Get Your Hinge Clubface Control Trainer
The Hinge Clubface
Control Trainer
The world’s first Clubface Control Trainer that fixes your right miss FOR YOU… eliminating slices, weak fades, and pushes… IN JUST A FEW SWINGS. This is the single fastest way to go from standing over the ball worried about missing right… to playing your best golf and finally enjoying the game the way you’ve always wanted.
Bonus: Square Face Secret Video Training (instant online access)
Discover the ONE key adjustment that ensures your clubface stays square through impact… without overthinking your grip, takeaway, or swing mechanics. Start building confidence in your swing immediately, even before The
Hinge arrives at your door. We’ll text and email you the link to watch this exclusive video training as soon as you place your order.
Bonus: Draw The Driver Series
(instant online access)
If you can’t get off the tee, you can’t play this great game. That’s why this training shows you how to apply the square-face feel The Hinge gives you directly to your driver. Because whether you miss everything right… or only spray 2 or 3 shots a round… preventing errant tee shots is the fastest way to have more fun playing golf and build a lot of confidence.
If you can’t get off the tee, you can’t play this great game. That’s why this training shows you how to apply the square-face feel The Hinge gives you directly to your driver. Because whether you miss everything right… or only spray 2 or 3 shots a round… preventing errant tee shots is the fastest way to have more fun playing golf and build a lot of confidence.
Bonus: 14-Day Pass To World’s Smartest Game-Improvement App
Simply enter your score at the end of a round and the app instantly tells you what you need to practice. It tracks your shots from tee to green and then directs you to the correct training video based on your on-course data. No more guessing what to work on or wasting time hunting down swing tips. Just personalized training all designed to get you results on the course. That’s why it’s the fastest way to lower your scores.
Bonus: Amateur Equipment Guide & Coupon Book
This guide includes over $1,000 worth of exclusive coupons on the best gear for amateur golfers including discounted range finders, clubs, training aids, golf balls, and more. These savings are typically reserved for pros and wholesalers. Don’t waste thousands of dollars on the wrong gear. Use this guide to find what’s best for your game.
Bonus: VIP Golf Experience $500 Credit
Receive a $500 credit for you or a loved one to attend one of our exclusive in-person VIP golf camps. Learn from PGA-level coaches in a game-changing, immersive training experience that delivers years of improvement in just 2 to 3 days. This bonus also gives you priority access to skip the waitlist and jump to the front of the line.
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“I’ve tried every slice fix under the sun, and nothing stuck.
But The Hinge… wow. It’s different. I’ve been keeping it next
to my desk and make a few swings a day when I have a free
minute. And the other day I went to the range and turned
the ball over with my 6 iron… AND my driver! Haven’t seen
that ball flight in a LONG time!”
Mike J., 14 Handicap
Mike J., 14