Get Tiger Woods’ Former Coach
Hank Haney’s Slice Fix System So
You Can…

What is it?
It’s the world’s #1 Slice-
Fixing system…
Do the “Counter Slice Sequence”
drill that’s helped over 108,000
golfers fix their slice in 5
minutes and ONE shot

Get instant feedback so you
know you’re doing it right and
get even faster results with the

This is the first swing trainer that
dials in your swing path and angle
of attack…
So you fix your slice AND gain
At the SAME time
What does it
It forces you to swing
from the inside and up
on the ball… eliminating
your over the top swing…

Fixing your slice…

And adding 17-42+ yards
to your drives…

So you don’t do
#1: Leave The Clubface
Wide OPEN At Impact

You already know there’s only ONE reason you slice: an open clubface relative to the path of your swing.
The Counter Slice Feedback gets you squaring your face earlier.
#2: Come over the top

If you come over the top it’s robbing you of accuracy, distance, and consistency.
This system demystifies the elusive slot…
And rewires your swing so by default you’re dropping into the slot and swinging from the inside.
#3: Swing outside-in

An outside-in swing path makes you cut across the ball and hit the “outside” of the golf ball.
That adds the clockwise spin that sends the ball off to the right
#4: Hit DOWN on the ball

Golfers who hit “down” at the ball are wasting almost all their power by sending it into the ground…
And losing at least 17-40+ yards of distance.
With a driver especially you want to LAUNCH the ball UP… not down into the ground…
To maximize distance with minimum effort
#5: Miss The Center Of
The Clubface

If you’re swinging outside-in and down on the ball…
You’re much more likely to come in steep or be inconsistent in other ways…
And that causes you to miss the center of the face.
Why is that
To stop slicing and FLUSH
straight drives that fly
far, straight, and long…
You need to square your clubface relative to the path… and hit “up” on the ball.
Fixing This Is The Key To
Fixing Your Slice AND
Adding Consistent
See, you can try ANY “swing fix” like flipping your wrists, strengthening your grip, or trying to “keep the clubface square”…
But if your face is open to the path… or if you are hitting down at the ball…
You’ll never stop slicing OR reach your maximum potential off the tee.

You can be perfectly on-plane and use every trick in the book to build Ben Hogan-like lag into your swing but…
If You Don’t Square The
Face With A Positive
Attack Angle – You’ll
Never Hit A Draw
You can even hit the gym and add 5-10 mph of swing speed…

But if you hit down on the ball…
You’ll never reach your maximum distance potential because most of your energy will be going into the ground instead of the air.
Are you starting to see why squaring your clubface, swinging inside-out, and dialing in a positive angle of attack are…
The ONLY Things You
Should Be Focusing On If
You Want To Smash
Straight Drives…

- A square face to the path (makes it literally IMPOSSIBLE to slice)…
- An inside-out swing path (sets you up to hit a draw)…
- And a positive attack angle to create power and launch the ball high, far, and straight…

How does it
First: Practice the
Counter Slice Sequence
(takes 5 minutes)
Do the “Clockwise Practice Swing” for 5-10 swings to dial in your backswing…
- Lets you FEEL exactly where the club needs to be in the backswing…
- Automatically gets your swing on the perfect path… without you having to force it.
- For most players, if they ONLY do this part of the sequence… they’ll see a dramatic change — or even an END — to their slice.
And then the “Reverse Right Move” to trick your brain into squaring the club…
- Tricks your brain into squaring the club relative to the path — at all times…
- Locks your clubface into the correct angle of attack… so that your left-to-right ball flight… turns into a perfect draw.
- At first might feel counterintuitive and weird… but when you hit that first ball and make perfectly flush, square contact — you’ll wonder how you ever had a slice at all
And then the “Relax and Release Move” to guard against overcompensations.
- Guards against overcompensation and permanently keeps your clubface square to the path…
- Automates your gains and ensures your slice never comes back…
- Takes 30 to 60 seconds max to install the “feel” for a square-to-path clubface so deeply into your swing… it’s literally impossible to forget.
Second: Use The Counter
Slice Feedback Mat And
Listen For The External

