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Now Through Saturday, September 14th, You Can Grab The Complete Deep-To-Shallow Video Training For 76% OFF!

Get Instant Access to the
Deep-To-Shallow Swing
Get Instant Access To The
Deep-To-Shallow Swing

Deep-To-Shallow Swing
Video Training
(instant online access)
This breakthrough Deep-To-Shallow Swing gets you swinging from the inside in 3 simple steps. After studying 40,000 slo-mo swings, Craig Hanson discovered this new approach and used it to increase speed, improve clubface control, and eliminate slices for over 200,000 amateurs. This easy-to-follow online video training is designed specifically for struggling amateurs looking for a simple way to swing from the inside… and start flushing draws on command.

Bonus: Deep-To-Shallow
Slingshot Video Training
(instant online access)
Because we not only want you swinging from the inside to fix your contact and accuracy… we ALSO want you to reach your maximum distance potential. This exclusive video series walks you through – step-by-step – how to implement the Deep-To-Shallow “Slingshot Release” to increase speed with your driver… reduce spin on the ball… and add at least 25 yards to your drives. So you can tee it up with confidence every time you play.

BONUS: Deep-To-Shallow
Training & Cheatsheet
(instant online access)
This practice guide gives you clear, step-by-step instructions on how to take your Deep-To-Shallow Swing to the course… so you can immediately apply it to your game. It also gives you the recovery roadmap, so if you don’t hit a shot exactly as planned, you know how to move forward as if it never happened. View it as a PDF on your phone or quickly print and slip it into your on-course yardage book.

BONUS: “Next-Level”
Deep-To-Shallow LIVESTREAM
In this private group coaching session, we’ll cover the “Next Level” Deep-To-Shallow Swing secrets. In under an hour, you’ll start shaping the ball like a pro… so you can attack flags, improve the fastest, and lower your scores. Also includes a Q&A session where you can ask Craig and Eric questions about your swing or any area of your game. (If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay video.)

BONUS: Confidential Guide
To Ball-Striking
(instant online access)
As you start consistently swinging from the inside, you’ll be hitting great shots with your driver AND your irons. And you’ll be wondering if you’re using the best gear for your Deep-To-Shallow Swing and overall performance. Sadly, so many golfers waste thousands of dollars on the WRONG equipment. But not you, not anymore. This guide will walk you through the best clubs, training aids, and other gear — plus give you coupons worth over $1,000. This alone is worth the entire package.
Only at
(Save 76% today with this limited time special offer)

Money-Back Guarantee

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“I tried EVERYTHING to stop coming over the top. But nothing worked and every round I’d hit a few slices and a lot of fat shots too. It was REALLY frustrating. Then I followed the 3 steps of the Deep-To-Shallow Swing to groove an inside-out move…and I just launched back-to-back draws… one with my driver and the next with my 5 iron!”
Randy M., 17 HandicapRandy M., 17 Handicap