Golf Digest Top 50 Instructor Martin Chuck
— Who Calls “One Of Golf’s
Brilliant Minds” — Now Reveals The Secret
He’s Used In 50,000+ Lessons …
Consistency Fix
In Just A Few Minutes A Week This
Guarantees You’ll Make Consistent
FLUSH Contact On Every Shot And
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life
Even If You Have Limited
Space And Can’t Hit Balls This Winter!
The best way to groove a more consistent swing…
Is To STOP Playing Golf!
Let me explain…
I’m NOT saying to quit the game…
I’m saying there’s something you’re doing that’s making you more inconsistent…
And the truth is…
You Can Have a Smooth,
Consistent Swing, Overnight…
(IF You Do The Opposite Of What Everyone Tells You)
Yes, you have to throw out what all the experts say — because the BEST way to fix your inconsistency isn’t what you expect:
It’s NOT in the middle of the golf season…
It’s NOT when you’re playing multiple times per week…
It’s NOT even when you’re grinding on the range every day…
It’s During The Off-Season.
In fact, this may be controversial, but I’ll go so far as to say…
The off-season is the only time you can ever make significant improvements in your swing…
Precisely because you CAN’T play or hit balls as often.
I know that might sound crazy, but stick with me here…
Because on this page you’re going to see…
The Exact 2-Minute Practice
Sequence That Dials In Your
Accuracy AND
Use it a few times a week during the off-season — and you’ll play the most consistent golf of your life when the warmer weather rolls around.
- Without hitting golf balls…
- Without a simulator…
- And without expensive, time-consuming lessons.
This 2-minute sequence systematically gives you a repeatable and reliable swing…
So When You Start Playing Next
You’ll Make Flush,
Solid Contact On
Every Shot.
Pipe drives further and straighter than ever before…
And put together some of the best rounds of your life…
All while your buddies spend months trying to shake off the swing rust they developed during their time away from the game.
There’s only one reason 9 in 10 amateurs play their worst golf when they get back on the course each spring…
It’s NOT because they’ve suddenly lost all their distance or forgot how to read their putts.
It’s because…
Your Swing Consistency Is The
First Thing To
Go In The

And that causes you to lose any rhythm and tempo you developed during the summer…
But doing this 2-minute sequence a couple times per week during your time off, you’ll keep your tempo dialed in…
And fix the root cause of inconsistencies in your swing.
So, you’ll not only be maintaining your swing…
You’ll be improving it too.
This 2-Minute Sequence
Doesn’t Require Any

You don’t need a golf studio that’s loaded with training aids…
Or even a lot of room to practice either.
All you need is enough space to swing a golf club…
So you can do it from your basement, your garage, your living room, your office… or even in the kitchen while you’re waiting for a pot of coffee to brew…
Because all it takes is a few square feet of space…
And In No Time At All… You’ll
Be Making The
Most Consistent
Swings Of Your Life
Hi I’m Martin Chuck…
And I first developed this 2-minute
sequence when I was an aspiring golfer
growing up in Canada… and I was stuck
indoors for months at a time.
But after giving over 50,000 private
lessons to struggling amateurs over the
last 35 years…

I’ve found this sequence really is the
secret to developing true consistency in
the off-season.
So If You’ve Ever Missed
Golf Time Because
Of Cold Weather…
Or injuries…
Or just a busy schedule that doesn’t allow you to play as much as you’d like…
Make sure to read everything below…
Because the 2-minute sequence I’m about to reveal is all you’ll ever need to develop a truly consistent swing.
So instead of taking two steps back in the off-season…
You’ll Start Your First Round
Playing Better Than When
You Put Your
Clubs Away For
The Winter…
Regardless of age, physicality, handicap, or most of all — WHERE you live.

