Tiger’s Former Coach And His Former Club Engineer at Nike Finally Release Their Secret Invention Golf Journalists Say Is The…
That Also Instantly Adds Up To 40 Yards To Your Drives…
Now Through , You Can Grab The Launch Deck For $100 OFF!
Plus, Get $594 In Bonuses, Including A Live Q&A Bonus Chat & Video Coaching Session With Me… FREE!
This discount offer expires at
Hi, I’m Tiger’s former coach Hank Haney.
And if you battle with a nasty slice…
Struggle with distance off the tee…
And can’t play consistent golf to save your life…
Then what I’m about to show you will change that for good.
Because after giving over 70,000 lessons to amateur golfers…
And coaching the GOAT, Tiger Woods, for six years…
I’ve teamed up with one of his former club engineers at Nike to create…
A Revolutionary New Automatic Swing Trainer That Eliminates Your Slice
And Adds 40 Yards To Your Drives…
In just a few swings each week.
Because before now…
No mainstream experts…
No golf TV…
And no YouTube gurus…
EVER invented anything…
That fixes the REAL root cause of why you – or any golfer – battles an uncontrollable ball flight…
And struggles to add accurate distance off the tee.
That’s why, you’ve probably gone years or even decades struggling — without getting any permanent results.
But that all ends today… Because…
The Launch Deck Is Already Working For Amateurs Like YOU!
Because It Fixes The ONE Reason You Slice And Hit Short Drives: An Over-The-Top Swing
And the truth is…
Until you fix your over-the-top swing…
You’ll always struggle with 2 major problems:
Problem #1
An Open Clubface Relative To The Path Of Your Swing.
When your clubface is open even 1 degree to the over-the-top path…
Your ball is always going to slice right.
Problem #2 A Downward Attack Angle
As you’re about to see, a downward attack angle robs you of 17 to 40 plus yards off the tee.
Have you ever heard the saying, “You need to hit down to make the ball go up?”
Well… that is completely false when it comes to your driver.
The good news is, you DON’T need hours of expensive lessons…
Technical launch monitor data…
Or years of practice to fix your over-the-top swing… because…
The Launch Deck’s External Feedback Dials In Your Inside-Out Path And
Optimizes Your Attack Angle FOR You!
So you can immediately hit longer, straighter drives.
You see, most drills and tips rely on INTERNAL FEEDBACK to fix your swing flaws.
But research, case studies, and my own personal experience giving over 4 decades of in-person lessons…
Shows it’s really EXTERNAL feedback…
Or something OUTSIDE your own internal swing feels… that is THE most effective way to get the results you want.
The Evidence For External Feedback Is Undeniable — IT WORKS!
The Pinehurst Golf Academy… found that external feedback improved the inside-out path for over 80% of players…
The prestigious Journal of Applied Sports Psychology… says that external feedback helped players perform more accurately.
The research Journal for Exercise and Sports… said “external [feedback] enhances golf shot accuracy”.
And that’s just three of DOZENS of examples of EXTERNAL feedback helping golfers get better FAST.
That’s why one of Tiger’s former club designers and I engineered this automatic swing trainer specifically for amateurs.
Because External Feedback Has Already Fixed Tens Of Thousands Of Slices And Distance Issues
And, frankly, that’s what makes this breakthrough automatic swing trainer even more amazing.
It’s the ONLY way to get slice-fixing, distance-generating external feedback…
WITHOUT me being with you in person.
It’s like having me guide you…
And correct ALL your bad habits…
So You Have NO CHOICE But To Swing From The Inside And Hit Up On The Ball For The Longest, Straightest Drives Of Your Life
Incredible, right?
That’s why amateurs all over the world are using this automatic swing trainer EVERY DAY.
Because it’s the easiest way to get REAL TIME feedback that…
Fixes your swing path
Makes you hit up on the ball
Increases your ball’s peak point (how high it goes!)
And maximizes your roll for MORE DISTANCE.
Beyond all that, what it’s REALLY known for… is being…
The World’s Fastest Slice Fix Introducing The…
The Launch Deck is the first ever automatic swing trainer ever designed specifically for amateurs like you…
To easily and naturally get you swinging from the inside… and optimize your attack angle…
So you can eliminate your left-to-right ball flight…
Reduce spin…
And start launching your ball higher… farther… and most importantly — straighter than ever before.
All without having to spend hours taking lessons or watching swing tip videos.
