Engineer & Rocco Mediate Crack
Code On The First-Ever
“Automatic Swing Trainer”…

Adjustable AccuGrip
So if you’re struggling with
- an early release…
- casting your club…
- or flipping your wrists…
You either won’t hear the click at all…
You won’t hear the CLICK AT IMPACT…
And you’ll know exactly what you need to do to fix it…

And in that small space is where “compression” happens.
But if you can’t control the club from setup to impact…
And release it at the right time…
You’ll never compress the ball and make flush contact.

It’s virtually impossible to hit the center of the face

If it’s OPEN relative to your path…the ball goes RIGHT.
If it’s CLOSED to your path…the ball goes LEFT.
- …without having a coach look at your swing…
- …wihtout having to film it (which adds artificial pressure, stop/start time and setup inconsistencies)…
- or without having to even think about it (no swing thoughts)
- When the click happens at ball contact, you know your release is making COMPRESSED CONTACT and CENTER CONTACT. Repeat as much as possible so the feels transfer instantly to your on-course clubs.
- If the click happens BEFORE or AFTER the ball, you are MISSING the center of the clubface and will not achieve compressed ball contact. Tweak and re-try.
- If you don’t hear a click at all, you need to lower the speed setting and make a full swing start to finish to achieve proper acceleration and lag.
- No need to stop and watch your own swing videos…
- No need to overthink details…
- No need to mess up your swing adapting to some odd swing aid.
- No need to wait for a qualified coach to give you feedback.
It’s like eliminating a critical factor in your swing.
If all you did was use the straight stick for its grip, that alone will get you a quick win.
So to hit STRAIGHT shots… you need a perfect release!
(and you want to make sure a poor grip isn’t a factor in getting to one)
Fixing This Is The Key To BOTH Contact And Accuracy
See, you could be perfectly on plane in the takeaway and the downswing…
But if you don’t have a controlled clubface to compress the ball at impact…
You’ll never hit your target.

You could use every trick in the book to build Ben Hogan-like lag into your swing but…
If You Don’t Have Control
Your Clubface At Impact –
You’ll Never Hit It On Target
You can even learn to swing on the most anti-slice inside-out path…
But if you have an open clubface relative to that path at impact…
You’ll never compress the ball and you’ll ALWAYS hit a slice.
Are you starting to see why controlling your clubface from setup to impact is…
The ONLY Thing You Should Be
Focusing On If You
Make Compressed Contact…
- A controlled clubface in the takeaway…
- An on-plane swing…
- And the proper release to create shaft lean (or compression) at impact…
The First-Ever Automatic Swing
Trainer That Gives You The
Core Swing Mechanics
All without you even thinking about it.
So you…
- HAVE and FEEL the perfect grip to control your clubface from setup to impact…
- Start swinging on plane…
- Dropping the club into the slot…
- And releasing the clubface into the most compressed impact position for flush contact…
Do you know what it means when you have your clubface working FOR you from setup to impact, rather than against you?
Simple: you’ll have…
No Choice But To Make
With Automatic Accuracy
AND hit your target every single time.
Do you take video of your swing?
Do you watch it after every single swing?
Probably not.
Who has time to hit record…
get into position…
leave position…
pick up the phone…
stop it…
review it…
think about it…
reposition the phone…
and get back into position…
For every…single…swing?
No one does.
And even if you do…
And that’s why the hamster wheel of online instruction and in-person lessons
keeps spinning…
Leaving you with an overwhelming amount of swing thoughts and mechanical adjustments that NEVER lead to
the contact and accuracy you want.
Why is that? Well…
Because that requires expensive lessons…
MORE TIME on the range… you DON’T HAVE to get results.
Plus, even if you DO get coaching feedback…
At best, you can only work on ONE core mechanic at a time…
So going through this process, you don’t yet have clubface control or improved accuracy…
And that makes it impossible to enjoy the game.
And look, I get it…
Hi, I’m Rocco Mediate, 6-Time
PGA Tour Winner, 4-Time
Champions Tour Winner

Spending years frustrated at the results…
Hoping that I would see a breakthrough…
And I had the time… the sponsorships… and circumstances to focus 100% on getting my core swing
mechanics to work together… and stay that way.
But now… today… as I get older…
That’s NOT possible… and I have a pretty strong foundation.
So You Can Imagine How Much Harder It Is For Amateurs Like You.
Because amateurs just like you are…
Already Using The Straight
Stick To Make
Contact And Pinpoint Accuracy
Watch What Happens When He
Hearing The Click With
The Straight Stick…
He started flushing it…
Shot… after shot… after shot…
It Really Is That Simple…
Pick your settings…
Take a few swings…
And start hitting pure golf shots.
Just like this student:
He went from completely flipping his wrists…
Causing mis-hit fades and pulls…
To hitting dead-center and almost perfectly straight shots.
I don’t think he even realizes how much his contact and accuracy just improved…
And the best part is…
The Straight Stick Will Do The Same For YOU.
No Guesswork, No
Wondering What To Do
Just Instant Results.
He Developed Clubs For Lee Trevino, Nick Faldo, Arnie Palmer And Jack Nicklaus
After creating more than two dozen patents and over 500 clubhead designs for top companies, he’s simply the most prolific golf equipment engineer in the world today.
I figured, if anyone could crack the code on getting these core swing mechanics working together…
Jeff Sheets was the guy.