Plus I’m also going to show you why hitting the indoor range, taking lessons, or using simulators in the off-season….
Can actually KILL your game and make you MORE inconsistent…
And exactly what you should do instead.
It doesn’t matter if you live in Alaska…
New York… or anywhere in between.
It doesn’t matter if you live in a tiny studio
Or somewhere you think there’s no room
to practice.
You can do this 2-minute off-season sequence from anywhere there’s enough room to swing a club. And…
It Instantly Improves Your
Contact And
Ball Striking… And
Adds Yards Of
So when the ice melts and it’s finally time to tee it up again…
You’ll come back as a truly consistent player…
- With a reliable and repeatable swing on every shot…
- Making flush contact in the DEAD center of the clubface again and again…
- And hitting the ball up to 25 yards further…
- With more accuracy than ever.
Before I show you this sequence though…
I should probably tell you how I came up with it in the first place.
Well, in 2011 I Started The Tour Striker Academy Here In Phoenix…

Every Year I Have Students
Come From
States Or Countries
Where You CAN’T
Play Golf
Year Round…
Time and time again, they’ll ask me…
“Martin, I Can Only Play 6 Months A Year,
And I Don’t Have A Lot Of Space To Practice…
How Can I Stop My Swing From Getting Worse
Over The Winter?!”
I ALWAYS tell them the same thing I’m telling you…
The off-season is the ONLY time you can truly become a consistent player…
NOT during the season when you’re hitting balls or on the course regularly.
I know that sounds strange…
But I grew up in Canada. Where our golf season is only 3, maybe 4 months a year if we’re lucky…
Back when I was a kid we didn’t have indoor driving ranges… And golf simulators were still years away from being decent…
I Had To Work On My Game
From Home…
During The Frigid
Canadian Winter
That meant looking at my backswing and wrist conditions in a mirror…
Putting into coffee mugs…
And hitting wiffle balls into the couch.
This obviously drove my parents NUTS…
But in the end it was worth it.
When I came back from the off-season…
I was better. Much better. And…
At The Start Of The Next
Season I Had
I knew I was going to play well starting on the first hole of the first round of the season…
Because my swing was so consistent and repeatable…
And I want the same for YOU…
Which is why I’m sharing this with you today.
Because while most players take two steps back over the winter…
And let their swing fall apart…
I don’t want that for you.
I don’t want you to have to spend hours on the range…
Or waste the first couple months of the season working to get back to where you left off…
I want you to use this 2-minute consistency sequence to groove the most repeatable swing possible during the off-season…
Because You And I Both Know…
But the off-season kills any consistency you do have.
And here’s why…
It all comes down to something called swing regression…
Which essentially means…
When you’re not maintaining your swing…
During The Off-Season…
You Get MORE Inconsistent
Because the body and brain are wired to revert BACK to the patterns and pathways it knows from years of practiced muscle memory…
And for most of us — that means bad swing habits that are deeply ingrained.
Think about it like this…
If your worst habit is an over-the-top swing… or an out-to-in club path…
And you don’t work on creating a new habit of swinging from the inside during the off-season…
Then Swing Regression Will
Make Your Bad
Habits Even
Giving you an even bigger over the top move at the start of next season…
Resulting in a lot more slices and even a two-way miss.
Or maybe your worst habit is releasing the club too early… causing fat shots…
And if you don’t do anything about it for months…
Then the second you step back onto the course…
Off-season swing regression will give you no choice but to go straight back to your bad habits…
Releasing the club even earlier… and battling with inconsistencies that ruin your rounds.
The Bottom Line Is — Without
This 2-Minute
Sequence… Your Good Habits
Will Fade In The Offseason…
And the bad habits that plagued you during last season come back with a vengeance…
All because of one reason… and one reason ONLY — off-season swing regression.
And that’s why you — like 95% of amateurs — start every new golf season struggling with…
- No confidence…
- No trust in your swing…
- And NO consistency.
Taking weeks or MONTHS banging balls…
And working twice as hard — just to get back to where you left off the previous season.
When you ignore off-season swing regression…
You Take ONE Step Forward
And TWO Steps
Back Every Off-Season

And we both know taking two steps back each off-season will make it impossible to EVER fix your slice…
Gain distance…
Improve your contact…
Or simply play good golf.
That’s the bad news…
The GOOD news is…
With Just A Couple Minutes, A
Few Times
A Week… You Can
Completely Avoid
Swing Regression
So here’s how to groove consistency right into your current swing….
One of my idols and golf legend Hal Sutton put it best when he said…
“I wish I hit HALF as many balls… and taken TWICE as many practice swings.
The ball OWNS you because you need a result… in practice swings your mind is open to change.”