You’ll Get Results The Second You Tee It Up… Just Like These Players:
That’s the power of this automatic swing trainer…
And that’s because…
The Launch Deck has two unique features that instantly fix your over-the-top swing…
And give you NO CHOICE but to optimize your attack angle.
Feature #1:
Auto-Path Swing Gates
The Auto-Path Swing Gates give you real-time feedback about your swing path…
So you start swinging from the inside — in just a matter of seconds.
These Swing Gates are specifically calibrated for amateurs who struggle with a slice…
And they give you the perfect external feedback to make fixing your slice EASY.
As you know, I’ve fixed tens of thousands of slices during in-person lessons over my career…
But I’ve never seen something correct a slice as fast as these Auto-Path Swing Gates.
That’s why there’s growing buzz in the industry saying the Launch Deck is truly the “World’s Fastest Slice-Fix”.
It Can Literally Take The Worst Over-The-Top Swing And Correct It… In A Matter Of Seconds
No overthinking.
No complicated mechanical adjustments.
No taking two steps backward to take one step forward.
It couldn’t be easier for you…
Simply step up to the Launch Deck…
And let your body and brain naturally take care of the rest.
It really is that simple.
And while I know that 90% of amateur golfers struggle with a slice…
I wanted to make sure The Launch Deck works for everyone.
And that’s why we’ve made the Swing Gates adjustable.
That means, if you’re the rare player who struggles with too much of an in-to-out path…
Then simply move the Swing Gates to the appropriate holes for fixing YOUR path.
The Adjustable Swing Gates Quickly And Easily Dial In The Perfect Path…
To Hit The Shot You Want
Slice Fix Setting
Hook Fix Setting
Straight Shot Setting
They guide you to make practice swings to feel the correct path…
So you can focus on letting go of too many internal swing cues…
And only concentrate on swinging through the gates.
That means with just a few swings each week…
You’ll retrain your muscle memory so when you tee it up without The Launch Deck…
Your club path is naturally grooved…
And you always have a mental image of the Swing Gates to keep you dialed… because…
Once You SEE The Swing Gates… You Literally Can’t UNSEE Them!
But We Didn’t Stop At The Swing Gates… We Invented Something That Has
NEVER Been Done Before!
Feature #2:
The Launch Hurdle
Unlike a launch monitor, which just shows your attack angle data…
The Launch Hurdle makes the Launch Deck the FIRST and ONLY swing trainer that optimizes your angle of attack FOR YOU…
So you automatically IMPROVE your ball’s launch trajectory…
For higher, longer, and straighter drives — in just a few swings each week.
As soon as you tee up a ball on the Launch Deck…
You Simply Focus On Clearing The Hurdle And The Launch Deck
Immediately Optimizes
Your Attack Angle…
Forcing you to stop swinging down…
And START swinging level or UP at the ball.
Pick Your Tee Placement To
Optimize Your Attack Angle
For Maximum Distance
The “optimal attack” tee placements are meticulously calibrated at the EXACT distance from the hurdle…
So you either get a LEVEL attack angle…
An attack angle 3 degrees up…
Or even a positive 6 degree attack angle… which is more than Rory.
Now, I’m not saying I want you to swing like Rory.
I’m just saying The Launch Deck optimizes your attack angle so easily and naturally…
You’ll have the confidence to let it rip off the tee.
Bottom line is…
NOTHING Like The Launch Hurdle Has Ever Existed In ANY Swing Trainer..
Until Now
And it gives you NO CHOICE but to improve your attack angle…
So you can add 17 to 40 yards of distance.
All you have to do is…
Start hitting balls from the Level tee placement… taking a few swings each week.
And while taking your angle of attack from negative 3 degrees… to a positive four degrees… may not seem like a huge deal…
This Player Fixed His Attack Angle And Gained 40 Yards Off The Tee While Swinging SLOWER…
With The Launch Deck You Get Automatic Feedback On Both Your Swing Path AND Your Attack Angle…
So if you’re struggling with an over-the-top swing…
You WON’T clear the Swing Gates.
And if you’re struggling with swinging down at the ball with your driver…
You WON’T clear the Launch Hurdle.
You’ll feel and HEAR the club hit the rubber pylons…
Giving you instant external feedback…
That fixes your slice AND adds extra distance.
Hit Balls… Or DON’T Hit Balls… The Launch Deck Does ALL The Heavy Lifting For You…
Case Study #1
Over-The-Top Swing Fixed After 40 Years!
