How I’ve Helped 22,437 Everyday Amateurs Cut Their Practice Time In Half Using This New “All-In-One” Swing Trainer

Every amateur golfer knows the frustration of needing to practice in order to play well…
Then running out of time during the week only to watch their game fall apart as a result.
But with all the advancements we’re seeing in golf tech today…
I refused to believe there wasn’t a way for me—or any of the amateurs I work with—to play better golf while practicing less.
So I decided to look for a solution.
And before long, I met a renowned club engineer who’s spent over 40 years fitting clubs for legends like Lee Trevino, Nick Faldo, and Jack Nicklaus.
His name was Jeff Sheets.
After showing me around his studio filled with some of the coolest-looking gadgets I’ve ever seen…
Jeff cut straight to the chase…
“Rocco, it’s obvious most guys don’t have the 6 to 8 hours a day it takes to become a decent ball-striker. So how can they ever expect to improve?”
I remember Jeff’s statement hitting me like a ton of bricks. Because like most guys over 55… finding the time to practice these days is becoming harder and harder.
I mean, think about it…
ALL THE HOURS it takes to improve the swing mechanics needed to become even a “half-decent” ball-striker, like:
Controlling your clubface from setup to impact…
Swinging on-plane every time…
And releasing the clubhead at the PERFECT moment to create compressed flush contact…
All in the 1.2 seconds it takes to swing a club!
These are just three of the MANY different swing mechanics that normally each take YEARS for any golfer to master one at a time.

This gets even worse if you’re like most amateurs because you have other responsibilities like your business, family, and personal commitments…
Which all take precious time away from what you REALLY want to do:
Spend more time flushing shots on the course with your buddies.
“And training aids are NOT
helping!” Jeff

I’m guessing you’ve already tried using multiple different training aids to improve your swing mechanics…
But chances are they haven’t actually worked to make you a consistent ball-striker.
Why? Because most training aids only improve ONE swing mechanic at a time…
Which takes HOURS of practice each week that’s impossible for most guys.
As Jeff explained…
It’s like having a bucket of water with 6 gaping holes — and you keep plugging one hole at a time.
You’re just turning a blind eye to the real underlying problem.
“What most guys need, Rocco, is ONE WAY to master virtually every swing mechanic in golf.”
Finally, Jeff told me about his new way to flush MORE shots on the course while spending LESS time at the range.
And that’s to combine everything you need to hit consistently accurate golf shots into ONE solution.
There’s no question that if you can eliminate the hassle of owning multiple training aids… while improving ALL your core swing mechanics at the same time…
Then you can shortcut the time it takes to become a great ball striker.

But how do you do it?
I asked Jeff the same question, and that’s the first time I heard these words…
This New Technology Cuts Your Practice Time In Half While Making It Easier to Flush Your Own Clubs On The Course

Unlike regular swing practice that requires using multiple training aids to improve different swing mechanics…
Jeff partnered up with Performance Golf, the fastest-growing online golf company in the world (according to Forbes)…
To create a simple “all-in-one” solution that improves ALL your ball-striking mechanics in just a few practice swings a week.
How does it work?
As you already know, making solid contact is about releasing the clubhead through the hitting zone.

That’s where this automatic swing trainer comes into play!
It has a patent-pending Compression Clicker on the shaft that “CLICKS” when you time your release correctly through the hitting zone.
When you time your release correctly DOWN and THROUGH the hitting zone, the “CLICK” happens.
When you DON’T time your release correctly, the click DOESN’T happen.
This means you’re not really thinking about much. All you’re trying to do is release this automatic swing trainer through the hitting zone and waiting for the “CLICK”… making flush contact and accuracy a LOT easier!

It also has a Pre-Molded AccuGrip that puts your hands where they’re supposed to be. This automatically keeps your clubface square from setup to impact.
Meaning now… whenever you step up to an approach shot with ANY of your regular clubs on the course… you know you’ve got your hands in the right spot.
And that confidence when you’re swinging allows for more consistent contact and a LOT more predictably accurate shots—under pressure—when it matters most.

And it doesn’t matter your swing type or how long you’ve played the game…
After just a few minutes of using this new automatic swing trainer, it’ll be the most immediate difference you (or your buddies) have EVER seen in your swing!
Why have 22,437+ amateurs already made the switch to “automatic swing training”?
Because unlike other training aids that don’t allow you to hit balls…
This automatic swing trainer is built with an easy-lag shaft and cavity-backed 7-iron head.
Because unlike other training aids that don’t allow you to hit balls…
This automatic swing trainer is built with an easy-lag shaft and cavity-backed 7-iron head.
This means you can hit balls with it like your regular 7-iron…
And the results transfer straight onto the course so you flush more shots with your REAL clubs.
This means you can finally STOP:

Hitting hundreds of balls at the range…
Grinding for HOURS over mechanical swing thoughts…
Enduring long and complicated lessons with a coach…
Aggravating any longstanding injuries through overpracticing…
Waiting weeks to see any real improvements in your swing…
Or spending money on multiple training aids that slow you down and never give you lasting results.
Instead, you can use this ONE automatic swing trainer that:
Allows you to practice your swing anywhere (with OR without balls)…
Helps you hit the sweet spot on autopilot…
Puts less stress on your body because you can hit half as many balls…
Gives you instant feedback every time your release (and contact) is perfect…
Improves your swing in less than half the time…
Makes it easier to flush your own clubs consistently on the course…
And shortcuts the time it takes to play your best golf!

There’s No Question… THIS Revolutionary Automatic Swing Trainer Helped To Save My Career…
And it’s now helping more than 22,437 everyday amateurs to play the best golf of their lives.
Now regardless of whether you’re thinking, “Rocco, you’re still a pro golfer. You don’t know what it’s like for the rest of us amateurs…”
The truth is… I’m a regular 61-year-old guy who’s been lucky enough to recover from major back surgery. So I know what it’s like to feel severely restricted…

And there were days where I struggled to put my shoes on in the morning… let alone hit a thousand balls a day to stay competitive with guys at the top.
But after just one session of automatic swing training, I was sold. And I knew it would help millions of amateur players master their swing mechanics in HALF the time and with just ONE simple swing trainer.

If you check out Performance Golf’s official website you’ll find thousands of reviews from people just like you — who’ve been able to achieve the consistent flush contact and accuracy they’ve dreamed of virtually overnight… so they can finally play their best golf!

And the Best Part Is, You Can TRY This
Swing Trainer for 365 Days
(Yes! 1 YEAR) – Risk-FREE – and See
What Happens
Here’s the deal:
Performance Golf is so confident this new automatic swing trainer will completely TRANSFORM your swing, they’re offering a 100% money-back guarantee for 365 days, which is unheard of!
That means you can try it completely risk-free for an entire YEAR…
And it either turns you into the best ball-striker in your group, or it’s 100% of your money back.
Think about that for a second…
Even if you try this automatic swing training for 364 days and you aren’t shooting the lowest scores of your life with less than half the time on the range…
Then simply call or email our friendly customer service team, and they’ll refund you every cent. No questions asked.
Ready To Grab an Automatic Swing Trainer For Yourself Or The Golfer In Your Life? Here’s How To Order…

Click that big yellow “CHECK AVAILABILITY” button.
It’s going to take you straight to Performance Golf’s official, encrypted website.
There, you’ll get a special one-time deal reserved for first-time customers. (As much as 54% OFF)
All you need to do then is click that button and your discount code will be automatically applied.
From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information… And select whether you want a right-handed or left-handed swing trainer.
So, click the big yellow button below now and order your “Automatic Swing Trainer” today at 54% OFF (or more)