What he means is…
In season, we all want to hit balls…
We all want to see our ball flight…
But when the ball DOESN’T do what you want it to do…
Then the ball OWNS you… because you’re married to the results.
Now, we all definitely want to get out on the course and play…
But That’s NOT How You
Groove A Consistent Swing…
In reality, if you’re serious about having a repeatable swing that produces consistent, positive results…
So you can actually get out and enjoy the game during the season…
Then You Must Follow This
Exact Sequence
In The Off-Season…

Because it’s the ONLY way to guarantee a more consistent swing …
Without the pressure of your buddies…
Without the need to see your ball flight…
And without the hamster wheel of trying tips and tricks in the middle of your season — when your consistent swing should already be on auto-pilot.
Now if you’re thinking…
“Ok Martin, How Can I Possibly
My Swing More
Consistent… If I’m
Not Supposed
To Hit Balls?!”
Well let me show you…
It all comes back to the 2-minute sequence I mentioned earlier….
You won’t have to hit balls on the range…On a simulator… or a full course…
Which might sound crazy. But…
That’s Exactly Why This
Gives You A More
Consistent Swing
During The
Because if you’ve tried hitting thousands
of balls on the range…

Watching YouTube videos…
Or even taking lessons…
And you feel like NONE of that’s worked
to make you more consistent… and
instead you just feel MORE confused…
I want you to know that it’s not your fault.
And that ends NOW.
Because the truth is…
No One Has Ever Shared A
Proven Way To
Leverage Your
Off-Season Before…
This is the ONLY time of the year where you can actually make improvements in your swing and your game.
And that’s why I’m so excited for you to try the 2-minute sequence I told you about earlier…
It’s something I call the “off-season consistency sequence”…
It systematically gives you a repeatable and reliable swing…
In just 2 minutes a couple times each week… and WITHOUT hitting a single golf ball.
How Do I Know This Is So Effective?
Well, like I said earlier, thousands of my students have been using this sequence for the past 35 years…
And last season wasn’t any different, because yet again I put this 2-minute “off-season consistency sequence” to the test.
As one of our Tour Striker Academies was wrapping up, I had multiple students asking me what they should do in the off-season…
These golfers didn’t live in Arizona, California or Florida where they could play year round…
They didn’t have a lot of space to practice at home…
And they usually don’t pick up a club for months during the winter.
But they didn’t want to lose what they’d learned at the academy…
So they needed a simple, but focused practice plan for the off-season.
That’s Why I Showed Them
The Off-Season Consistency
And told them I’d check in with them in the spring and see if there was any difference in their game.
Fast forward to this past spring… and I met up with these guys again at my academy in Arizona…
And Even I Was SHOCKED…
Because after using the “off-season consistency sequence”….
These Players Transformed Into
Totally New
And Improved
Golfers Over The Winter!
Check This Out…
Going into last off-season this student was hitting multiple fat shots per round…
He followed the “off-season consistency sequence” for just 2 minutes a couple times a week during the winter…
And here’s what he had to say:
Now check out this next student…
Like A Lot Of Amateurs He Was
He’d Regress Over The
And start next season playing inconsistent golf again…
Well before the winter I showed him the “off-season consistency sequence”… and he followed it to a tee.
Here’s what he had to say after…
And while it’s great to get results like that… these were already decent players.
Check out this next student…
Before last off-season his drives averaged around 217 yards. And his swing path was so inconsistent that he would slice multiple times per round…
Sometimes costing him too many penalty strokes and lost balls to ever play well.
He Was Worried The Winter
Break Would
Only Make Him
But that’s not what happened…
When he started playing this summer, he was consistently hitting draws that average over 240 yards.
That’s 23 yards of extra distance GAINED during the off-season…
And a lot more consistency than before…
That’s How YOU – Or ANY
Golfer – Gets a
Consistent And
Repeatable Swing
This Off-Season…
In just 2 minutes, a few times a week.
The bottom line is…
This 2-minute sequence… prevents swing regression — the REAL reason 95% of amateur golfers get worse in the off-season…
And instead gives you a more consistent and repeatable swing…
So You Can Play the BEST Golf
Of Your Life –
Starting On The
First Hole Of Your First Round
Back Next Spring…