This guy told me he’d been trying to fix his over-the-top swing for 40 years.
Yes… 40 painful years.
Every shot he hit… he would cast his club, leaving his clubface wide open.
And that meant he missed virtually everything to the right.
Well, after just a few practice swings with the Launch Deck…
He Started Clearing The Swing Gates And Hitting 15 To 20 Yard Draws
Then after a few more swings clearing the Gates…
And making sure he got over the Hurdle…
His dispersion tightened even MORE.
The crazy part is, this happened WITHOUT focusing on ANY internal swing cues.
Simply by avoiding the Swing Gates and Launch Hurdle…
The Launch Deck AUTOMATICALLY Counteracted His Natural Swing…
Getting him to swing from the inside…
Release the club properly…
And finally start launching the ball higher and farther than before.
That’s what a perfectly launched tee shot looks like.
And while it’s great he was able to do it with The Launch Deck…
What’s even more impressive…
Here’s What Happened When He Teed It Up WITHOUT The Launch Deck
And He’s Far From The Only One…
Case Study #2
He Increased His Attack Angle And Gained 30+ Yards Off The Tee
This guy struggled with low drives that always peeled off to the right.
I watched him hit probably 10 balls while he was warming up.
And he hit every one low, right, and no more than 200 yards.
But after a few swings while clearing the Launch Hurdle.
He went from a negative 4 degree attack angle…
To a positive 1 degree — in less than 3 swings.
He Started Launching Drives Over 230 Yards!
It really is that simple.
Take a few practice swings clearing the Swing Gates and Launch Hurdle…
And the external feedback you get…
Will have you piping fairway-finding drives 17 to 40 yards farther.
Case Study #3
Instant Feedback Fixed His Ball-Flight AND His Distance At The Same Time…
That’s right — it only took him 10 seconds to set up the Swing Gates…
And start getting instant external feedback on his far too inside path.
And in just a few swings…
He went from completely flipping his wrists…
Which was causing nasty pulls…
To launching straight drives that started flying up to 40 yards farther.
The Launch Deck Will Do The Same For YOU…
Because, unlike other training aids, the Launch Deck’s premium materials make it:
The Launch Deck easily fits in your golf bag.
Whether you use it at the range… in your living room… or in your garage…
It’s easy to tee it up wherever you want… and take practice swings with or without a ball.
That means you’ll finally have NOTHING standing in your way…
Of fixing your slice and gaining 17 to 40 yards of distance.
The Launch Deck is built with a heavy-duty hitting surface…
And the “twist and lock” feature ensures the Swing Gates and Launch Hurdle stay snapped in…
That means you can swing as hard as you want…
Even if you swing over 120 miles per hour…
And you won’t break it… we promise.
You don’t HAVE to hit balls to get results with the Launch Deck.
To fix your slice and add 17-40 yards of distance… Just throw it on the ground…
And concentrate on swinging WITHOUT hitting the Swing Gates and Launch Hurdle.
Do that for just a few swings each week… And the next time you tee it up…
You’ll hit it higher… farther… and straighter… than you EVER have before.
So if that sounds good to you…
Here’s How You Can Get Your Hands On A Launch Deck RIGHT NOW
In the past… there was only one way to eliminate your slice AND gain distance at the same time by yourself:
Spend years or decades trying to use internal feedback techniques…
Hit thousands of balls…
And put in countless hours of practice.
And even then, we know all that practice rarely pays off.
Or you could be one of the lucky golfers who I coach in person…
Where I can give you the exact external feedback you need to improve…
Just like Tiger, Mark O’Meara, or the amateurs I’ve worked with.
Still, not everybody has the time or means to come see me in person.
So If You Want An EASIER Way To Finally Eliminate Your Slice… Dial In Your Attack Angle… And Add Distance Off The Tee…
I partnered with Performance Golf…
The fastest growing online golf company in the world, according to INC Magazine.
They spent a fortune bringing the Launch Deck to market…
And Forbes praised them for “flattening the instructional curve” in golf.
When you say yes, I’ll have our team rush out a Launch Deck to you today.
But before we get one in the mail…
I want to make this even more of a no-brainer.
That’s why…
You’re Not Just Getting The Launch Deck… You’re Also Getting The Launch Deck Quickstart Video Series
Unlike most training aids that come with a manual no one ever looks at…
The Launch Deck comes with a quickstart video series that walks you through EXACTLY how to start using your Launch Deck — in a matter of minutes.
