Are you suffering from what Golf
Magazine calls…
If you have an unpredictable big
miss… Then this silent
“SWING KILLER” may be crushing
your scorecard…
Here’s what it is, and how to fix it
with a
simple 7-Minute Swing Drill.
Want to know the one thing that’ll have you playing better golf right away…
So that you stand over the ball and know that it won’t sail unpredictably to the left or right?
Well, that’s exactly what’s possible once you start using my 7-Minute Swing Drill.
You can just do this drill once a day… right now… from the comfort of your own home.
You don’t even need a club…
The very next time you head out to the
golf course, you can start hitting your
best golf shots… over and over again
- Your drives will sound like a bullet off the clubface…
- Your iron shots will feel pure throughout your hands and fly straight to the target…
- Your wedge shots will be crisper than ever and you’ll be able to hit them pin high…
And even your putting and short game shots will benefit from this 7-Minute Swing Drill.
That’s because this drill eliminates the mother of all faults.
One that Golf Magazine called, “The silent swing killer you didn’t know you had.”
Golf WRX called it, “One of golf’s most destructive swing faults.”

It leads to big blocks to the right and pulls hooks to the left…
As well as shanks, toe shots, fat shots, and every other undesirable shot imaginable.
Yes, this fault is THAT catastrophic. And it runs rampant with golfers everywhere and wreaks havoc on their games.
In fact, the Titleist Performance Institute found that 7 out of 10 amateur golfers suffer from this one fault… But 99% of tour players don’t.
As you’re about to see, that’s why they’re so consistent. That’s why they can return the clubface to impact like clockwork.
And once you fix this “Silent Swing
Killer” you can do the same
Sadly, most people never get to really enjoy playing golf.
They blame their equipment, not having enough time to practice, or work on things that don’t actually help them play better.
I get it. The golf swing can be a complicated topic. It’s easy to get lost in the maze of technical jargon. And the industry doesn’t make it easier for people.
They publish all kinds of band-aid fixes that might work for a little while, but you always end up going back to your regular tendencies.
That’s the beauty of this
7-Minute Swing Drill… It’s like the
master key to your golf game
It fixes this one big fault that plagues 70% of amateurs. And in the process, it patches up all those other little issues.
So you end up with a swing that’s not only repeatable and consistent…
But one that also looks great.
You’ll be getting compliments at the driving range from strangers. They might even stop to watch you hit a few more balls. (Don’t worry. You get used to it.)
That’s the power of this 7-Minute Swing Drill.
And the best part is: This swing lasts a lifetime. It removes all strain from your neck and back. So you can play your best golf for years to come.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, I’m living proof it’s possible…
My name is Eric Cogorno.
Well, I’m living proof it’s possible…
My name is Eric Cogorno.
Before I was a globally recognized swing coach featured in Forbes…
And before I was a scratch golfer…
I was just like you – a young amateur trying everything to improve.
I hit balls on the range for 8+ hours a day. I went out on the course early mornings and evenings when it was empty to “work out” issues I had off the tee.
I jumped from instructor to instructor looking for something that would click. I did all the silly drills you can think of. I’m embarrassed to say I even tried some gimmicky swing training aids.
…But no matter what I did, I just
could not get any better
I plateaued. I couldn’t get to a place where my game was consistent.
Maybe you’re in the same spot right now?
I’ll tell you what changed it all for me: I discovered the silent swing killer that was keeping me from reaching my potential.
And most importantly, how to fix it using a simple 7-Minute Swing Drill.
I’ll walk you through it in a moment, but first it’s important to understand why so many golfers are plagued with inconsistency.
This is the fault that’s behind all your
horrible shots…
You see, when I was trying everything to improve my golf game, I watched my swing on video countless times.
In those days, I used a clunky digital camera – one of the first models you can buy. The footage wasn’t great, but I played it over and over again to myself.
And one day, I noticed something in my swing. That’s when it all clicked.
I once read that Ben Hogan said the most difficult thing about golf is staying bent forward for a second.
And I noticed that I was coming up in my golf swing at impact – not staying bent forward.
This fault is known as “early extension”

If you have ever felt that you were “coming out of the shot”… “looking up”… or swinging off balance, you probably suffer from early extension.
It leads to blocks, tops, thin shots, pulls, and so many other unpredictable misses.
In other words, early extension makes playing consistent golf nearly impossible.
99% of pros don’t have early extension. They maintain their angles in their swings. So it’s easier to get the club back to the perfect impact position with a square clubface.
And you can achieve this exact same
move with my 7-Minute Swing Drill…
It takes what Ben Hogan called the “most difficult thing” about the golf swing and makes it easy.
Simple. Like everything else I do, I engage the right-brain.
That’s the athletic side of the brain that’s great for reacting to things. If someone throws a ball your way, you don’t think about it. You just react and catch it.
That’s the right brain in action.
Compare that to the left brain. It’s great for solving math problems, or figuring out directions, but horrible when you’re trying to hit a tiny white ball with a swing that happens in a split second.
Well, when you apply right-brain training principles to early extension, everything becomes easy. And results come fast.
All it takes is 7 minutes a day to get the proper feel.
The first step is to get you to feel the proper position of impact without early extension.

