
… and make more birdie putts than you ever imagined possible…
All You Have To Do Is Take
Action Now
You’ve seen the evidence…
You know James is the real deal…
But this is about you and your game… period.
And I can’t force you to make the right choice…
But I’m 100% confident you see the value in what James is going to teach you…
More than anything, I want you to take control of your distance wedge game…
… to start becoming dangerous from 30 to 100 yards…
… and begin playing the best golf of your life…
And I’ll wrap this by telling you that there’s no need for you to spend thousands on lessons…
… or buy any new fancy wedges or training aids…
Because I’ve tried everything there is to offer…
This is THE single fastest way to shift your distance wedge game into fully automatic mode…
Click the button below and access your “Dangerous Distance Wedge System” online video training now…
Do that… and I’ll see you on the other side.
Get Instant Access to
Dangerous Distance
Wedge System

TOTAL VALUE: $197.00
ONLY $97
ONLY $47
(Save 52% today with this limited
time special offer)
Distance Wedges Click Here to Start Sticking It Inside
10 Feet With Every Wedge In Your Bag
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional

See you inside,
Brixton Albert
Founder, Performance Golf

James Sieckmann
#1 Short Game Instructor In The World