That way, you’ll confidently know how to use the Launch Deck… as soon as you unbox it.
This Quickstart Video Series helps you immediately personalize the Launch Deck to your swing…
So you can fix ANY issues you have with your swing path or attack angle right away.
I want you to start using it — within minutes of it arriving on your doorstep.
No guesswork, no wondering what to do next… just instant results.
And while I could just ship you the Launch Deck…
Plus give you INSTANT access to the Quickstart video series…
I want to do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure the Launch Deck gets you rapid results.
That means no more slicing and up to 40 yards of added distance.
So I Also Filmed A Series Of Exclusive Bonus Videos For NEW Launch Deck Customers ONLY
FREE Bonus #1:
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator
We worked closely with a number of pros and amateurs to test the Launch Deck.
This helped us perfect a series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines…
Which, our data shows, work BEST to help you maximize distance…
No matter your age, strength or handicap.
These drills and routines are designed to do one thing:
Add to the already impressive distance gains the Launch Deck gives you.
You’ll also get…
FREE Bonus #2:
Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons
Once the Launch Deck has fixed your slice forever…
And added 17 to 40 yards to your drives…
You’ll become ADDICTED to this feeling of hitting the ball higher, farther, and straighter.
And you’ll want to dial-in your irons, too.
Because to shoot lower scores — you need to hit fairways AND greens.
That’s Why We Designed The Launch Deck To Work With Your Irons Too…
So you can immediately start making ball-first… THEN turf contact.
If you’ve ever wanted to become a world-class ball striker with your irons…
Simply flip the Launch Deck around…
And you will get there… fast.
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons video series shows you exactly how, so there’s no confusion.
But I’m not done yet — because you’re also getting…
FREE Bonus #3:
The Launch Deck LIVESTREAM
One of the things that makes the Launch Deck so revolutionary…
Is that you DON’T need me to be there with you in person.
But I know you’re going to get such game-changing results with it…
You’re going to be hungry for more.
So I’m giving you an exclusive, LIVE group coaching session…
Where you can ask me anything — literally ANYTHING.
Plus, you’ll SEE me demonstrate key drills and applications to get the most out of your Launch Deck…
So you continue to get the fastest possible results.
This will be streamed LIVE for the first time…
And viewable on your computer, smartphone, or iPad.
But if you can’t make it LIVE…
You’ll have access to the replay for life.
FREE Bonus #4: 14-Day Pass To Our Exclusive Scratch Club
Scratch Club is your “All-Access Pass” to never-before-seen video training from some of the world’s top golf instructors.
It’s designed to drop strokes from your scorecard every month by accelerating your improvement in each key area of the game.
You’ll be gaining insider-access to score-dropping secrets normally reserved for the most elite players in the world…
From high-level coaches like…
Eric Cogorno
Forbes Featured Instructor
Expert Instructor who’s given over 25,000+ lessons and been featured in Forbes for his unique way of helping amateurs shave strokes from their scorecard.
Nick Bradley
Elite Instructor & Author
The guy Golf Digest says is one of the “most innovative instructors in the world” and who worked with Justin Rose when he went from #125 to #5 in the world golf rankings.
James Sieckmann
9-Time PGA Section Teacher Of The Year
The #1 ranked short game coach in the world according to Golf Digest and GOLF Magazine calls him, “The short game guru to the pros”…
Kevin Weeks
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher
Top 3 ranked putting teacher in the world and a Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher for 9 years in a row.
Brian Mogg
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher
The legend who coached YE Yang to victory when he defeated Tiger Woods in the 2009 PGA Championship!
You can think of Scratch Club as “The Netflix Of Golf”.
Just choose the part of your game you want to improve…
And you’ll find a clear, step-by-step blueprint from some of the world’s best teachers.
Lastly, I think you’ll love this part most.
You Get To Take A Full 14 Days To See How Incredible Scratch Club Really Is WITHOUT Risk or Obligation
If you love it, then do nothing…
And we’ll keep you on as a charter member for a discounted price of just $29/month…
Which will bill automatically.
You can cancel any time by emailing support@performancegolf.com.
But if for any reason during your 14-day free pass…
You decide you don’t want to continue as a paid member…
Then simply send us an email and we’ll cancel your membership for you, no questions asked.
Are You Seeing What’s Happening Here?
