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The StraightAway
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The Straight Stick
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The Launch Deck
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EASIEST 3-WOOD TO HIT IN THE AIR: The EZ3 is designed with Pure Strike Leading Edge. This makes the clubface more forgiving so it’s easy to launch your ball in the air from any lie.

EASIER TO HIT THAN YOUR 7-IRON: Unlike traditional 3-woods that require you to change your swing, the EZ3 allows you to use your natural iron swing with 3-wood results.

FIRST 3-WOOD DESIGNED FOR AMATEURS: With the EZ3 you don’t have to swing over 100 MPH to get the best results. That’s because It’s powered by Easy Strike Technology which helps amateurs make flush, high launch shots from any lie.

No assembly required

How is the EZ3 different from my current 3 wood?

The EZ3 is the ONLY 3 Wood built with Easy Strike Technology, custom-made for us everyday golfers.

It’s all thanks to the wizardry of the Easy Strike Technology:

  1. The Precision Launch Loft – sends the ball soaring high off the turf.
  2. The Pure Strike Leading Edge – catches the ball flush, no matter where your club hits.
  3. The Zero-G Clubhead – launches your ball dead center off that HOT clubface.
  4. The High-Velocity Shaft – revs up your swing speed with less effort.
Does the EZ3 work for beginner, intermediate, or experienced golfers?

The EZ3’s a game-changer for all golfers. It’s like the secret sauce that levels up your game, whether you’re a rookie, a mid-level pro, or a seasoned vet. So you’re going to nail those sweet, center-face strikes from the fairway WITHOUT changing your swing. And unlike those cookie-cutter 3-woods, the EZ3 isn’t picky—no need for crazy attack angles or supersonic swing speeds.

How long before I see results with the EZ3?

You’re in for instant wins with the EZ3! With the EZ3, there’s no need to tweak your setup, go all-out on your swings, or mess with your technique. Just swing it a few times, and you’ll be hitting high-trajectory shots with pinpoint accuracy and perfect contact. It’s like a shortcut to fantastic results – the EZ way!

Jess Frank Review
Fairway Wood Fundamentals
The StraightAway

INSTANTLY FIXES YOUR FIRST MOVE: Installs the perfect takeaway into your swing so you  start flushing every shot like the pros.

MAKES CONSISTENT CONTACT PRETTY MUCH INEVITABLE: A foolproof way to fix the root cause of your contact issues and inconsistency, so you make consistent contact every time.

WHAT ALL THE GREAT PLAYERS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW: All great players know the first move in your swing is everything in golf.

START FLUSHING YOUR SHOTS LIKE THE PROS: If you start your swing wrong, you’ll always struggle with poor contact like fat shots, thin shots, and other mis-hits that make it impossible to play consistent golf. Now you can steal this first move from the pros and make the best contact of your life!

Quick Start
How It Works
How long before I see results with the StraightAway?

The auto-swing technology is designed to get you initial results after your first few swings. You’ll see an immediate change in the overall quality and efficiency of your swing in just a few swings each week.

How does the StraightAway make my swing more repeatable and consistent?

Simple: When the swing starts correctly, it sets off a positive chain reaction throughout the entire swing:

An on-track first move that efficiently reaches the top of the backswing… An inside-out downswing… And the perfect impact position to make flush contact.

What club should I use when practicing with my StraightAway?

The StraightAway fits onto ANY club — and works the same for righties and lefties. That means, you can use the StraightAway to dial in your irons, woods, and even your putting!

Does the StraightAway work for beginner, intermediate, or experienced golfers?

Yes, the StraightAway works equally well for players of all levels, no matter your skill level or handicap.

Fault & Fixes Video
“Self Check”
Tour Takeaway
The Straight Stick

REPLACES ALL YOUR SWING TRAINERS WITH JUST ONE: A simple “all-in-one” solution that improves ALL your ball-striking mechanics in just a few practice swings a week.

GIVES YOU INSTANT FEEDBACK ON YOUR SWING (RELEASE): All you’ve gotta do is swing the Straight Stick… and wait for the click. It’s that simple!

CUTS YOUR PRACTICE TIME IN HALF: After just FIVE minutes with the Straight Stick, it’ll be the most immediate difference you have EVER seen in your swing!

HELPS YOU HIT THE SWEET SPOT MORE CONSISTENTLY: The Straight Stick gives you consistent flush contact and accuracy after just a few practice swings!

MAKES IT EASIER TO FLUSH YOUR OWN CLUBS ON THE COURSE: The results transfer straight onto the course so you flush more shots with your REAL clubs.

1. Set your adjustable AccuGrip to keep your hands in the perfect position throughout your swing.

2. Set the revolutionary Compression Clicker to your personal swing speed.

3. Address the ball just as you would a regular club and take your swing!

How long before I see results with The Straight Stick?

