Coach To Seven Former World Number Ones — Including Greg Norman, Ernie Els, & Nick
Price — Releases His New Training Technology That Fixes Your Contact & Consistency…
David Leadbetter, Nick Price, and dozens of tour pros are calling the StraightAway “the one training aid that fixes the most important part of the swing — the takeaway!” Just “clip it and rip it” and you’ll have a more repeatable and reliable swing after a few rehearsals on the range.
$99 $79.00
& We Pay Shipping in the USA
Backed By Our 365-Day,
100% Money Back Guarantee
& Unconditional Refund Policy
“I love how you just clip it on any club. And this aid fixes the root of many issues in my swing.”
-David S. | StraightAway Customer
3,477+ Reviews
A club attachment that helps you create a perfect TOUR takeaway and produce a consistent swing.

The StraightAway Tracks naturally puts your hands, arms, body and clubhead on the perfect track.

Secure Clip attaches to any club without interfering with your swing.

Twist-lock technology allows for lightning-fast snap-on and snap-off.

Portable Design fits into golf bag pocket.​

Works for right-hand and left-hand golfers.

[BONUS] Four (4) Exclusive Video Trainings from David Leadbetter, Coach to Seven Former World #1’s.

$99 $79.00
365-Day Money
Back Guarantee
Free Shipping
In the U.S.
“I love how you just clip it on any club. And this aid fixes the root of many issues in my swing”
-David S.

The StraightAway Fixes The “First Move” Of Your Swing So You Automatically Start Your Swing On Rails…

That means:

  • You start your swing in the most efficient position…
  • “Pre-Set” extra power at the top of your swing  – without extra effort…
  • Reliably return the clubface back to the ball for flush contact…
  • And consistently make a repeatable swing…

That produces on-target golf shots… lower scores… and dramatically better golf… After just a few first-move rehearsals.

Here Are The 3 Ways Your
First Move Could Be

Right Now

#1: Rolled Inside

If your first move is rolled inside in the backswing…

Then you’re off-track.

#2: Pushed Outside

If you start your swing by pushing your hands away from the trail leg…

And THEN roll your arms and club inside…

You’re off-track.

#3: No Turn… All Lift

If you’re a player who doesn’t turn your shoulders or hips in your first move…

And you just “lift” the club to the top of your swing…

Well, you already know what I’m going to say…

You’re off-track.

The StraightAway Corrects
The Reliability
And Consistency
Of Your


And unlike most swing trainers that simply address the EFFECTS of a poor takeaway…

Like coming over the top…

Having to flip your wrists at impact…

And struggling to control your clubface.

The StraightAway instantly fixes the root cause of your off-track first move…

And ejects fat shots, thin shots, and overall inconsistencies from your game.

And guys…

It’s not just me saying this…

One All-Time Great Was
SHOCKED After Seeing
StraightAway For
The First Time…

“The first move… the takeaway…
is the KEY to a good golf

I’ve played in hundreds of
pro-ams, and the takeaway is the
most common fault that I see amateurs make.

The StraightAway will perfect
your takeaway.”

Nick Price | 3-Time Major champion and Former World #1

The StraightAway Has Two
Unique Features

Instantly Fix Your
Off-Track First Move

Feature 1

The StraightAway Tracks

Unlike any training mechanism ever created…

The StraightAway Tracks naturally put your hands,
arms, body and clubhead on the perfect track…
so you start and finish your swing on rails.

That’s because…

I’ve used two colors of tracks that guarantee you’re lined up perfectly…

And get you into the “Tour Takeaway” position effortlessly.

So after just a few rehearsals…

You clearly KNOW if you’re starting your swing ON-track or OFF-track.

This “Visual” Feedback
Is Key…

Because now… instead of having to film your swing every time… or have someone watch — and correct — every swing…

The yellow StraightAway Track aligns your club FOR YOU… without ever leaving your address position.

  • No over-thinking.
  • No guessing.
  • No hoping you’re doing it correctly.

Simply point the red track directly towards your clubhead…

The yellow track out to 45 degrees…

And rehearse your takeaway.

That’s all there is to it.

The StraightAway Tracks
Automatically Eliminate
3 Most Common

“First Move” Mistakes…

Along with the overcompensations that follow.