The “Swing Gates” tell
you if you’re swinging
And the “Launch
Hurdles” tell you if
you’re swinging UP on
the ball…
- …without having a coach look at your swing…
- …without having to film it (which adds artificial pressure, stop/start time and setup inconsistencies)…
- and without having to even think about it (no swing thoughts)
You simply LISTEN for and FEEL the feedback.
- If you swing “through the gates and over the hurdles” you’ll know you are swinging inside-out AND up on the ball… which is the magic combination you need to draw the ball off the tee and hit it FAR.
- If you hit the Swing Gates you’ll know your path is outside in, setting you up to put that “slice spin” on the golf ball and hit those frustrating shots to the right
- If you clip the Launch Hurdles you’ll know you are swinging DOWN on the ball… robbing yourself of 40+ yards of distance (and all you have to do is adjust your attack angle to add EASY distance off the tee)
Fixing your swing
happens rapidly with the
Counter Slice Feedback
Swing Gates
Adjustable Launch
(level AoA, 3°
positive, 6° positive)
- No need to stop and watch your own swing videos…
- No need to overthink details…
- No need to mess up your swing adapting to some odd swing aid.
- No need to wait for a qualified coach to give you feedback.
Just swing your driver (with or without balls) and listen for the feedback.
Can’t I just
fix it on my
Technically… you can.
But it’s a lot easier to “cut and paste” Hank Haney’s Counter Slice Sequence (that’s helped over 108,000 golfers) into YOUR practice routine…
And THEN get instant, immediate feedback from a complementary Counter Slice Feedback Mat…
So you know for SURE you’re doing everything right.
THAT’S how you hop off the hamster-wheel of online instruction and in-person lessons…
Fix your slice PERMANENTLY…
And add 40+ yards off the tee.
99 out of 100 Amateurs
Don’t Have The Time (Or
Patience) To Do This On
Their Own
Because that requires expensive lessons…
MORE TIME on the range… you DON’T HAVE to get results…
Plus a LOT of patience.
And it makes it nearly impossible to enjoy the game.
And look, I get it…
Hi, I’m Hank Haney,
Tiger Woods’ Former

I’ve fixed more amateur slices than anyone on the planet.
I’ve given over 70,000 in-person lessons to struggling amateurs…
AND helped over 108,000 golfers with my online training programs and swing trainers.
So I know how frustrating it is for most golfers who WANT to get better…
But don’t know exactly what or how to practice.
How can I be
sure it will
work for me?
Because amateurs just
like you are…
Already Using The Slice
Fix System To Start
Hitting Draws That Fly
17-40+ Yards Farther
Watch What Happens
When He Squares The
Face And Starts Hitting
UP On The Ball With The
Counter Slice Feedback
He started flushing it…
Shot… after shot… after shot…
It Really Is That Simple…
Do the Counter Slice Sequence…
Take a few swings through the Counter Slice Feedback Mat to guarantee you’re doing everything right…
And start hitting dead straight drives.
Just like this student:
He went from SLICING the ball and losing a LOT of distance…
To squaring the face and hitting up on the ball and smashing dead-center and almost perfectly straight shots.
I don’t think he even realizes how much his distance, contact, and accuracy just improved…
And the best part is…
The Slice Fix System Will
Do The Same For YOU.
No Guesswork, No
Wondering What To Do
Next… Just Instant
Tiger’s Former Club Engineer Developed This “Counter Slice Feedback Mat”
Josh Boggs is a former Senior Advanced Innovator at Nike…
And he has decades of experience designing clubs for legends like Tiger Woods.
And I figure if he’s good enough for Tiger… he’s good enough for us.