Striping it in the dead center of the clubface…
With more accuracy, more distance, and more consistency than where you left off the previous season.
By now, you’re probably wondering exactly how this works…
I’ll Walk You Through The
Consistency Sequence Right Now…
So you can use it during YOUR
off-season to engrain the most reliable and repeatable swing possible…
Just like these students…
First, I’m going to have you do the “one-minute swing” …
Most players will NEVER take the time to do this… even though it’s really simple.
But that’s why they take two steps back during the off-season.
If You Try This Drill Just A Couple Times A Week This Winter…
While you’re watching the news or your favorite sports team…
When your season starts up you’ll have the
swing awareness and consistency 95% of
amateurs NEVER achieve.
This is a secret drill I borrowed from
another one of my idols… and one of the
best tournament ball strikers of all time…
Ben Hogan.

He swore by this drill… and for good reason.
All you need is enough room to make a slow
and controlled practice swing…
And In Just 60 Seconds It
All Your Bad Swing
So you don’t have to think about weight transfer…
Swinging from the inside…
Or clubface angle…
And instead it gives you the correct FEELS for the weight, shaft, and face of your club…
Which are the 3 components of every good swing.
Doing the “one-minute swing” a couple times a week throughout the off-season…
Ingrains the correct movements for a consistent swing into your brain and your body…
No matter your age, strength, flexibility or experience…
Which is already a huge win.
But if you want to groove a truly consistent and repeatable swing…
Make Sure You Don’t Skip This Next Step…
(It’s The Most Important Of All)
Because this next drill will dial in your consistency even more…
While improving your contact, accuracy and distance.
This is my “step swing, step strike” technique…
That adds effortless width and speed to your current swing…
Using nothing more than a couple foam balls, and a wedge…
And it gives you the feeling of FLUSH contact… so you’ll start making powerful, consistent contact on every single shot.
All in just ONE minute… a couple times a week.
And instead of taking 2 steps back in the off-season…
You’ll Be Flushing The Ball…
Starting On Your First Round Back
Best of all?
This technique is so simple… that anyone can get a feel for it after a couple shots.
Even if you feel so stiff that you struggle to make a full rotation right now…
Have never been a consistent ball striker…
Or haven’t picked up a club in months.
After about a minute it builds consistency right into your swing…
All you have to do is follow the “off-season consistency sequence” step-by-step… for 2 minutes a couple times per week.
Make every practice swing count…
And you’ll return to the course with the most consistent and repeatable swing of your entire life.
So the only question is…
Are You Willing To Spend
Each Week To Be
MORE Consistent Than
You Were
Last Season?
If so, let me show you how you can start
using this Off-Season Consistency
Sequence RIGHT NOW…
So you don’t waste a minute of precious
off-season training time.
In the past, the only way to learn my
Off-Season Consistency Sequence was to work
with me 1-on-1 like major winners Darren
Clarke, or Mike Weir have done in the

Or to book a spot at one of my exclusive Tour
Striker academies, like the students I showed
But my academies can have a waiting list of
up to one year.
And since…
My Mission Is To Help As Many
Golfers As I Can This
I partnered with Performance Golf…
Who Inc. Magazine said is the fastest growing online golf company in the world…
And Forbes claims is “flattening the instructional curve” in golf…

Which is exactly my goal as well.
They’re the industry leader in creating online golf instructional programs… that not only look great, but deliver results.
So I invited their professional film crew into my golf studio and my home here in Arizona…
To capture all the details of my Off-Season Consistency Sequence in high-quality HD video.
Their team captured multiple camera angles, and slow-motion shots…
So you don’t miss a single detail… as I walk you through the entire sequence, step by step.
And unlike other off-season solutions that do nothing but confuse you…
Or make you more inconsistent during a lesson or at the range…
Only for your swing to completely fall apart when you get to the course… leaving you feeling frustrated or hopeless…
The Off-Season Consistency Sequence prevents swing regression — the root cause of inconsistencies…
And it’s the secret to dialing in the most fail-proof swing you’ve ever had.
That’s why I call this…
The Off-Season Secret
Video Training Program