The StraightAway Tracks…

  • Correct your over-the-top path that produces a slice…
  • Prevent fat shots caused by flipping your wrists at impact…
  • And fix your steep attack angle that leads to never-ending inconsistencies.

All by focusing on just ONE part of your swing — the takeaway!


Eliminate Your Rolled
Inside Takeaway


Yellow Track Points Inside Target Line


Yellow Track Parallel With Target Line


Eliminate Your Outside


Yellow Track Points Outside Target Line


Yellow Track Parallel With Target Line


Correct Your All-Arms,
Lifted Takeaway


Yellow Track Points Up In Takeaway


Yellow Track Parallel With Target Line

After Only Minutes Using
The StraightAway…

“The Rest Of My Swing…
Just Fell Into Place!”

The Second Feature
Makes The StraightAway
The Most
Versatile Swing
Technology In Golf

Feature 2

The SecureClip

The SecureClip allows you to clip the StraightAway
to ANY of your clubs — AND hit balls.

That’s right.

While most swing trainers are NOT designed to
hit balls…

I’ve engineered the SecureClip so you never have to worry about carrying an EXTRA training club in your bag.

Simply clip and secure the StraightAway onto one of your clubs and start swinging.

The “Screwlocks” Hold The
StraightAway In Place

Just Under Your Grip…

So the StraightAway never slides… rotates… or interferes with your natural swing…

AND it works for BOTH right and left-handed players.

That means, no matter who you are… or what handicap you play to…

All you have to do is…


It’s that simple…

Just attach the StraightAway on any club…

And within seconds…

It’s ready to dial in your Tour Takeaway…

And synchronize your swing for flush center-face contact.

WITHOUT adding mechanical swing thoughts…

WITHOUT having clunky straps and lines attached to your body…

And WITHOUT needing a coach to guide your swing ON-TRACK.

It Works Whether You Hit
Balls… Or DON’T Hit Balls!

Either way, as long as you’re following my system with the StraightAway…

You’ll instantly dial in your Tour Takeaway…

Swing on-track and make dead-center, flush contact.

All with more consistency… reliability… and precision than ever before.

And the best part is…

The StraightAway doesn’t just work when it’s clipped onto your club…

The Results Are
You Take It Off!

Here’s What You’re Getting Today:

  • The StraightAway (works for both left or right handed players): The world’s FIRST-EVER simple swing technology… proven to give you no choice but to start — and finish — your swing on-track.
  • David Leadbetter’s StraightAway System you must follow, where he shows you step by step how to warm up and practice with the StraightAway to fix your first move, first.
  • You’ll also have access to David’s Perfect Pitch and Pure Putt video training. And he’s only giving these to player’s using the StraightAway.
  • Exclusive access to hands-on feedback and training with the coach of 7 former world number ones — David Leadbetter.
  • 14-days “All Access Pass” to Scratch Club, The Netflix of Golf. Just pick an area of your game you want to work on and get instant access to exclusive training from golf’s greatest coaches

The Industry’s FIRST 365-Day
100% Money Back Guarantee


Take up to an entire YEAR with the StraightAway — to see
the difference it makes in your contact and accuracy firsthand.

If you’re not completely thrilled with the results it gives you…

Then just send it back, and we’ll give you 100% of your
money back.

It either dials-in your contact and accuracy…

Or you get your money back.


If you’re not completely happy with the way it has you swinging on rails…

All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolf.com

And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…

So we can credit you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid.

That said, we only expect amazing things to happen.

The StraightAway Is A True
Breakthrough In Golf
Training Tech…
Get Yours Today
For Just $79
& We Pay Shipping in the USA!
365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee
And Unconditional Refund Policy
Backed By Our 365-Day,
100% Money Back Guarantee
& Unconditional Refund Policy

You Can Order By Phone!
If you have any questions or if you’d like to order by phone, call our friendly 
customer service team at 1-800-523-5760 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 am-5:00pm EST).
You can also send an email to support@performancegolf.com.

“You Simply… CLIP IT & RIP IT
It’s THAT Easy!”

Here are some of the reasons golfers are saying this is the easiest — yet most effective — training aid they’ve ever experienced…


You don’t need to spend hours on the range getting used to the StraightAway.