Tiger’s Former Club Engineer
Developed This “Counter Slice
Feedback Mat”

Josh Boggs is a former Senior Advanced Innovator at Nike…
And he has decades of experience designing clubs for legends like Tiger Woods.
And I figure if he’s good enough for Tiger… he’s good enough for us.
Does it come
else when I
get it here?
YES! Check out these
Black Friday Bonuses:
Counter Slice Feedback
Quickstart Series

This video series walks you through how to immediately personalize the feedback mat to your swing…
So you can fix ANY issues you have with your swing path or attack angle right away.
I want you to start using it — within minutes of it arriving on your doorstep.
No guesswork, no wondering what to do next… just instant results.
Counter Slice Distance

This is a series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines…
Which, our data shows, work BEST to help you maximize distance…
No matter your ager, strength, or handicap.
These drills and routines are designed to do one thing:
Add to the already impressive distance gains the feedback mat gives you
Hank Haney’s Secrets
Flushing Irons

We designed the Counter Slice Feedback Mat to work with your irons too.
Just flip it around and Hank Haney will show you how to start making ball-first… THEN turf contact.
Because to shoot lower scores… you need to dial in your irons and hit fairways AND greens.
Live Q&A With
Hank Haney

Get a taste of what it’s like to work with me in person… from the comfort of your own home.
Ask me any questions about your slice, or distance, or any area of your game LIVE. And I won’t just TELL you the answers. I’ll be DEMONSTRATING everything we talk about, streaming LIVE, over your computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone.
And if you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay video.
I would normally charge $300 for a LIVE stream like this… But today — it’s yours FREE…
You’ll get the details as soon as you enroll in the Slice Fix System
Counter Slice Feedback

We’re providing ANOTHER livestream lesson entirely focused on The Counter Slice Feedback Mat.
You’ll SEE me demonstrate key drills and applications of this swing trainer…
You’ll get real-time feedback on how YOU can better use or adjust your practice routine…
And again… you’ll be able to ask me anything — literally ANYTHING — about getting your own contact and accuracy dialed in.
Plus, if you can’t make it LIVE… you’ll have access to the replay for life.
Free 14-Day Pass To Our
Exclusive Scratch Club

14-Day All Access Pass to Scratch Club’s proprietary Maximum Improvement Model… designed by some of the greatest golf coaches in the world to drop 5 strokes or more in your first month alone.
Scratch Club gives you a clear step-by-step improvement plan for every area of your game:
- Driving Masterclass
- Better Ball-Striking Blueprint
- Short Game System
- Chipping & Bunker Basics
- Perfect Putting Program
- Mental Game Mastery
(14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime with one click.)
SwingFix AI
(Early Lifetime Access)

This revolutionary new AI swing coach:
- Uses your cell phone camera to read 17 data points in your swing… using 3D motion-capture sensors…
- Identifies your 4 biggest swing flaws in order of importance (including pre and post-impact)…
- Gives you customized drills and techniques to improve those flaws one at a time.
This breakthrough AI Swing Coach is like having a PGA coach in your pocket.
What if I
don’t like it?
Know that you’re
covered by…
The Industry’s
FIRST 365-Day
100% Money Back
Plus, our unconditional
refund policy…
That Means You Can Try
Out The Slice Fix System
Completely Risk-Free…
And take up to an entire YEAR to see the difference it makes in your ball flight, contact, and accuracy firsthand.
If you’re not completely thrilled with the results it gives you…
Then just send the feedback mat back, and we’ll give you 100% of your money back.
This system either eliminates your slice and adds 17-42+ yards off the tee…
Or you get your money back.
Think about that…
When Have You Ever Bought A
Swing Trainer Or Coaching
From One Of The “Big Golf”
And had a full year to see how it works for you?
AND… if you’re not completely happy with the way it has you hitting dead straight drives…
That fly higher, farther, and straighter…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…
So we can credit you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid.
That said, we only expect amazing things to happen.
How much
does all of
this cost?