You’ll get instant feedback. Swing the club, listen for the click. If the click is missing, your swing might need work, such as being over-the-top or holding off the release. No worries, just do a few more practice swings until you hear THE CLICK. Most players start seeing results quickly – better contact and automatic accuracy – usually after a few practice swings. Have fun practicing, and expect those improvements to show up sooner than you’d think!

How does The Straight Stick give me compressed contact and accuracy?

The Straight Stick works by harmonizing your core swing mechanics throughout, right from your setup to the point of impact. This results in a coordinated interplay: dynamic loft is generated,your inside-out swing plane is synchronized, and the clubface aligns squarely with the intended path at impact.

Does The Straight Stick work for beginner, intermediate, or experienced golfers?

The Straight Stick is a game-changer for all golfers, no matter where you are on the skill spectrum. Here’s the scoop: Feeling and hearing that perfect release for killer contact and spot-on accuracy? That’s what the Straight Stick is all about, and it’s a universal deal.

Because nailing that inside-out swing path and controlling the clubface from setup to smackdown is a win for everyone! This tool is like your automatic fixer-upper, working its charm on all those issues, regardless of your golfing mojo. So, whether you’re a golf ninja or just getting started, the Straight Stick is your ace in the hole. Just set it, click it, hit it.

Quick Start
Official Review
The Launch Deck

FIXES YOUR SWING PATH TO HIT A CONTROLLED DRAW OR FADE: The two external feedback features (Swing Gates + Launch Hurdle) dial in a perfect swing path so you can consistently hit a draw or fade automatically.

MAXIMIZES YOUR ANGLE OF ATTACK FOR UP TO 40 YARDS MORE DISTANCE: The Launch Deck eliminates uncontrollable ball flight off the tee by improving your angle of attack so you can add 17 – 40 yards of added distance to your drives.

GROOVES A RELIABLE SWING PATH FOR CONSISTENT MONSTER TEE SHOTS: The Launch Deck helps with the most important part of golf… reliably hitting the fairway . All it takes is a few swings a week and you’ll be on your way to grooving perfect drives every time you play.

Quickstart Set Up Guide
How long before I see results with the Launch Deck?

The Launch Deck works like a charm from the get-go. Say goodbye to slices and hello to higher, longer, dead-straight drives in just a few swings a week!

How does the Launch Deck fix my slice and give me more distance?

The Launch Deck is designed with two features that give you instant EXTERNAL FEEDBACK on your swing. The Swing Gates groove the perfect inside-out path to encourage straight drives, or even baby draws. And The Launch Hurdles engrain a level, 3-degree positive, or 6-degree positive angle of attack.

Why is the Launch Deck the best way to fix my slice and gain distance?

The Launch Deck gives you EXTERNAL feedback, showing you what you REALLY did during your swing and EXACTLY how to fix it. It guides you to swing from the inside, square your clubface, and come into impact with a positive attack angle.

Does the Launch Deck work for beginner, intermediate, or experienced golfers?

Whether you’re a scratch golfer, 25-handicap, or haven’t broken 100 yet – the Launch Deck will help you hit longer, straighter drives.

Slice Fix
Hook Fix

SQUARES THE CLUBFACE THROUGH IMPACT FOR YOU: The number one reason for a slice is an open clubface relative to your swing path. The SF1 is designed with Square Face Technology so that you can stop slicing on the course… where it counts.

HAVE THE CONFIDENCE TO HIT YOUR DRIVER EVERY TIME: Hit dead straight drives, controlled cuts, or even baby draws with SF1, boosting your performance off the tee.

EFFORTLESSLY REVERSES YOUR SLICE: The SF1 is the fastest way to stop slicing the golf ball without any drills, without hitting tons of balls at the range, and without making big changes to your swing.

No assembly required

Does the SF1 conform to the rules of golf?

Yes, you can use it in any USGA event.

What Is Square Face Technology And How Does It Make The SF1 Different From Other Slice Fixes?

Unlike big name drivers that focus on distance for pros… or use too much heel-weight in an attempt to fix your slice… SF1 combines all the best anti-slice technology features into ONE club.

The innovative AeroSquare Crown speeds the toe closed fixing the root cause of a slice… an open face.

Square Face Technology including Anti-Slice Face Curvature, Draw Calibrated Face Angle and Counter Slice Weights result in straighter distance AND lower scores.

With BOTH a premium performance counterbalance shaft and sleek, modern design you’ll be proud to pull your driver out of the bag.

How Long Does It Take To Fix My Slice?

The Square Face Technology in the SF1 works on every swing to square your clubface relative to your swing path at impact. So it immediately fixes the hardest part of what’s causing your slice on the course – an open face.

Rick Smith Lesson 1
Rick Smith Lesson 2