After only a few practice swings, you can remove it…

And watch as you start flushing shot after shot.


Unlike most training aids that are bulky and awkward…

The StraightAway fits into any pocket of your golf bag.

That means, take it anywhere you go…

Clip it on any club in your bag…

Rehearse your first move…

And hit balls KNOWING your Tour Takeaway is on-track.


Meaning, not only do the results go with you… everywhere you play.

But more than that, you can use the StraightAway on ANY club in your bag…

Yes, ANY club… even your putter.

And with what I’m to give you next you’ll have a step-by-step guide on all my best tips and tricks!

The StraightAway Tracks Fixes These 3 Common Mistakes

All by focusing on just one part of your swing – the TAKEAWAY

#1: Your first move is rolled inside in the backswing
#2: Hands pushed away from the trail leg
#3: Only lift with no hip or shoulder turn
The StraightAway Tracks starts your swing on path

The yellow StraightAway Track aligns your club for you, without ever leaving your address position.

Secure Clip attaches to any club without sliding

Rotating twist locks hold it securely in place so it never slides, rotates, or interferes with your natural swing.

Universal design works with any club

The StraightAway works with any type of club in your bag.

Works for both left and right handers

Just flip over The StraightAway to rotate which hand is being used.

Golf clubs
Clip it to any club

Push it against the shaft of your club to click on, and then align it with your clubhead.

Golf clubs
Align StraightAway track

Rehearse your takeaway by aligning the StraightAway tracks with an alignment rod.

The StraightAway clipped to a club
Swing it

With your takeaway dialed in, take a few practice swings and rip the most effortless straight shots of your life.

3,477+ Reviews
“The swing was so repeatable each and every time.”
-Steve J.
“It’s like something just clicked, I hit 10 in a row perfectly.”
-Dr. Chris S.
“That’s just dead straight.”
-David B.
“3 swings, all on the green. It was like I couldn’t miss.”
-Carlo D.
“I must have hit 8-10 shots straight away at the target.”
-Corey A.
David Leadbetter, Pro Coach
  • 50-Year Hall of Fame Career
  • Coach To Seven Former World #1s

“In all my years of teaching, I have never seen as much improvement in golf swings than when players start using the StraightAway swing aid.”

The StraightAway

David Leadbetter, Nick Price, and dozens of tour pros are calling the StraightAway “the one training aid that fixes the most important part of the swing — the takeaway!”

Just “clip it and rip it” and you’ll have a more repeatable and reliable swing after a few rehearsals on the range.

Free Bonus: Leadbetter’s Perfect Pitch Video Training

Free Bonus: Leadbetter’s Pure Putt Method Video Training

Free Bonus: 14-days “All Access Pass” to Exclusive Scratch Club

Free Bonus: The Leadbetter StraightAway LIVESTREAM Access

$99 $79.00
365-Day Money
Back Guarantee
Free Shipping
In the U.S.
If at any time within the next 365 days you decide you’re not fully satisfied, simply send us an email at support@performancegolf.com and you’ll receive a 100% full and prompt refund, no questions asked.

If you follow the StraightAway System, the auto-swing technology is designed to get you initial results after your first few swings.

Most players don’t realize just how much the mistakes they make in their takeaway — a.k.a. the first move — are negatively impacting the rest of their swing.

But with the StraightAway technology, you have NO CHOICE but to get into the Tour Takeaway…

And see an immediate change in the overall quality and efficiency of your swing.

In just a few swings each week.

Simple: There’s a reason pros rehearse their takeaway with such precision.

Because they know when the swing starts correctly, it sets off a positive chain reaction throughout the entire swing:

An on-track first move that efficiently reaches the top of the backswing…

An inside-out downswing…

And the perfect impact position to make flush contact.

And when you’re hitting the center of the clubface more often — you not only improve your accuracy…

You also gain distance.

The StraightAway fits onto ANY club — and works the same for righties and lefties.

That means, you can use the StraightAway to dial in your irons, woods, and even your putting!

There’s no limit to the possibilities when you dial in Tour Takeaway and swing on rails, from start to finish.

This is a step-by-step system you MUST follow while using your StraightAway technology to GUARANTEE you get the fastest results.

This proven system works hand-in-hand with the StraightAway…

So you can start and finish your swing on the most efficient track — for flush contact and overall consistency.