And then you build the swing around that.
First you do it with a slow-motion movement…
Then again at medium-speed…
And finally, at full speed.
Compare that to what most golfers do:
They try to make adjustments to their full swing at full speed. That’s an insane way to work.
Would you teach a teenager to learn to drive a car by taking them on the freeway first? No way.
You’d start out driving around the block where there are no cars at a slow speed.
Then go out to busier streets…
And then out to the highways…
Golf is the same way. Especially when it comes to early extension since the golf swing happens in a fraction of a second.
You have to learn how to crawl first… walk… then run.
My 7-Minute Swing Drill helps you do just that.
The results speak for themselves
Mainstream golf advice won’t fix
your earlyextension
These golfers got results fast thanks to my 7-Minute Swing Drill.
They didn’t have to go through all the frustration I did when I tried to eliminate my early extension.
I literally tried everything!
I analyzed videos of myself…
I went to the range everyday and beat balls until the blisters bled…
I took private lessons.
I tried every drill imaginable.
I tried putting an alignment rod into the ground and keeping my left hip against it. One of the common drills recommended for early extension… and the worst way to try and fix it!
Just take a look:
Trying to maintain the angle puts you in a weak position.
Have you ever seen a good golfer swing like that? It’s impossible to hit a ball like that. You lose power and trying to maintain that angle puts you into the left-brain space. It’s another unnecessary swing thought.
My goal is to make the game fun. So you don’t have to think about anything. So you can just look where you want the ball to go and hit it there.
So you can take in the scenery and make being on the golf course enjoyable.
And before you ask, hitting the gym won’t help much.
I’ve seen all those so-called “fitness tests.” I even tried them. They have you lift a club above your head and go into a deep squat.
Supposedly, if you can do that move, you won’t have early extension.
Well, I’ve worked with some golfers who were fit as a fiddle. They could run marathons, do all those crazy gym exercises, lift weights – you name it.
But they were still among the 70% of amateurs who suffered from early extension. They couldn’t make any improvement in their golf games.
That all changed when they started using my 7-Minute Swing Drill.
They eliminated every trace of early extension and started hitting pure shots.
So believe me when I tell you…
If you can walk about your daily life, do everyday tasks like mowing the lawn, then you have all the strength you need to fix your early extension.
And I haven’t even told you the best part yet.
My 7-Minute Swing Drill is anatomically
efficient… It uses your body’s natural
motions and swings around it
Here’s what I mean…

You can see here that I’m just standing like I’m about to walk somewhere. Maybe I’m going to look at something on the horizon. Nothing too strenuous.
But put a club in my hand and you’ll see that it’s actually the perfect follow-through position.

I don’t need to contort my body into uncomfortable positions. The perfect follow through is completely natural.
This is a godsend. Especially if you’re an older golfer.
Because you don’t have to play with back pain anymore…
You don’t have to feel sore after a full round… or even after hitting some balls on the range…
This 7-Second Swing Drill will help you build a golf swing that lasts a lifetime.
So you can enjoy the game for years to come.
People will be admiring your swing wherever you play. It’ll look so fluid… so natural… and so smooth, but you won’t be doing anything out of the ordinary.
Just swinging the club in a way that’s natural for your body.
It’s really incredible. I grew up in the Northeast. Even though I tried to maintain my game in the off-season, I was always sore after the first round in the spring… or after the first, long range session.
But that all changed when I started using this 7-Minute Swing Drill. I can now get through early season rounds with ease. And I can get up the next morning and do it all over again.
The benefits of the 7-Minute Swing Drill just multiply
- You eliminate early extension…
- You start smoking drives down the fairway…
- Your iron shots feel buttery soft at contact…
- Your wedge shots become more precise…
- Your short game improves because you start making more solid contact…
- And you feel great doing it all.
So by now, I’m sure you’re wondering…
How can I get access to the 7-Minute Swing Drill?
Well, I cover it in detail and give you a demonstration you can follow along with in my latest training series:
The Early Extension Masterclass