The Straight Stick Quickstart Video Series

Which shows you how to start using this automatic swing trainer — in a matter of minutes.
As you’ll soon see…
Even though the Straight Stick arrives with the Adjustable AccuGrip set on strong — and Compression Clicker set to 90 miles per hour swing speed…
It’s insanely easy to adjust it up or down, depending on where you’re at.
Bonus #1: Straight Stick

See, after working with a number of pros and amateurs behind-the-scenes during our
testing of the Straight Stick…
I’ve perfected a series of exclusive warmups, practice, and home-use routines that I’ve
found work best…
And I share these with you, so you can be sure you’ll get the same incredible results
with the Straight Stick you’ve seen here today.
In this video series, you’ll discover:
- How to use the Straight Stick before your next round for the most flush, accurate contact of your life…
- When and how to use it before range practice so you continue to improve…
- And even the exact routines I personally use with the
Stick — at
home — to keep my own contact and accuracy dialed, year-round…
And that’s not all, you’ll also get…
Bonus #2: The Easy
Accuracy Video Training

Once the Straight Stick has you making perfect compressed contact with automatic accuracy…
You’ll become ADDICTED to this feeling of flushing the ball, dead-on target…
And you’ll want even more.
Because that’s what separates golfers who shoot in the 90s or 100s from those who
shoot in the 80s or even 70s…
Plus, if you’ve ever made progress on the range, only to struggle when you step onto
the course, you know how awful that feels…
That’s why I’m giving you the very…
Best Contact And Accuracy Drills For More Consistency And Unrivaled Confidence
These are drills you can use before playing or warming up to ensure you play your
best each time…
But more than that, they’re designed to build upon the powerful foundation of
contact and accuracy the Straight Stick gives you…
… and take those skills to the next level, helping you immediately shoot lower scores.
This entire step-by-step video course is everything you need to become a world-class
ball striker and better golfer, virtually overnight.
And I’m not done yet. You’re also getting…
Bonus #3: The Straight

Most golf products come with little or no instruction, but I remember how valuable it was for my own contact and accuracy to have LIVE hands-on feedback and answers from a top instructor…
So that’s exactly what you’re getting here.
On the Straight Stick LIVESTREAM, that you can watch over your computer, smart phone, or iPad… you’ll SEE me demonstrate key drills and applications of this swing trainer…
You’ll get real-time feedback on how YOU can better use or adjust your practice routine…
And you’ll be able to ask me anything — literally ANYTHING — about getting your own contact and accuracy dialed in.
Plus, if you can’t make it LIVE… you’ll have access to the replay for life.
When I coach amateurs these days, it’s very selective and often very expensive — but I’m making this coaching available for free to new Straight Stick owners like you… who deserve to play their very best golf.
Know that you’re covered by…
The Industry’s FIRST 365-Day
100% Money
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
That Means You Can Try This
Completely Risk-Free…
And take up to an entire YEAR to see the difference it makes in your contact and accuracy firsthand.
If you’re not completely thrilled with the results it gives you…
Then just send it back, and we’ll give you 100% of your money back.
It either dials-in your contact and accuracy…
Or you get your money back.
Think about that…
When Have You Ever
Bought A Club Or
Aid From One Of The
“Big Golf” Companies…
To see how it works for you…
And no matter how much you used it…
Yes, even if you’ve hit balls with it for 364 days…
If you’re not completely happy with the way it has you flushing every shot…
With automatic accuracy…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…
So we can credit you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid.
That said, we only expect amazing things to happen.

The Straight Stick
The first-of-its-kind automatic swing trainer, that dials in your contact and gives you automatic accuracy…
Without hitting thousands of balls, taking dozens of lessons or putting in 10,000 hours working on each core swing mechanic separately. Instead, the Straight Stick is the fastest way to get all your core swing mechanics working together in minutes.
It instantly gives you the confidence to flush any club in your bag. So you can attack flags, shoot lower scores, and finish entire rounds with confidence.
Regardless of your current age, skill or handicap.
PRICE: $299.00 ONLY $139

Straight Stick Secrets
Accelerate your results with the Straight Stick. Rocco will guide you through proven warm up and practice routines that you can do at home, on the range or before your next round — so you transform your contact and accuracy even faster.
Feel a surge of increased confidence each time you step onto the course knowing you’re about to consistently make flush, accurate contact — on every single shot.
PRICE: $47.00 FREE