The StraightAway System is based on the EXACT blueprint I’ve used in over 100,000 amateur lessons…

And with every major-winning tour player I’ve ever coached.

Inside the system, you’ll find twelve “do-this do-that” instructional videos.

These are my best drills and practice routines you should use with your StraightAway.

By following this system, you’ll not only improve your contact and consistency, you’ll become a more confident and skilled golfer on every level — and enjoy the game a whole lot more.

The short answer is, yes.

But it would take you a lot longer… and your chances of success are low.

That’s why it’s so important you follow the StraightAway System that is exclusively available for customers of the StraightAway.

As powerful as the system is, it would take you much longer to master the Tour Takeaway without using the StraightAway itself.

Remember, golf is a game of millimeters.

Very slight deviations in your contact, for example, can be the difference between flush contact and a mis-hit that ruins your hole.

It’s the same with your first move.

So if you want to immediately get into the Tour Takeaway position…

So you can start and finish your swing on-track.

Grab your StraightAway now… and start watching the video training today!

Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…

Because the StraightAway is based on everything I’ve learned giving thousands of lessons — at every level of the game.

And it’s already working for amateur players like you.

Still, in the extremely unlikely event it doesn’t work for you…

You’re covered by Performance Golf’s Industry-Leading 365-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Which includes a no-questions-asked, unconditional refund policy.

If you’re not completely thrilled with the way the StraightAway transforms your first move…

Fixes your swing flaws…

And puts your clubface on the perfect track for flush contact — on literally every single shot…

All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolf.com

And our trained customer support staff will send you instructions on how to return it…

So we can issue you a 100% refund.

It’s typically shipped out within 48 hours of order placement and then takes another 2 to 5 business days — depending on where you live.

International customers might need to wait up to 2 weeks for their StraightAway to arrive, not including any additional time for customs clearance.

But if you want to get your StraightAway faster… you can choose priority shipping on the next page and we’ll rush out your StraightAway as fast as possible.

Do that… and you can start dialing in your Tour Takeaway this week!

Yes, the StraightAway works equally well for players of all levels, no matter your skill level or handicap.

As I’ve said, it’s the ONE MOVE that amateurs should copy from the pros.

This is because players of every level benefit from dialing in a Tour Takeaway, starting the swing ON-TRACK… which ensures you finish the swing on-track and make consistently flush contact.

It’s not a complicated move, it doesn’t require pro-level timing, hand-eye coordination, balance, or strength.

However, the difference between a perfect takeaway and a flawed one can be subtle.

The beauty of the StraightAway is that it helps players of all levels fix this automatically, regardless of their skill level.

Because It gives you instant visual feedback… whether you’re doing it right or wrong.

Bottom line is…

There’s always room for any player to improve by using the StraightAway…

You just clip it and rip it.

Yes… even if your takeaway is already as good as Ernie Els…

The StraightAway can help!

Seriously, I’ve worked with Ernie for decades… and still to this day he sends me videos of his swing to make sure he’s dialed.

That means, no matter what level you’re at today… you ALWAYS have room to improve and further groove your Tour Takeaway.

I recommend starting EVERY practice session making a few rehearsals with your StraightAway…

And hitting at least 5 to 10 balls.

This repetition will assure your takeaway starts and finishes your swing on the most efficient path to make consistently flush contact.

Do that… and your swing will never fail when it matters most — on the course.

When you order TODAY — you get the StraightAway auto-swing technology, plus all the must-have training system and bonuses. This includes:

The StraightAway System, worth $197.

The Perfect Pitch Video Training, worth $197.

My Pure Putt Method, worth $97

And the Leadbetter LIVE Coaching Session with me, worth $300.

And you get your trial access to Scratch Club, valued at $97.

Plus, you get the peace of mind of knowing your investment is protected by Performance Golf’s industry-leading, 365-day money back guarantee.

It doesn’t get much better than that.

So if you’re ready to dial in your first move, so you start and finish your swing on rails…

And dramatically improve your contact AND consistency…

Then click the button above, secure your StraightAway, and we’ll prioritize your shipment today.

If for any reason you have other questions… feel free to email support@performancegolf.com

And our friendly customer support team will take care of you.