The One Shot Slice Fix
Training Course
Discover how to use the 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence to eliminate your slice after just ONE shot on the range, adding 20-30 yards to your drives and brutal accuracy off the tee.

Here’s what the Counter Slice Sequence does for you:
- Locks your hands arms and club in a position that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to slice
- Eliminates the ROOT CAUSE of your slice in about 5 minutes… and with just ONE practice shot
- And most importantly, it turns your nasty slices and short weak drives… into dead straight drives or even DRAWS that fly 17-42+ yards farther
The Counter Slice
Feedback Mat
The first-of-its-kind automatic swing trainer, that eliminates your slice and adds up to 40 yards to your drives. It easily and naturally gets you swinging from the inside and optimizes your attack angle… So you can eliminate your left-to-right ball flight, reduce spin, and start launching your ball higher… farther… and most importantly — straighter than ever before.

Here’s what the Counter Slice Feedback Mat does for you:
- Gives you instant auditory and sensory feedback on your club path AND attack angle… so you can see, hear, and FEEL when you should release the club to fix your slice and gain distance
- Reverses even life-long over the top swings in just a few minutes
- Eliminates a lot of the complexity from your practice sessions. Just swing and wait for the feedback. (no need for dozens of confusing swing thoughts)
- And most importantly, gets you swinging inside-out and UP on the ball… giving you no choice but to fix your slice AND add accurate distance to every one of your tee shots
Bonus 1
Counter Slice Feedback
Mat Quickstart Series

You’re also getting the step-by-step Counter Slice Feedback Mat Quickstart Series to quickly customize the feedback mat to fix your unique swing. This way you can fix your swing path and add distance as fast as possible.
Combine the knowledge inside the Quickstart Series with the feedback from the Feedback Mat, and you’ll have everything you need to play your best golf right away.
Bonus 2
Counter Slice Distance

Accelerate your results with the Counter Slice Feedback Mat. Hank will guide you through a proven series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines.
Our data shows that these drills and routines work BEST to help you maximize distance — no matter your age, strength or handicap. This Accelerator program is designed to help you build on the distance gains you’re already sure to achieve with your feedback mat. Plus, inside you’ll discover secrets Hank has only shown to Tiger!
Bonus 3
Hank Haney’s Secrets
for Flushing Irons

Once the Feedback Mat has eliminated your slice and added distance to your drives… you’ll want to dial in your irons, too.
With the Counter Slice Secrets for Flushing Irons video series, you’ll get access to the BEST contact and accuracy drills you can use to consistently hit your target, shoot lower scores, and feel unstoppable confidence.
All you do is follow our instructions on how to use your feedback mat with your irons — and you’ll be shooting lower scores in no time.
Bonus 4
Live Q&A With Hank

Ask Tiger Woods’ former coach Hank Haney any question LIVE and get immediate feedback designed to help fix your slice even faster. If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay for life.
Bonus 5
Counter Slice Feedback

We’re providing ANOTHER livestream lesson entirely focused on The Counter Slice Feedback Mat.
You’ll SEE me demonstrate key drills and applications of this swing trainer…
You’ll get real-time feedback on how YOU can better use or adjust your practice routine…
And again… you’ll be able to ask me anything — literally ANYTHING — about getting your own contact and accuracy dialed in.
Plus, if you can’t make it LIVE… you’ll have access to the replay for life.
Bonus 6
14-Day All Access Pass
To Scratch Club

14-Day All Access Pass to Scratch Club’s proprietary Maximum Improvement Model… designed by some of the greatest golf coaches in the world to drop 5 strokes or more in your first month alone. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime with one click.)
Bonus 7
SwingFix AI (Early
Lifetime Access)

This revolutionary new AI swing coach uses your cell phone camera to read 17 data points in your swing… Identifies your 4 biggest swing flaws in order of importance… And gives you customized drills and techniques to improve those flaws one at a time.
Total Value: $1386
ONLY $99
(Save 93% today with this
limited time Black Friday offer)