When you add up the value of all these bonuses you get…
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator — The most effective drills and warms to add even more distance and accuracy to your drives.
$97.00 valueFREE
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons — The BEST way to use the Launch Deck to dial in your contact for better ball striking, more consistency, and unrivaled confidence.
$197.00 valueFREE
The Launch Deck LIVESTREAM — where you can ask me questions and get real-time feedback on how YOU can better use or adjust your practice time.
$300.00 valueFREE
Scratch Club Access — which gives you the perfect plan to reach your desired handicap as fast as possible…
$97.00 valueFREE
That’s Over $691 In Bonus Training I’m Handing You — Absolutely Free — When
You Invest In The Launch Deck Today
So the only question you should have at this point is…
How much is this going to cost?
And how can I get my Launch Deck in the mail?
Thankfully, the process couldn’t be easier and…
It’s not going to cost even close to the $700 dollars all this retails for.
Because I’m handing you…
The Launch Deck, along with the Quickstart Video Series…
Plus, over $691 worth of bonus video training…
For the low price of just $55.
Even if you only used the Launch Deck for a year…
That Works Out To Less Than 50 Cents A Day To Kiss Your Slice
Goodbye Forever…
And add up to 40 yards of accurate distance.
But given how well the Launch Deck is built and the results it gives you…
I’m confident you won’t just use it for a year.
You’ll keep using the Launch Deck, over and over…
As you draw the ball and stay long off the tee — for LIFE.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Order The Launch Deck Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses worth $691 and free shipping
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee and Unconditional Refund Policy
The Launch Deck
The first-of-its-kind automatic swing trainer, that eliminates your slice and adds up to 40 yards to your drives.
The Launch Deck easily and naturally gets you swinging from the inside and optimizes your attack angle.
So you can eliminate your left-to-right ball flight, reduce spin, and start launching your ball higher… farther… and most importantly — straighter than ever before.
You’re also getting the step-by-step Launch Deck Quickstart Video Series to quickly customize the Launch Deck to fix your unique swing. So you can fix your swing path and add distance as fast as possible.
Combine the knowledge inside the Quickstart Series with the feedback from the Launch Deck, and you’ll have everything you need to play your best golf right away.
PRICE: $199.00ONLY $55
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator
Accelerate your results with the Launch Deck. Hank will guide you through a proven series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines.
Our data shows that these drills and routines work BEST to help you maximize distance — no matter your age, strength or handicap. This Accelerator program is designed to help you build on the distance gains you’re already sure to achieve with your Launch Deck. Plus, inside you’ll discover secrets Hank has only shown to Tiger!
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons
Once the Launch Deck has eliminated your slice and added distance to your drives… you’ll want to dial in your irons, too.
With the Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons video series, you’ll get access to the BEST contact and accuracy drills you can use to consistently hit your target, shoot lower scores, and feel unstoppable confidence.
All you do is follow our instructions on how to use your Launch Deck with your irons — and you’ll be shooting lower scores in no time.
PRICE: $197.00FREE
This is your chance to learn from Tiger’s former coach Hank Haney and get feedback as he gives a LIVE lesson and demonstrates all the ways YOU can use the Launch Deck to not only fix your slice… but also add distance and accuracy to your drives.
And if you have any questions about the Launch Deck, you’ll be able to get them answered LIVE… so that you have everything you need to take your game to the next level.
PRICE: $300.00FREE
Scratch Club
Get a 14-Day Free Pass to “The Netflix of Golf” — with the world’s leading collection of advanced tools and training from some of the greatest golf coaches in the world.
All so you can drop 5 strokes from your handicap in the first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
(Save 72% OFF today with this BLACK FRIDAY special offer)
365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
So Here’s How To Get Your Launch Deck Rushed To Your Door…
Click any button on this page and you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page trusted by over 300,000 happy customers.
There you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds…
Then your Launch Deck order will be processed…
And begin making its way to you from sunny California so…
In Just Days From Now It’ll Be Waiting On Your Doorstep…
Ready for you to open…
And start making swings.
And after the 30-second setup…
You’ll feel the power of the Launch Deck’s Swing Gates and Launch Hurdle…
That instantly help you hit it higher, farther, and straighter.
Not only that, you get…
Instant Access To Our Special “Members Only” Portal To Watch The Launch Deck Quickstart Video Series And Bonus Training…
Including the Launch Deck Distance Accelerator Video Series…
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons Training…
And the next Launch Deck LIVESTREAM coaching session with me.
