Over 90% of amateur players who struggle with a slice or a lack of distance…
Have ONE thing in common: An over-the-top swing.
And an over-the-top swing causes 2 BIG problems:
Number one – it forces your clubface to be open relative to the path of your swing.
And when your clubface is open even 1 degree to the over-the-top path… Your ball is always going to slice right.
The second issue your over-the-top swing causes…
Is a downward – or negative – attack angle.
This robs you of a staggering 17 to 40+ yards of distance off the tee.
So if you’re swinging over the top right now…
You attack the ball on the way DOWN.
And it’s costing you distance.
However the Launch Deck is designed to easily and naturally correct your over-the-top swing…
Fixing your open clubface at impact…
Optimizing your attack angle.
And eliminating the root cause of that score-wrecking left to right ball flight…
So you immediately start launching your ball higher, straighter and farther than ever before…
All without having to spend hours taking lessons or watching swing tip videos.