Because that’s exactly what it is…
Your secret weapon in the off-season.
The Off-Season Secret Video Training Program has never been released publicly before…
And I’m confident it’s going to change everything for you this winter.
Because you’re minutes away from watching the exclusive video training…
At your convenience… from any computer, smartphone, or tablet…
And you’ll start grooving a more consistent swing… immediately.
With the Off-Season Secret Video Training I left no stone unturned…
You’ll have complete insider’s access to the EXACT 2-minute sequence that grooves consistency right into your swing.
And it’s just just a couple clicks away.
Soon you’ll be able to say…
“Martin Chuck, The People’s Coach, Gave Me
The Secret To A Consistent Swing This
Off-Season… And Now I’m Playing
The Best Golf Of My Life!”
I want that for you… and I can’t wait…
Feedback on these video lessons has started pouring in.
Golfers Are Already Using It To
Become More
Consistent Than
Ever Before…
Now, I could just give you the Off-Season Secret Video Training and send you on your way…
And you’d be playing the most consistent golf of your life.
But that’s not enough for me…
I want you to reach your true potential as a golfer…
So I’m adding some free bonus gifts when you get started today…
Bonus #1: Speed Secrets

First off, you’re getting my
never-before-seen “Speed Secrets” video training.
Because after using the Off-Season Consistency Sequence a couple times a week this winter I know you’ll have a consistent and repeatable swing…
But if you’re like most golfers I teach, you’ll probably want to increase your swing speed… and gain even more distance with that consistent swing you’ve dialed in.
That’s why I created the Speed Secrets Video Training. Where I show you…
How To Ratchet Up Your
Swing Speeds And Get Even
Distance When You Tee
It Up Again Next Season…
All without swinging harder…
And without hitting ANY balls.
Take another 30 seconds or so after the Off-Season Consistency Sequence and do this easy drill a couple times a week…
And your newly consistent swing will be infused with more speed…
So you can hit your first drive of next season higher and further than you’ve ever done before…
Regardless Of Your Age…
Flexibility… Strength… Or Handicap
And even if you’ve never been a long hitter before.
Hitting that first monster drive of the season…while your buddies watch in amazement…
Is gonna feel awesome.
And since you’ve shown so much dedication to fixing your consistency issues today…
I’m adding the Speed Secrets Video Training as a special bonus completely FREE of charge…
But I’m not done there…
I’m throwing in another extremely valuable bonus for you…
Bonus #2: Perfect Putting

We both know that your short game is truly going to determine how well you score…
And I don’t want you to have to spend hours on the practice green trying to dial in your putting stroke at the start of next season…
So I filmed this special bonus session showing you a handful of simple putting tricks you can do around your house, in just minutes a week…
Without a putting green… A big practice area… Or any fancy equipment at all.

This Dials In The Perfect Arc
And Rhythm — Making Your
Putting Stroke Consistent And
So when you’re standing over a 6-foot birdie putt next season…
You won’t feel nervous or anxious that you’re gonna slide it by the hole.
Instead you’ll KNOW your ball’s headed for the center of the cup.
How cool would it be to finally average less than 30 putts a round next season…
Well that’s my goal for you…

And with the Perfect Putting Video Training, it will be easy.
So I’m including this bonus totally FREE.
And I’ve still got one final bonus for you as well…
Bonus #3: DIY Training Aids

It’s called DIY Training Aids.
Because that’s exactly what this is…
A video training where l show you how to turn regular household items into game-changing training aids. Without spending a dime.

I’ll show you things like…
- How to create extra force and momentum in your swing using something that’s hanging in your kitchen right now…
- The “Arnold Palmer” flask drill that you can do sitting down, that gives you the strength and rotation for more consistent shots…
- How to eliminate the root cause of “sliding hips” using nothing more than a pigskin (or any type of ball)…
And why I never met a mirror or reflective surface I didn’t like…
Plus a bunch more fun and creative ways to use items that are lying around your house… to exponentially improve your golf game.
Try these drills out during your TV time…
While you’re watching sports… or the news…
And you won’t just lock-in the gains you’re already getting with The Off-Season Consistency Sequence…
You’ll dial in your consistency even more…
So not only are you getting instant access to The Off-Season Secret Video Training…
I’m Also Handing You
These Very Special Bonuses…
Speed Secrets — that automatically increases the speed of your new consistent swing… without swinging harder.
$147.00 value FREE

Perfect Putting — so your putting stroke is just as consistent as your full swing. And you can average less than 30 putts a round next season.
$97.00 value FREE

And DIY Training Aids — so you can dial in your swing even further, using items that are already laying around your house…
$97.00 value FREE