Along with the advanced Scratch Club bonus training to drop your scores even more.
Oh… and if you’re still thinking…
“What if the Launch Deck doesn’t work for me?”
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…
Because this is already working for amateur players just like you.
Still, in the extremely unlikely event that occurs…
Know that you’re covered by…
The Industry’s FIRST “Swing-From-The-Inside-Or- It’s FREE” 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
That Means You Can Try The Launch Deck
Completely Risk-Free…
And take up to an entire YEAR to see the difference it makes.
If you’re not completely thrilled with the way The Launch Deck transforms your swing path…
Optimizes your attack angle…
And maximizes your distance — on literally every single shot…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolf.com…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…
So we can issue you a 100% refund.
The Launch Deck either makes your slice disappear AND gives you more distance off the tee… or you get your money back.
Think about that…
When Have You Ever Bought A Club Or Training Aid From One Of The “Big Golf” Companies…
And had the chance to TEST the product for a full YEAR…
To see how it works for you.
AND no matter how much you used it…
Yes, even if you’ve hit balls with it for 364 days…
They told you you can STILL get your money back?
Pretty sure the answer is… NOBODY offers a guarantee like that.
Join The Exclusive Group Of Players Using The Launch Deck To Gain An Unfair Advantage
Here’s The ONLY Catch…
If you’re seeing this now, it means that millions of other golfers are too.
And, I don’t mean to discourage you…
But as you probably know, supply chains have become shaky…
Production times are delayed…
And manufacturing availability isn’t like it used to be.
That means we can only produce the Launch Deck in small batches.
And we will inevitably sell out, FAST.
When that happens, you’ll have to be placed on a waiting list.
Which could mean… days… weeks… or months until you have another opportunity to get your Launch Deck.
I don’t want that for you.
I want you to walk up to any shot right now…
And have confidence you’re swinging from the inside…
With an optimal angle of attack…
Hitting the ball higher, farther, and straighter than you ever have in the past.
So Don’t Wait Another Second — Click The Button Now Before It’s Too Late
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Order The Launch Deck Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses worth $691 and free shipping
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee and Unconditional Refund Policy
The Launch Deck
The first-of-its-kind automatic swing trainer, that eliminates your slice and adds up to 40 yards to your drives.
The Launch Deck easily and naturally gets you swinging from the inside and optimizes your attack angle.
So you can eliminate your left-to-right ball flight, reduce spin, and start launching your ball higher… farther… and most importantly — straighter than ever before.
You’re also getting the step-by-step Launch Deck Quickstart Video Series to quickly customize the Launch Deck to fix your unique swing. So you can fix your swing path and add distance as fast as possible.
Combine the knowledge inside the Quickstart Series with the feedback from the Launch Deck, and you’ll have everything you need to play your best golf right away.
PRICE: $199.00ONLY $55
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator
Accelerate your results with the Launch Deck. Hank will guide you through a proven series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines.
Our data shows that these drills and routines work BEST to help you maximize distance — no matter your age, strength or handicap. This Accelerator program is designed to help you build on the distance gains you’re already sure to achieve with your Launch Deck. Plus, inside you’ll discover secrets Hank has only shown to Tiger!
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons
Once the Launch Deck has eliminated your slice and added distance to your drives… you’ll want to dial in your irons, too.
With the Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons video series, you’ll get access to the BEST contact and accuracy drills you can use to consistently hit your target, shoot lower scores, and feel unstoppable confidence.
All you do is follow our instructions on how to use your Launch Deck with your irons — and you’ll be shooting lower scores in no time.
PRICE: $197.00FREE
This is your chance to learn from Tiger’s former coach Hank Haney and get feedback as he gives a LIVE lesson and demonstrates all the ways YOU can use the Launch Deck to not only fix your slice… but also add distance and accuracy to your drives.
And if you have any questions about the Launch Deck, you’ll be able to get them answered LIVE… so that you have everything you need to take your game to the next level.
PRICE: $300.00FREE
Scratch Club
Get a 14-Day Free Pass to “The Netflix of Golf” — with the world’s leading collection of advanced tools and training from some of the greatest golf coaches in the world.
All so you can drop 5 strokes from your handicap in the first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
(Save 72% OFF today with this BLACK FRIDAY special offer)
365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
Right Now You Have A Decision To Make And Really Only Have 2 Options
You already know what happens when you choose the first option and do nothing.