The moment you get it, you’ll see…
- The #1 mistake golfers make when trying to get rid of early extension.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it’ll make sense when I break it down. - The key swing checkpoints. This is important because it gives you a feel of where your club should be at various points in the swing. It syncs up the body and club so you end up with a beautiful swing that people will admire.
- The simple adjustments you can make in your setup to make sure you don’t extend early.
And of course, I’ll walk you through my 7-Minute Swing Drill…
This drill is the bread and butter of my Early Extension Masterclass.
You won’t be doing this just hoping it’ll pay off for you someday.
Nope. With the 7-Minute Swing Drill you instantly pick up the feel of what it’s like to swing without early extension.
Then you systematically ingrain that feeling through right-brain training. So it stays with you.
Your swing won’t abandon you when you’re out on the course like it does for so many amateur golfers.
- You’ll leapfrog your buddies in terms of playing abilities.
- They’ll be struggling off the tee…
- You’ll have complete command over your driver and 3 wood.
- They’ll be chunking their iron shots…
- You’ll be hitting them flush every time.
- They’ll be chopping at the ball around the green…
- You’ll be hitting nice little pitches and chips as your clubhead glides cleanly through the grass.
And at the end of the round, when you add up all the shots, you’ll have beaten them by 10 shots.
All because you took the initiative to get rid of your early extension. A fault that so many golfers go their entire lives playing with.
But not you. You’re going to break into the low-single-digit handicap range.
Normally, this training doesn’t come cheap.
The Early Extension Masterclass retails for $97 our main website.
But if you’re seeing this, I know you’re among the most dedicated golfers out there. The ones who are serious about improving.
So I want to cut you a break.
Today only, you can get the Early Extension Masterclass for just one payment of $97.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
So go ahead and click…
Fill in your details on that page…
Once you sign up, you’ll get a username and password via email. So keep an eye out for that.
Then you can just log to a secure members’ area from any computer, iPad, or mobile device… and get instant access to everything…
So you can start using my 7-Minute Swing Drill right away.
And it gets better…
I’m also giving you my 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee
This means you have a FULL YEAR to test-drive the Early Extension Masterclass.
You can go through everything, apply what you’ve learned from the videos, and I guarantee you’ll be hitting straighter and further than ever before… and breaking whatever scoring barrier you’re up against.
If not, I’ll return every cent you paid for the training.
If you aren’t completely happy with the beautiful, tight draws they’re hitting down the fairway…
With the hitting pure irons shots on every hole.
And with the dialed-in wedge shots…
Then I’ll give ALL your money back. Just for wasting your time.
Send an email any time within the next year to,
Our trained customer support staff responds to emails within 4 hours on weekdays, and they’ll issue a hassle-free refund.
I don’t think it’ll come to that, but that’s how confident I am in the Early Extension Masterclass.
I’ve tried everything to fix my own early extension. And I’m confident this is the best way.
So let’s recap…
You’re getting instant access to:
- The complete Early Extension Masterclass video training series. I’ll show you how to fix the most dreaded fault that plagues golfers with my 7-Minute Swing Drill, and more…
- The 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you can get it all today, without risking a dime…

Just click the button below to access everything for a discounted rate:
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
The way I see it, you’ve got 2 options…
Option #1: Do nothing.
Keep going the way you are now. You’ll play the rest of your life with early extension. But hey! You’ll have some good company. This is a fault that 7 out of 10 golfers suffer from.
Option #2: of course is to separate yourself from the pack. And eliminate early extension.
So you can play with unshakeable consistency from tee to green.
And strangers will be complimenting your swing and playing abilities.
Golf Magazine called early extension the “silent swing killer.”
And for a good reason. Most golfers don’t even realize they have it.
So just by knowing about it, you’re already ahead of the game.
Now, it’s time to take action on this.
There’s no need to go a lifetime of playing poor golf.
There’s no need to guess… by trying to figure it all out yourself through years of trial-and-error like I did.
I’ve already done all the hard work for you.
And there’s no reason to put yourself at risk of wasting years of your life (that you’ll never get back) by spinning your wheels, making the same mistakes, and getting the same score you’ve been getting… round after round.
You can grab my Early Extension Masterclass today.
And discover my 7-Minute Swing Drill.
Then watch your ball striking improve by leaps and bounds.
Thank you for tuning in. Just click the button below to get started, and you’ll see the first lesson in just a few minutes!
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
See you inside,

Eric Cogorno
Performance Golf Zone