That’s $341 in bonuses you’re
… as soon as you invest in The Off-Season Secret Video Training today.
Given all that…
You’re probably wondering…
How do I get started?
How much is this going to cost?
Fortunately, The Process Is
Simple And Easy…
And it’s not going to cost you anywhere near what you may think…
Simply by reading this page you’ve already shown me you understand that the off-season is the best time to groove a truly consistent swing.
So I want to hand you the complete Off-Season Secret Video Training…
Plus $341 in FREE bonuses…
For just one payment of $197 $47.
That’s over 90% off the $2,000 it would cost to attend an academy with me and learn these drills in person…
To get started and END your consistency struggles immediately…
Simply click the button directly below:
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Access
The Off-Season Secret Today
Including 3 FREE bonuses
worth $341
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100%
Back Guarantee and
Unconditional Refund Policy

The Off-Season Secret Video Training Program
Discover Martin Chuck’s Off-Season Consistency Sequence that gives you the most consistent and repeatable swing you can imagine. After following this sequence you won’t need to shake off the “swing rust” when you get back on the course after the off-season. Instead you’ll be playing the BEST, most consistent golf of your life when you tee it up again…
Regardless of your age, handicap or where you live.
This is the single BEST way to avoid swing regression and groove a truly consistent swing during the off-season.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Speed Secrets
Because the Off-Season Consistency Sequence gives you such a repeatable and consistent swing… Speed Secrets will then infuse your newly consistent swing with more speed than you could ever imagine. Without straining your body or just swinging harder.
PRICE: $147.00 FREE

Perfect Putting
Since we both know that your short game will determine how well you score when you’re out on the course again… This will groove the perfect putting arc and rhythm this off-season.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

DIY Training Aids
Discover how to take regular household items and turn them into useful training aids that will dial in your swing and improve every aspect of your game!
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
And Finally Start Grooving a More Consistent Swing This Winter!
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
You’ll then be taken to our secure checkout page…
Trusted By Over 300,000 Happy Customers…
Where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll have instant access to the private members area, and The Off-Season Secret training videos…
Plus all the special bonuses.
Depending on what time it is for you…
You could watch the training today…
Use the simple 2-minute sequence… and immediately start to groove a more consistent swing…
So You Step On The Course Confident You’re
Going To Play The Best Golf Of Your Life…
Now, if you’re still thinking…
“What if this doesn’t work for me?
And I don’t dial in a consistent swing…”
Well, first of all, you’d be a total outlier…
Because at this point I’ve tested the
Off-Season Consistency Sequence with over 50,000 amateurs in private lessons and at my golf academies…
And in my experience this 2-minute sequence has worked for any golfer willing to spare just a couple minutes per week…
But if for some reason it doesn’t work for you?
Don’t worry because you’ll be fully covered by…
My 365-Day
Consistency Guarantee”
And our 100% money back unconditional refund policy.
So you can try it out completely risk free…
And take up to an entire year to decide how much you like it.
- How to create extra force and momentum in your swing using something that’s hanging in your kitchen right now…
- The “Arnold Palmer” flask drill that you can do sitting down, that gives you the strength and rotation for more consistent shots…
- How to eliminate the root cause of “sliding hips” using nothing more than a pigskin (or any type of ball)…
Or we’ll refund you 100% of your order.
No Questions Asked.
That gives you the whole off-season to go through the video training…
And more than enough time to see your results when you get back out on the course.
The bottom pne is that I’m wilpng to make the most generous, unconditional guarantee in the entire industry…
Simply because I know this will work for you.
And I don’t want you to have any risk whatsoever.
So if that sounds good to you…
Simply click the button below and let’s get started.
If your swing isn’t more consistent… one week or one year from now…
Then we’ll give you every single penny of your money back.
All you have to do is send us an email to… any time within the next YEAR.
And our trained customer support staff will send you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid for the program.
But I don’t expect that to happen. Because…
Players Are Already Using The
Off-Season Secret To Play The
Best, Most
Consistent Golf Of
Their Lives…
So if you want to be just like these golfers…
Then take advantage of this huge discount pricing, the 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
And act now.
We Can Only Offer This Special
Pricing For A Limited
If you come back to this presentation tomorrow, or next week, there’s a very real chance you’ll be asked to pay the full $397 listed on our main website.
So click the button below, and take advantage of this deal before it’s too late.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Access
The Off-Season Secret Today
Including 3 FREE bonuses
worth $341
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100%
Back Guarantee and
Unconditional Refund Policy