Your slice and distance will be in exactly the same place 6 months from now.
You’ll waste days… weeks… or months on the hamster wheel…
Trying the latest tips, tricks, or techniques from golf magazines or YouTube.
And NONE of them will work…
At least not permanently…
Because they’re based on outdated and ineffective internal feedback.
I do NOT want that for you.
So Given That There’s Zero Risk To You… Doesn’t It Make Sense To At Least
Try The Launch Deck?
And that brings us to the second option…
Which really makes the most sense.
Because when you join the exclusive group of players using the Launch Deck…
The ONLY automatic swing trainer co-designed by Tiger’s former coach… AND Tiger’s former club engineer…
That gives you instant external feedback to fix your swing issues for good…
You save months or even years of suffering – and still getting nowhere.
Plus, with my no-risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
You Have NOTHING To Lose… ONLY Distance And Accuracy To Gain!
So click the button below now.
Complete the secure checkout…
And get your Launch Deck rushed out to you.
Ultimately the choice is yours, but whatever you decide, you’ve got to choose now.
Because time is against you…
And if you come back later, I can’t guarantee this low price…
Or the bonuses… will still be available.
And I can’t guarantee the Launch Deck won’t be SOLD OUT.
If you’re seeing this page, that means there’s still one available for you.
So click the button below to get your Launch Deck right now…
… so you can forever end your slice… optimize your angle of attack…
And add automatic distance — for life.
Hank Haney Tiger’s Former Coach World’s #1 Slice Fixing Coach
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Order The Launch Deck Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses worth $691 and free shipping
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee and Unconditional Refund Policy
The Launch Deck
The first-of-its-kind automatic swing trainer, that eliminates your slice and adds up to 40 yards to your drives.
The Launch Deck easily and naturally gets you swinging from the inside and optimizes your attack angle.
So you can eliminate your left-to-right ball flight, reduce spin, and start launching your ball higher… farther… and most importantly — straighter than ever before.
You’re also getting the step-by-step Launch Deck Quickstart Video Series to quickly customize the Launch Deck to fix your unique swing. So you can fix your swing path and add distance as fast as possible.
Combine the knowledge inside the Quickstart Series with the feedback from the Launch Deck, and you’ll have everything you need to play your best golf right away.
PRICE: $199.00ONLY $55
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator
Accelerate your results with the Launch Deck. Hank will guide you through a proven series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines.
Our data shows that these drills and routines work BEST to help you maximize distance — no matter your age, strength or handicap. This Accelerator program is designed to help you build on the distance gains you’re already sure to achieve with your Launch Deck. Plus, inside you’ll discover secrets Hank has only shown to Tiger!
The Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons
Once the Launch Deck has eliminated your slice and added distance to your drives… you’ll want to dial in your irons, too.
With the Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons video series, you’ll get access to the BEST contact and accuracy drills you can use to consistently hit your target, shoot lower scores, and feel unstoppable confidence.
All you do is follow our instructions on how to use your Launch Deck with your irons — and you’ll be shooting lower scores in no time.
PRICE: $197.00FREE
This is your chance to learn from Tiger’s former coach Hank Haney and get feedback as he gives a LIVE lesson and demonstrates all the ways YOU can use the Launch Deck to not only fix your slice… but also add distance and accuracy to your drives.
And if you have any questions about the Launch Deck, you’ll be able to get them answered LIVE… so that you have everything you need to take your game to the next level.
PRICE: $300.00FREE
Scratch Club
Get a 14-Day Free Pass to “The Netflix of Golf” — with the world’s leading collection of advanced tools and training from some of the greatest golf coaches in the world.
All so you can drop 5 strokes from your handicap in the first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
(Save 72% OFF today with this BLACK FRIDAY special offer)
365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
You’ll see results immediately. The very first time you use it.
And that’s the beauty of the engineering behind the Launch Deck.
The 2 unique features, the Swing Gates and the Launch Hurdle…
Make this the FIRST and ONLY swing trainer that instantly eliminates your over the top swing…
And transforms your negative attack angle for you automatically…
Fixing your slice, for higher, longer, and straighter drives — in just a few swings each week.
No overthinking.
No complicated mechanical adjustments.
No taking two steps backward to take one step forward.
Just step up to the Launch Deck…
Swing through the gates…
And let your body and brain naturally do the rest.