Easy Accuracy Video Training
The Straight Stick will already have you making perfectly flush compressed contact, with automatic accuracy… and this video training helps you take that to another level.
Learn the BEST contact and accuracy drills you can use to consistently hit your target, shoot lower scores, and feel unstoppable confidence.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE

Straight Stick LIVESTREAM
This is your chance to learn from 6-Time PGA tour winner Rocco Mediate and get feedback as he gives a LIVE hands-on lesson and demonstrates all the ways YOU can use the Straight Stick to transform your contact and accuracy.
And if you have any questions about the Straight Stick, you’ll be able to get them answered LIVE… so that you have everything you need to take your game to the next level.
PRICE: $300.00 FREE
ONLY $109
(Save 64% OFF today with this
BLACK FRIDAY special offer)
We Pay Shipping! 
Click Here To Get Your Straight Stick And Immediately Start Hitting Consistently
Flush, On Target Shots!
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Frequently Asked Questions
If you follow the Quickstart videos, the automatic swing trainer is designed to give you immediate feedback.
Meaning, you swing the club a few times…
And listen for the click.
If you don’t hear it… that means you are most likely swinging over-the-top or holding off your release.
To fix it, take a few more practice swings until you hear THE CLICK.
And then hit a ball.
In most cases, players only need a few practice swings before they start seeing the results:
Better contact and automatic accuracy.
The Straight Stick gets your core swing mechanics working together to control your clubface from setup to impact…
Creating dynamic loft…
Syncing your inside-out swing plane…
And delivering a square-to-path clubface back to the ball.
That means, you’ll make ball-first contact and hit the center of the face.
And when you’re hitting the center of the club face more often…
Your accuracy will be automatic.
This is a step-by-step video series you MUST follow while using your Straight Stick technology to GUARANTEE you get the fastest results.
This proven system works hand-in-hand with the Straight Stick…
So you can control your clubface from set up to impact…
Get all your core swing mechanics working together…
And make flush contact with automatic accuracy.
Inside the training, you’ll find “do-this do-that” instructional videos.
These are my best drills and practice routines you should use with your Straight Stick.
The short answer is, yes.
But it would take you a lot longer…
Because you’d have to work on each core mechanic separately.
And that requires days, weeks, or months on the range.
99 out of a 100 amateur golfers don’t have the time or patience to put in this kind of work.
Because the problem with working on each core swing mechanic separately…
Is that there’s this long period where NONE of them are working together…
Worse, as you’re going through this process, you don’t yet have clubface control or improved accuracy…
And that makes it impossible to enjoy the game.
That’s why the Straight Stick is so powerful.
Without you even thinking about it… the Adjustable AccuGrip and Compression Clicker…
Sync your core swing mechanics… and get you striping it.
Grab your Straight Stick now… and start watching the video training today!
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…
Because the Straight Stick is already working for amateur players like you.
Still, in the extremely unlikely event it doesn’t work for you…
You’re covered by Performance Golf’s industry LEADING 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
Which includes a no-questions-asked, unconditional refund policy.
If you’re not completely thrilled with the way The Straight Stick transforms your accuracy…
Fixes your swing flaws…
And puts your clubface on the perfect track for flush contact — on literally every single shot…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…
So we can issue you a 100% refund.
It’s typically shipped out within 48 hours of order placement and then takes another 2 to 5 business days — depending on where you live.
International customers might need to wait up to 2 weeks for their Straight Stick to arrive, not including any additional time for customs clearance.
But if you want to get your Straight Stick faster… you can choose priority shipping on the next page and we’ll rush it out to you as fast as possible.
Do that… and you can start dialing in your core swing mechancis this week!
Yes, the Straight Stick works equally well for players of all levels.
As I’ve said, it’s the fastest way to FEEL and HEAR a perfect release for compressed contact and automatic accuracy.
This is because players of every level benefit from dialing in an inside-out path…
And a controlled clubface from setup to impact.
Swinging the Straight Stick is NOT complicated…
It doesn’t require pro-level timing, hand-eye coordination, balance, or strength.
The beauty of the Straight Stick is that it helps players of all levels fix these issues automatically, regardless of their skill level.
Just set it, click it, hit it.
It’s that simple.
When you order TODAY — you get the Straight Stick, plus all the must-have Quickstart Series and bonuses. This includes:
Straight Stick Secrets, worth $47…
My Easy Accuracy Video Training, worth $197…
The Straight Stick LIVESTREAM Coaching Session with me, worth $300…
That’s over $544 in bonus training I’m handing you absolutely FREE when you invest in the Straight Stick today…
Plus, you get the peace of mind of knowing your investment is protected by Performance Golf’s industry-leading, 365-day money back guarantee.
It doesn’t get much better than that.
So if you’re ready to dial in your contact and accuracy…
Click below, secure your Straight Stick, and we’ll prioritize your shipment today.
If for any reason you have other questions… feel free to email…
And our friendly customer support team will take care of you.
I hope that helped… and I can’t wait to hear how well you play after using the Straight Stick.