The Off-Season Secret Video Training Program
Discover Martin Chuck’s Off-Season Consistency Sequence that gives you the most consistent and repeatable swing you can imagine. After following this sequence you won’t need to shake off the “swing rust” when you get back on the course after the off-season. Instead you’ll be playing the BEST, most consistent golf of your life when you tee it up again…
Regardless of your age, handicap or where you live.
This is the single BEST way to avoid swing regression and groove a truly consistent swing during the off-season.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Speed Secrets
Because the Off-Season Consistency Sequence gives you such a repeatable and consistent swing… Speed Secrets will then infuse your newly consistent swing with more speed than you could ever imagine. Without straining your body or just swinging harder.
PRICE: $147.00 FREE

Perfect Putting
Since we both know that your short game will determine how well you score when you’re out on the course again… This will groove the perfect putting arc and rhythm this off-season.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

DIY Training Aids
Discover how to take regular household items and turn them into useful training aids that will dial in your swing and improve every aspect of your game!
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
And Finally Start Grooving a More Consistent Swing This Winter!
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
Consistency IS Everything In Golf!
And the off-season is your ONLY time to groove a more consistent swing.
So given that there’s zero risk to you…
Doesn’t it make sense to at least TRY The Off-Season Secret?
You’ll go from wherever you are now…
To a respectably good golfer, or even GREAT golfer with a repeatable and consistent swing.
- No more off-season swing regression…
- No more blow up holes at the start of next season…
- No more feeling nervous or anxious when you’re paired with low handicappers…
Instead you might want to suggest high stakes cash games… because you’ll be confident you can take money off those same ringers.
So click the button below and complete the secure checkout page to get instant access to the Off-Season Secret Video Training…
Watch the videos… follow the simple steps… from your kitchen, living room, office or garage… a couple times a week – whenever you have free time…
And watch what happens next…
I know for a fact…
You’ll Be Completely Addicted
The Feeling Of Repeatability
Consistency In Your Swing
And the flush contact and pinpoint accuracy that comes with it.
Imagine standing on the first tee next season…
Feeling confident because you KNOW you’re going to have a consistent swing on every shot that round…
It’d be a shame to let $197 $47 dollars — less than the cost of a round of golf — stand in the way of becoming a consistent golfer…
Don’t you think?
And remember… thanks to our one year, full money back guarantee… there’s NO risk for you whatsoever.
After today there’s no more spinning your wheels…
No more frustration…
No more swing rust when you return from the off-season…
You’ll Be In Complete Control Of
Your Game
So grab the Off-Season Secret Video Training now by clicking the button below…
And become a consistent player for life this off-season…
Just click the button below, and let’s get started!
I can’t wait to hear your success story!
Martin Chuck

Golf Digest Top 50 Instructor
50,000+ Happy Amateur Students

Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Access
The Off-Season Secret Today
Including 3 FREE bonuses
worth $341
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, 100%
Back Guarantee and
Unconditional Refund Policy

The Off-Season Secret Video Training Program
Discover Martin Chuck’s Off-Season Consistency Sequence that gives you the most consistent and repeatable swing you can imagine. After following this sequence you won’t need to shake off the “swing rust” when you get back on the course after the off-season. Instead you’ll be playing the BEST, most consistent golf of your life when you tee it up again…
Regardless of your age, handicap or where you live.
This is the single BEST way to avoid swing regression and groove a truly consistent swing during the off-season.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Speed Secrets
Because the Off-Season Consistency Sequence gives you such a repeatable and consistent swing… Speed Secrets will then infuse your newly consistent swing with more speed than you could ever imagine. Without straining your body or just swinging harder.
PRICE: $147.00 FREE

Perfect Putting
Since we both know that your short game will determine how well you score when you’re out on the course again… This will groove the perfect putting arc and rhythm this off-season.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

DIY Training Aids
Discover how to take regular household items and turn them into useful training aids that will dial in your swing and improve every aspect of your game!
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
And Finally Start Grooving a More Consistent Swing This Winter!
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy