
Hot List Expert
Says This Driver
Win #1 In

Posted by: Michael Tucci

They Want You To Buy
A New Driver Every
But This Slice-Fix
Driver Could Be The
Driver You Ever

The only driver specifically
engineered to square the
for you, add 35+ yards of
distance, and double how
many fairways you hit…

Golfers, I’m going to share with you the truth about fixing your slice that frustrates a lot of players…

Fixing your slice shouldn’t be complicated!

Advances in modern golf technology have made it possible to fix your slice without having to re-engineer your swing or spend countless hours at the driving range.

A new company called Performance Golf was recently featured on Golf Channel showcasing a revolutionary driver for slicers that squares the face for you and delivers serious results…

1. Fix Your Slice
Without Changing Your

Use the SF1 Driver to straighten out your drives, gain more distance, and outdrive your playing partners. It makes hitting fairways much easier.

2. Hit A Draw And Gain 35+ Yards Off the Tee.

The SF1 Driver has been engineered to optimize distance even if you don’t swing faster. Get ready to start squaring the face so you hit higher draws that roll out 35+ yards farther.

3. Eliminate Your Slice

Traditional drivers often fail to fix your
slice because no matter how
expensive and premium, they are not
built to fix an open clubface. The
SF1’s Square Face Technology
guarantees a square face at impact,
reducing those embarrassing slices
and installing a draw ball flight on the
first swing.

4. You’ll See Results FAST.

On your first swing with the SF1, you’ll
see a noticeable difference in your
ball flight and start turning the ball
over right-to-left. This saves most
slicers 4-6 strokes the first round they
use it.

This isn’t like any other driver out there.

5. Increase Your Confidence on the Tee Box.

One of the first things golfers notice
after trying the SF1 Driver is the boost
in confidence. You’ll feel it the very
first time you use it! Less stress and
more fairways in regulation
(consistently) will be your new default.

You may notice how much easier the
game feels when you’re not losing
balls off the tee.

What Makes The SF1
Driver Fly Off The
Shelves and Sell Out In
2 Days? (Repeatedly!)

Consulting with golf engineers, Tiger’s former coach, and seasoned instructors from all over this great country, Performance Golf researched what worked and what didn’t work in drivers.

They sought to create a driver that could replace a bag full of “solutions” for your slice.

First, they selected a unique Square Face Technology that guarantees a square face at impact.

“It took about 2 years to perfect our flagship product, the SF1 Driver, but when we finally got it right, as they say, the rest is history. And your slice is history too.”

Then they added in advanced
materials and weighting systems that
make the SF1 Driver: the only
that actually squares the clubface
for you
without flipping your wrists or
having tour-level

This is a golf pro-approved driver.
You deserve to play with the best
equipment modern technology &
science has to offer!

When Will You See Noticeable Results?

Since Performance Golf started
testing this driver in 2023, over 50,000
golfers have fixed their slice
the SF1 Driver.

You’ll see noticeable results in ONE shot.

And you’ll keep hitting great drives every time you play. I recommend keeping track of how many fairways you’re hitting and watch how it improves your scores.

Putting It To The Test
(Oh Boy Was He

“It arrived pretty quickly, within a couple business days.

Of course, it came with a few other golf accessories I had ordered but I had the urge to try this one first.

I kind of had the feeling if this didn’t work, nothing was going to.

So I immediately took it to the course. It felt good and the weighting in my hands made me feel really confident.

It wasn’t overly ‘heavy’ like some drivers tend to be which was great.

The next morning when I played 9 holes I didn’t expect to see any difference just yet.

After all, nothing works after just one round, right?

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it took weeks to see a difference (if I saw any at all).

Well that was wrong. 

The SF1 actually worked way better than I thought. Because believe it or not, it did NOT take weeks.

In fact, the very first round I played using the SF1 Driver my drives went
A LOT straighter.”

“They were a bit longer too. Nothing too crazy, but I was hitting at least 15 yards farther. 

Now, I still had occasional slices, but I did see a difference. Something I hadn’t seen for a long time.

And that was after just ONE round!

So that’s when I started getting really excited. I felt the hope coming back for the first time in years.

Because if it took just one round to
see a change, imagine what could
happen after a few more?

Imagine once I got the feel for it. 

Well I’ll tell you what happened.

My slice VANISHED. The inconsistency in my drives was almost GONE completely.

I honestly couldn’t believe it. I felt like I was just given a second lease on my golf game. I don’t mean to be dramatic, but that’s how I feel.”

“I always receive a lot of compliments from fellow golfers and even my instructor who assumed I had improved my swing drastically.”

“Because it truly made me play like a respectable golfer and with a lot more confidence too.

My friends noticed a difference right away. They thought I had finally started taking lessons…

But the truth is my good drives had nothing to do with any drastic swing changes.

And the fact nobody was telling me how inconsistent I was anymore was a reward enough in itself.

I couldn’t help but smile every time I
teed up. It was like I was looking at
a new me.
I know, it sounds
like some
fairytale. I still don’t really believe it

Fast forward to as I’m writing this, and
I still use this driver every single

Because it has not only fixed my slice and made my drives longer, it’s completely rejuvenated my enjoyment of the game.

Lost balls are a thing of the past…

Penalties from slices are almost GONE…

“And my confidence is at an all-time high! I feel like a golf pro!”

“This truly is the real deal.

So it begs the question, will it work for YOU? To be honest, I can’t say with 100% certainty that it will.

But if you’ve been struggling with
those awful slices and inconsistency
for a long time and NOTHING else
has worked, I highly recommend you
try this.

It has completely changed my drives and about 50,000 other golfers’ tee shots too.

So do yourself a favor and give it a try for yourself. Even if you’re skeptical this could actually work.

You have no idea how much of a difference something so small and simple can make.

Plus, they WANT you to get results, or you don’t pay. So there’s NOTHING to lose.”

Where Can I Buy the
SF1 Driver?

Performance Golf’s SF1 Driver is
exclusively sold on their website.

They currently have a Special Promotion Running: New Customers Get 38% Off & FREE Shipping!

All orders come with their 1-year money-back guarantee.

Simply put, you’ll either love the
SF1 Driver or you get your money
back, no questions asked!
(Even if
you use it the entire year!)

Covered By A 100%
Money Back

You can try the SF1 Driver completely risk-free!

That means if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, Performance Golf will return your investment… every single penny… with zero hard feelings.

NO hassles. NO annoying hoops
to jump through. NO questions

They know the likelihood of that happening is low… and that’s because Performance Golf has spent years perfecting this slice-fix driver for amateurs.]

What Does That Mean For You?

It means you are getting the best quality driver to help fix your uncontrollable slice and hit straight drives automatically without changing your swing.

They’re so confident the SF1 driver is the solution you’ve been searching for, if you aren’t 110% satisfied, then Performance Golf will return your money.

How Much Longer Will You Struggle With An Uncontrollable Slice?

The SF1 Driver provides you with groundbreaking Square Face Technology that guarantees a square face at impact, helping you gain 35+ yards off the tee without swinging faster… without spending hours at the driving range or changing your swing at ALL.

According to golf experts like Hank
Haney, traditional drivers fail to fix
your slice due to hidden

Which allows your clubface to open at impact, causing those frustrating slices, inconsistent drives, and low confidence on the tee box.

So the driver you may be using that’s supposed to help you hit straight shots…

Is actually sabotaging your game and increasing your penalty strokes.

The SF1 Driver provides you with consistent, straight drives… at a fraction of the cost of traditional
golf lessons or a big-name driver…

That means you don’t have to
continue searching endlessly for a
solution to your slice, or worse, feel
embarrassed and stressed on the

What Do Others Have
To Say About the SF1

90% Down The Middle!

Before the SF1, my confidence was
50/50. Maybe I’ll slice it, maybe I’ll
get a straight one. Now, I would say
80 to 90% that I can put it down the

KEITH CLOUDAS | Verified Buyer

Driving with

It just gives you so much more confidence than any driver—and I’ve had decent drivers and have had some success, but nothing like this. I’ve never had this kind of success with a driver.

MICHAEL MACKIN | Verified Buyer

Dead Straight Every

Dead Straight Every

With this, it’s pretty much straight—dead straight—almost every time. Even the times when I tried to slice it. So I know when I lose most of my strokes, it’s off of the tee. With the SF1, I don’t feel like I have that problem anymore.

ZAC PICKUP | Verified Buyer

No Longer Afraid On
The Tee

With the SF1, I feel that I’m no longer going to be afraid of those dogleg lifts anymore. I feel like this is gonna be a good part of my bag!

CHRIS GASE | Verified Buyer

Hitting Four Times
More Fairways!

In my old golf game, before the SF1,
I would maybe hit the green or hit the
fairways, you know, three times in a
round. And now with the SF1, I’m
probably only, maybe, missing three

Verified Buyer

Using just 1 innovative driver
designed exclusively
golfers struggling with a
slice, you can save
time and
get better results from your
tee shots.

The way we see it – you really have
2 options…

Option #1 is to leave this website, not order the SF1 Driver, and keep using the same old equipment.

You can go buy one of those expensive brand name drivers that are sold by “big golf” brands that just stamp their name on some generic club.

Or you can go shop for cheaper drivers online, but most of those products have the same design flaws that cause your slice, which is how they justify selling them for so cheap.

Or you can try Option #2.

And that is to simply do what thousands of golfers before you have done and try the SF1 Driver completely risk-free.

It’s not a coincidence you’ve spent the time on this page making it all the way to the bottom.

It means you’re ready to try something new.

Which is why I ask you to trust
yourself in making the right decision.

When you compare these two options for yourself, it’s easy to see just how much sense this makes…

So go ahead and tap the green
button on this page below to select
your SF1 Driver.

But remember, this special offer to save up to 38% off is only available for people who take action on this page here today.

If you leave this page, the SF1 Driver will only be available on the Performance Golf website for its full regular price, which is nearly double what you can buy it for today.

And don’t forget, you’re able to try the SF1 Driver completely risk-free.

Use the driver for an entire season, if for any reason you’re not satisfied with the results – you have up to one full year to get a complete refund of your money.

We cannot wait to hear about your experience with the SF1 Driver.

Your results after your first round, first month, and longer.

You’re going to want to share your success story!

Your partners in golf,

The Golf Equipment Reviews Team

Copyright © 2024
All rights reserved.

The SF1 Cured My Slice

“The first time I swung the SF1 and I had a nice little draw, then I realized…you know what, I may have just cured my slice.”

John Blachaniec
Hewitt, Texas

The Club Does All The Work!

“When I was on the course,
the technology just naturally
squares the face up and I hit
the ball a lot straighter.”

Donald French
Detroit, Michigan

Instant Euphoria!

“I didn’t have to try to make it do what it’s supposed to do. The club did it. I could feel the head square up and actually release. I’m very excited about this driver and the future of my golf game.

Lonny Cabrall
Boca Raton, Florida