Frequently Asked
The Counter Slice Sequence takes less than 5 minutes and ONE practice shot to eliminate the root cause of your slice.
And if you follow the Counter Slice Feedback Mat Quickstart videos, you’ll get immediate feedback that dials in your swing path and angle of attack… at the same time.
The Counter Slice Sequence eliminates the root cause of your slice and locks your hands, arms, and body in a position that makes it literally impossible to slice.
And the Feedback Mat syncs your inside-out swing path…
Engrains a positive angle of attack (AoA)…
And delivers a square-to-path clubface back to the ball.
That means, you’ll make impact with a square face that launches dead straight drives…
That fly higher, farther, and straighter than any drives you hit right now.
This is a step-by-step video series you MUST follow while using your Counter Slice Feedback Mat technology to GUARANTEE you get the fastest results.
This proven system works hand-in-hand with the Counter Slice Feedback Mat…
So you can dial in that inside-out swing path…
And hit UP on the ball…
Setting you up to launch bombs off the tee.
Inside the training, you’ll find “do-this do-that” instructional videos.
These are my best drills and practice routines you should use with your Counter Slice Feedback Mat.
You could… But it would take you a lot longer.
Because without Hank’s expert guidance you’d have to hit thousands of balls to start squaring your face to the path. (and even then it’s no guarantee you’ll do it)
AND without the Feedback Mat you’d have no way to ensure you’re doing everything correctly.
That means you could waste days, weeks, or months on the range…
With no guarantees you’ll make any progress.
That makes it nearly impossible to enjoy the game.
But with this Slice Fix System… you’re up and running and FLUSHING dead straight drives… in minutes.
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…
Because the Slice Fix System is already working for amateur players like you.
Still, in the extremely unlikely event it doesn’t work for you…
You’re covered by Performance Golf’s industry LEADING 365-Day, 100% Money
Back Guarantee…
Which includes a no-questions-asked, unconditional refund policy.
If you’re not completely thrilled with the way The Counter Slice Feedback Mat eliminates your over the top swing…
Fixes your attack angle and swing path…
And puts your clubface on the perfect track for dead straight, flush drives — on literally every single shot…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…
So we can issue you a 100% refund.
It’s typically shipped out within 48 hours of order placement and then takes another 2 to 5 business days — depending on where you live.
International customers might need to wait up to 2 weeks for their Counter Slice Feedback Mat to arrive, not including any additional time for customs clearance.
But if you want to get your Swing Trainer faster… you can choose priority shipping on the next page and we’ll rush it out to you even faster.
Yes, it works equally well for players of all levels.
As I’ve said, it’s the ONLY way to fix your slice is to square your clubface to the path.
And the EASIEST way to add distance off the tee is to dial in a positive attack angle…
And EVERY player will benefit from dialing in their clubface control, swing path, and angle of attack.
When you order TODAY — you get the One Shot Slice Fix Training, Counter Slice Feedback Mat, plus all the must-have Quickstart Series and bonuses. This includes:
Counter Slice Feedback Mat Quickstart Series, worth $47…
The Counter Slice Distance Accelerator, worth $97
Hank Haney’s Secrets for Flushing Irons, worth $197
Live Q&A With Hank Haney, worth $250
The Counter Slice Feedback Mat LIVESTREAM, worth $300
And Scratch Club + SwingFix AI, worth $199
That’s over $1,090 in bonus training I’m handing you absolutely FREE when you invest in the Slice Fix System today…
Plus, you get the peace of mind of knowing your investment is protected by Performance Golf’s industry-leading, 365-day money back guarantee.
It doesn’t get much better than that.
So if you’re ready to dial in your contact and accuracy…
Click below, secure the Slice Fix System, and we’ll prioritize your shipment today.
If for any reason you have other questions… feel free to email…
And our friendly customer support team will take care of you.
I hope that helped… and I can’t wait to hear how well you play after using the Slice Fix System.