Over 90% of amateur players who struggle with a slice or a lack of distance…
Have ONE thing in common: An over-the-top swing.
And an over-the-top swing causes 2 BIG problems:
Number one – it forces your clubface to be open relative to the path of your swing.
And when your clubface is open even 1 degree to the over-the-top path… Your ball is always going to slice right.
The second issue your over-the-top swing causes…
Is a downward – or negative – attack angle.
This robs you of a staggering 17 to 40+ yards of distance off the tee.
So if you’re swinging over the top right now…
You attack the ball on the way DOWN.
And it’s costing you distance.
However the Launch Deck is designed to easily and naturally correct your over-the-top swing…
Fixing your open clubface at impact…
Optimizing your attack angle.
And eliminating the root cause of that score-wrecking left to right ball flight…
So you immediately start launching your ball higher, straighter and farther than ever before…
All without having to spend hours taking lessons or watching swing tip videos.
Most other slice fixes use internal feedback — or require your own “inner awareness” — in order to make them work.
And that’s a problem. Because 99% of the time what you FEEL in your swing… is NOT what’s really happening.
Instead, the Launch Deck uses EXTERNAL feedback…
Meaning, this swing trainer guides you through the precise moves that will improve your swing…
So you have NO CHOICE but to swing from the inside, with your clubface square to the path, while optimizing your attack angle.
This leaves NO room for your bad habits to creep back in…
So the results happen automatically… and you can’t mess it up, even if you tried.
We filmed an entire video series to walk you through EXACTLY how to start using this swing trainer — in a matter of minutes.
This way, you’ll see how easy it is to assemble, and confidently know how to use the Launch Deck.. as soon as you unbox it.
Plus this quick start series also helps you immediately personalize the Launch Deck to your swing…
So you can fix ANY issues you have with path or attack angle right away.
No guesswork, no wondering what to do next… just instant results.
We simply wanted to make sure you have NO QUESTIONS about how to start reaching your goals.
If that happens you’ll be an extreme outlier…Because the Launch Deck is already working for amateur players just like you.
Still, in the unlikely event that occurs…
You’re fully covered by the industry’s FIRST 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
That means you can try out the Launch Deck completely risk-free…
And if you’re not completely thrilled with the way the Launch Deck transforms your swing path…
Optimizes your attack angle…
And maximizes your distance — on literally every single shot…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolf.com…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it… So we can issue you a 100% refund.
The Launch Deck either makes your slice disappear AND gives you more distance off the tee…
Or you get your money back.
The Launch Deck is typically shipped out within 48 hours of placing your order and then takes another 2 to 5 business days for delivery — depending on where you live.
But if you want to get your Launch Deck faster… you can choose priority shipping on the next page and we’ll rush it out to you as fast as possible.
Do that… And you can start hitting pure, straight, high launching drives… THIS WEEK!
The simple answer is: “Yes”…
It doesn’t matter if you’re a scratch golfer… a 25 handicapper… or haven’t broken 100 or even 120.
The Launch Deck works equally well for players of all levels.
Because unlike lessons where the instructor has to guide your club to make perfect practice swings to feel the correct path…
And unlike launch monitors which just show your shot data…
The Launch Deck’s engineering does ALL the heavy lifting for you…
Easily fixing your over-the-top swing…
Optimizing your attack angle…
And best of all leaving NO room for bad habits to creep back into your swing.
So the results happen automatically — for ALL players.
When you order right now — you get the Launch Deck, the must-have Quickstart Video Series.
PLUS four insanely valuable bonuses:
The Launch Deck Distance Accelerator…
My Launch Deck Secrets for Flushing Irons…
The Launch Deck LIVESTREAM…
And your 14-day free pass to the exclusive Scratch Club.
That’s over $691 in bonus training I’m handing you absolutely FREE when you invest in the Launch Deck today.
Plus, you get the peace of mind of knowing your investment is protected by Performance Golf’s industry-leading, 365-day money back guarantee.
It doesn’t get much better than that.
So if you’re ready to finally eliminate your slice…
Dial in your attack angle… and add distance off the tee…
Then click the button above, secure your Launch Deck, and we’ll prioritize your shipment today.
If for any reason you have other questions… feel free to email support@performancegolf.com or give us a call at 1-800-523-5760…
And our friendly customer support team will take care of you. I hope that helped…
And I can’t wait to hear your success story with the Launch Deck.